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Finding a flat stretch of Mun

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A while ago I had great fun playing with a rover on the Minmus salt flats, using the wide open spaces to get up to some really good speeds. I've been trying to recreate this on the Mun, but so far the rover has a tendency to lose control the first time it hits a bump going much more than 40 m/s. Does the Mun have any large ultraflat surfaces for rover racing like Minmus does?

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"Much more than 40m/s" you mean much more than 144km/h :sticktongue: Honestly, with the gravity on the Mun, it's normal to lose control at that speed. And no, considering the stock rover wheels have barely no (if not zero, I'd need to check the cfg files) control at such speeds, I don'T think you will find a place smooth enough for this kind of speed on the Mun.

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Mun has a much more shallow hilly terrain than Minmus, you might try one of the two very large craters, (The "Eyes of the Mun" sorta), they're the best place I can think of.

And if your rover can go up to 40 m/s before it starts to lose control then you are doing very well indeed with that design! Best I can do before a flip-out is certain is around 18-20 m/s

Incidently, come 0.21, the Mun terrain is likely to get even more irregular due to the many small craters which seem to be in store.

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Oh, I got well over 100 m/s on Minmus (airplane wheels, not rover parts). You pretty much lose the ability to turn, but you can continue to accelerate at least. If you hit the slightest bump at those speeds, you'll go flying madly, which is why I'm looking for flat Munar ground. What I'm looking to do is less about turning and more about "Munar land speed record", I didn't have high hopes, but I figured it was worth checking for the presence of some perfectly flat terrain.

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