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No one doing a 44th Anniv Re-enactment? Let's all land on the Mun this weekend!


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i heard about the anniversary just in time to coincide with when i planned to launch my mun communications base (im running remotech)

so i renamed it tribute and landed it next to the memorial :D

not the best tribute i could have done but the timing was there so why not :P

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I finished my 44th reenactment this morning (or late last night, depending), and uploaded the bulk of it to my not-ready-for-primetime website: http://0div0.org/20130720-kerbal-apollo11.html (Link temporarily dead.)

Included in there are several animated gifs, some of which are a bit large (5MBs+), so beware if you try to access that page form your phone or a low-bandwidth net connection. ;) A note on the craft file: I included it for completion's sake, but advise against using it. It's... a bit rickety, and somewhat outdated. (I just grabbed a ship I already had on hand to fly this mission and adapted as needed. Jeb and the Bs miraculously survived. The "legal" parts clipping on the LEM ascent module was a poor decision and produces weird physics. Don't try this at home.)

To end with an image, here's one from LEM recovery taken inside Columbia by Bill:


Edited by Cydonian Monk
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Thanks for the rep. To answer the question (since more than one person has asked) the gifs are just a series of screenshots, not converted from a recording. I assembled them in the GiMP (for OS-X). For this batch I just spammed the F1 key... if I do something similar in the future I'll probably set up a macro to handle the sampling (would give me a consistent rate as well). Cheaper then recording a video (disk space wise).

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If you have twitter and you are interested in History you should follow Michael Beschloss.

He always posts the best historic photos and he posted a few over the weekend from Apollo 11.




I assume that third shot is just as the Saturn V goes transonic from the condensation cloud.




Last shot not from Apollo 11 but Apollo 14.

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In honor of the Apollo 11 anniversary I have been watching a bunch of NASA mission videos. I have a new Mun landing planned but will probably wait until .21.

I stumbled on this video that not only shows how Lunar Orbit Rendezvous was performed with the ascent stage of the LM, but is also a clear demonstration of how to achieve it! I am going to try this maneuver in ksp with my next rendezvous attempt! It really is explained better here in this old clip than what I have seen anywhere.

I just had to share this with someone, I hope it helps.

If anything it provides info for a more accurate reenactment. :)

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Just finishing up...

(forgot to take a snap of the ascent from surface)

Rendezvous with "command and service module"


Jeb EVAing back to the CSM.


Jeb EVAing back to the CSM.


Undocked from LM. Funny, I left MechJeb/Prograde in the "active" position in the LM, so after undocking, it flipped around, this is why the CSM's nose is pointing towards the rear of the now-empty LM.


Took this right after Trans-Kerbin burn


The return orbit


Shot showing the CSM departing Munar influence and headed back to Kerbin


Kerbin getting bigger and bigger in the window








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Here is my submission to commemorate the Apollo 11 mission;

(I didn't quite manage to get it done for the 21st, but at least I made it before the 24th!)

I did the landing in IVA mode which was actually a first for me. I de-orbited it in map mode and roughly picked a landing area, from then on I stayed in IVA (aside from getting a quick shot of the legs deploying) until touch down. Made the whole thing so much more real, my heart rate was up and it was like landing on the Mun for the first time. There was also a solar eclipse going on in the background, it was just beautiful.

Edited by katateochi
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