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Mun Base

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Challenge: Land on the moon with lander legs and leave a moon base/habitat module of some sort. Use any mod pack you want just can\'t edit the values of i.e. weight. Then take off and leave it behind.

Must include:

Habitat module

lander legs

solar panels

screen shot of it landed and one of it with separation from base.

The more you leave behind the better.

My 1st attempt, top half splits off, leaving behind module, fuel tank, engine and legs


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Solar cells for recharging your LOX is one of the stupidest things I\'ve read. ???

Solar cells on your moonbase for all your (as yet) imagined energy needs is cool.

Why? Apparently, you have never heard of the phenomena of electrolysis of water. The two elements are produced at opposite ends of the circuit. They can be easily sequestered. This is not an efficient method of creating oxygen and hydrogen. However, it does work. The only gripe I really have is they work too quickly. I have edited the cfg file so that they are about three times slower. I noticed that using just one of the small 1m tanks from wobbly rockets with one of the stock solar panels was enough to way over do the effect.

Part of the problem is they over fill the tank. They don\'t stop when the tank is full and that is a game breaker for them right now. It is possible to generate rocket fuel with solar cells. It\'s just neither practical or fast. With space travel in mind, they could be very useful for generating fuel for a refueling station. It\'s a bit of a stretch, but not out of the realm of belief.

I would like to see these only usable for RCS tanks.

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Hi all!

First post on the forum.

I don\'t know if this qualifies for the challenge, but i made this:

I no legs or solar panels, but the spent boosters could be used as habitat modules - round empty 'rooms', just need some decoration (and air) :D

On the other hand, it\'s in vanilla.

PS: Sorry about P1 being laggy as ...

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Hi all!

First post on the forum.

I don\'t know if this qualifies for the challenge, but i made this:

I no legs or solar panels, but the spent boosters could be used as habitat modules - round empty 'rooms', just need some decoration (and air) :D

On the other hand, it\'s in vanilla.

PS: Sorry about P1 being laggy as ...

Well Welcome Aboard nice Video MINI series i liked it. I STILL cant even get a rocket on the mun with MODS and u do it with stock :D
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I guess I\'ll repost these here.




My Munlab-1 mini outpost, consisting of a service module, two 'my first science kit' packages, two solar panels, a probe/sat of some kind, all plugged in on the descent stage. Service module is sort of habitable if you cram yourself between the RCS tank and the avionics package. At any rate, I imagine it to be a short term mini science outpost of some kind. It could operate in 3 ways. Simplest and best, the flight crew is also the science crew and just stays on the Mun until the mission is complete. Since I was able to use much of my TMI stage to actually slow my descent when landing, the actual descent stage had almost full tanks when I touched down. Meaning the Munlab-1 could in theory return to Kerbin orbit on it\'s own - the return stage could return the flight crew home, and the science crew could fly the Munlab back to Kerbin orbit for orbital retrieval. Or way 3, the base is deployed separately and unmanned, it\'s crew flown in and out using another smaller lander. If the game allowed for such things, of course. But there was plenty of fuel to return it to Kerbin orbit and there\'s no harm in a bit of fantasy :)

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I completed the challenges.

But the return home didn\'t go quite as planned, but hey, the base is deployed for further moon landings.

before Launch


Reaching orbit




A little more decoupling


Intercepting the Mun


Slowing down for descent


Success!!! Base is deployed!


Using RCS modules to hover for screenshot, but main engine didn\'t turn on quite as I had hoped


Oh my god! The horror!


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