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How to transfer Kethane???

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Well, as the title says, i want to create a mining operation wich sends the kethane to a station in orbit, the mining platform is fixed, so i was planning to mine kethane then transfer it to a transport and send it to the station...the big question is, does quamtum fuel transfer transfer kethane? is there a mod that allows me to transfer kethane from a ship to another without docking?

i just dont want to have to redesign my entire mining project after i started it and found out the quantum fuel transfer is not capable of doing so...

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Alternatively, depending on where you are mining the Kethane, you could have a mobile drilling rig that can land, drill/fill up, and then launch back up to the station to drop off its load and refuel. This would allow you to transfer Kethane by docking. I've used this method versus the fixed or rover-based Kethane operations, because it allows you to tap any deposit you like, and you can switch between them easily.

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Quantum Fuel transfer can do it. Just put the transfer probe on a tank from which you will transfer it. You might have to build a new ship and restart your mission.

I kinda did the same but i refine the kethane in the smallest tank on the digsite and transfer the monoprop and fuels during the docking. Than i go back down and fill up the tanks again.

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Kethane is registered as an ordinary resource, when installed properly - you can transfer it with every system, that can handle regular fuel transfers.

Be carefull though: Kethane is quite heavy compared to the normal fuel components - it might be a good idea to refine it low the gravity well and only ship the fuel into orbit.

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Thanks to everyone for oyur answers :) now i can think of a proper mining project, the idea of having mobile miners is quite good, so i may do a mobile base, but i do horrible dockings :P so i`ll stay with the idea of a tanker, probably of fuel since i didn`t knew the kethane was heavyer

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Kethane is heavy but it really depends on where you're extracting it. If you're going to go with a rocket based rig that can land and take off, then extracting from a low gravity airless body is ideal. When I first experimented with Kethane I was mining it from Minmus and using an orbital station to do the actual refining (to save weight on the miner instead of carrying the heavy converter on the ship). The miner only had to have enough thrust to get off Minmus when fully loaded and carry just enough fuel to get to the station, to maximize the percentage of the craft weight that was Kethane (which should maximize efficiency).

Always more than one way to do things though!

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I use KAS. Well, i'm going to. I managed to place the converter wrong on my first driller plane, and made an edit to my second driller plane which made my KAS-parts disappear. I've now added KAS-functionality to a fast plane to get over there, but i nicked two engines off on landing. I now have three pilots over there rather than one :P.

But yeah, kethane is listed as a normal resource, so anything that will transfer LiquidFuel should also transfer Kethane.

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I use KAS. It has the detachable radial connection port, so you don't even need to rebuild and relaunch your ships. Send something out with a bunch of the radial connectors, EVA and attach to your station, your mining rigs, whatever. Easy. :)

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