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Rocket Artillery! [a simple challenge]

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Guest Brody_Peffley

Dude you can see the wings. He didn't clip them. Its all right there. It meets the requirements because he uses no mod. And he doesn't have an engine. And he has no controls to push himself.. Its really simple.

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He's also accelerated time before launch and other funny business as evidenced by total distance traveled in here. Physics warping which is also in use here, leads to oddities as well. No wreckage shot which would show part counts out of the norm, etc.


After playing for a long time, it's pretty easy to tell when people pull shenanigans on these things. an RT10, with 4 swept wings (there are more than 4 clipped in there from the looks of it though), and no funny business is not going to produce what he has without manipulation of some sort.

If it's legit, the .craft file will show it, hence the request.

Edited by occar
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Well, who would want to wait an hour just for an aircraft to fly :/

Sometimes people cheat on these things. It's a fact. It's why the standard response is a request for the craft. It makes it obvious. Either they edit the craft and it performs nothing like what they claim, or they post the real craft, and everyone sees it's a fake. It's also part of the reason, when mine was going twice as far as the closest competition, I put the craft up to show there was nothing out of sorts with it.

The nice thing is, except on the piloting challenges, it's trivial to just check out a craft. If people withhold the craft, they're hiding something, if people post it, it proves if it's legit or not really fast.

Edited by occar
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Actually I think it is a legit submission.

I just tried for myself with the same setup, just with 5 sets of wings instead of 4, and it seems at around 16km altitude you can hit a sweet spot in the glide-slope which has -5m vertical and 120m horisontal, and the glide path will improve even more as you come down to denser atmosphere. The glide path is otherwise completly stable and it seems like you can hold it for quite a while. It does take some continued pressure on the stick, but not even terribly much.

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The craft will show.

With a legit craft, there would be no reason to accelerate time before launch (making a total travel distance of over 1M), no reason to hide the makeup of the ship (not letting it crash), no reason to speed up physics, and no reason to not provide what is required for a valid submission (an entire flight).

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I built a plane based on the pictures (as best as I could) and tested it out. While I stuck a mechjeb on it because I already put in my entry and wasn't competing at this point, this plane really does have some nice flying ability. My copy when launched vertically and CAREFULLY brought down to a 1 or 2 degree glide slope goes like forever without any gimmicks that i can see.. these pictures were from a quick run, but I can see how this plane could do much more:



it's just 4 sets of swept wings stacked in 3 and 2 generators with a small probe body

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And now we have confirmation that it's possible. Did you have to turn off clipping to stack the wings?

no, I didn't have to do anything special. I'll supply the craft file for anyone who can point me to a file sharing site without a "free toolbar" lol

(btw, I sure hope they get the forum fixed soon! took me an age to post!)

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