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Am I the only one who ignores the math,


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So by that logic all my idiot friends on facebook who "tlk lik dis dood. Yolo swag 420" are mathematical geniuses! You're on a forum, a place where you can only communicate by writing, please use somewhat good grammar and definitely use correct spelling.

Nah. That is called laziness and the teachers did not whip them hard enough to make them try and do it right in the first place.

If that were the case, lower verbal scores on the SAT would correlate with higher math scores. They don't, and I'd be very interested in anything that would scientifically support that ridiculous theory.

You missed the word "MIGHT" in my post as well as the jest about the way people are posting on this forum. Also if you whre to look at kids in Special Ed you would notice such more often. Also Kids that are in special Ed don't take SAT if I remember right or would not surprise me if those kids where left out intetionally too.

Anyways. Regardless of how one plays this game. As long as they find it fun with low stress. Who cares what they doto make it fun.

Edited by purpletarget
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