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If Squad stopped KSP development tomorrow would you be happy with the game?


If Squad stopped KSP development tomorrow would you be happy with the game?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. If Squad stopped KSP development tomorrow would you be happy with the game?

    • I would be happy with KSP and I would keep playing
    • I would be happy with KSP but I would stop playing
    • I would NOT be happy with KSP and I would keep playing
    • I would NOT be happy with KSP but I would stop playing

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This is by far the most worthy investment in a game I've ever done. The h/€ of gameplay beats just everything I encountered.

I would be sad and disappointed, if Squad would put it down, but it is so much fun, I wouldn't stop playing. I couldn't stop. I am addicted. KSP mind controls me. I. can. not. stop. :D

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Assuming 0.21 came out tomorrow, I'd only be partially happy. Had they not promised Career Mode, I probably would be fine with the game as it is in 0.21. But right now it's a sandbox game with a massive well of potential just waiting for the devs to come along and make it a reality.

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  • 3 months later...

They are so close to what I would consider a complete game. All they need is a mission/campaign structure for Career Mode and maybe some more in-game tutorials and scenarios. Poof! Done!

But lately the development seems to drag on. Now I know complaints aren't appreciated on this forum.

Don't get me wrong, I love this game! It is frickin' awesome and I can't wait for it to be finished, I just wish it was done a little faster.

I will use Minecraft as an example. It went from Alpha release to full release in just two years and Notch was pretty much by himself and a small team for the majority of it. I know minecrafts coding isn't probably as complex as KSP so that is partially justified.

But if you look at the version history of updates, the first updates to this game were done pretty quickly, maybe a Month and a bit between versions. Hell some updates were done within weeks.

But the last couple of updates have taken at least 2 months, the R&D one being a whole 3 months. I understand this was a large update!

But so was 0.17 and 0.18 , adding lots of new planets and features in only 2 months development time.

At this rate it feels like it will be years, they are only adding 1 point to the versions every couple of months, thats like 10 years just to get to the Full Release version number.

What I feel I have seen lately (since the addition of KSP to the Steam Network) is that there is a slow down.

Perhaps some of the motivation to finish to game has been lost since they are making so many sales in Steam?

Perhaps already being able to sell a half-finished game discourages them to work faster to finish it?

I mean, they already have our money so why would they owe us anything more right?

I've heard that argument so many times from the die-hard fanboys here on the forums

"They don't owe you anything, you paid for the game, you got it, they could stop tomorrow and you have to deal with it"

Or something like that... which I believe is an INVALID argument.

On Steam is says "ALPHA, more features to be added" Not "Here is an Alpha Stage game, thanks for the money"

I do think they OWE us something, they are selling a game with the promise to finish, you can just cope out like that and say they don't have to now that they have our money.

Please guys, if this game is your life, you are sooooo close, I would rather wait longer for this next update and just call it Version 1, finito!

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Think the OP is fueling the debate and doing more harm than good with polls like this.

At the end of the day, KSP is still in early development and still has a long road ahead of it.

If the pace of development is an issue with some people, well that's their problem. No sense in fanning the fires of these minority few. I myself feel that the development is going at a good pace, and a pace in which the devs seem happy enough not to get burned out at.

Seriously, this is how forum wars start.

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From our global moderator sal_vager's good conduct guide

For really old threads, more than three months since the last post for example, there is never any need to revive them, if you have something to say post a new thread and link to the old one instead.

Guys please don't necro threads.

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