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Custom Control Pad + Sneak Peek video

L.J. Silver

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UPDATE : we finally have an official release date 11/27/13

and a trailer for CCP Application :


very first video sneak peek...

We are working on more "professional" tutorials and videos for CCP app in general and for KSP mod, but in the meantime i thought i could share the very first footage ;) .

Hi all !

I'm here to show a Mod for KSP and a mobile application (iOs at the moment).


larger image at : http://i.imgur.com/dGNsPIU.jpg

First thing, my experience with KSP :

I found out about KSP on unity showcase forum when it wasn't yet released, immediately downloaded first beta when it became available (0.7 ? ) and from there on it was love :)

Haven't been active on the forums but have been reading them almost daily since "long" time, and i'm impressed by the community, great people, great resources, interesting discussions, lots of science and much more...

WARNING : work in progress, info and gui are subject to change :)

I own / work in a mobile development company (we make games mainly), and since quite some time we have been working on CCP :

Custom Control Pad is application which will soon debut for iOS, Android very soon after and other platforms to in the near future. It will simulate keyboard, joystick and midi inputs, let you set up and save infinite layouts of buttons, virtual joysticks , knobs, and many other elements. And all inputs will be sent to a Mac or PC running our server application (via Bluetooth of Wifi). Pc applications can send data to CCP to (some modding required for this), allowing to display on the ipad screen informations about it.

Layouts can be application dependant, and will switch when switching application / game on the PC. UI skins are COMPLETELY moddable, meaning that you can create and share custom skins, and have many different layouts with different skins.

The main idea was to use our iPads to remember and control the shortcuts for the many different application we use in our daily work, soon after we realized that it would have been great for games too, allowing to hide the GUI on the PC Screen and move it to the iOs device.

Being a big Kerbal fan, immediately after a few tests in Final Cut Pro and photoshop, KSP became our official application testing ground, and after some time using i can assure you that its a great experience :).

KSP and CCP the MOD :

I've been working on mod for KSP which allows data to be sent to CCP on the mobile device, it is made in such a way that and external mod can connect to it, and send custom data to it, modders interested in supporting / testing it can contact me via Private Message.

App is very close to release and Beta program is complete

Android beta coming soon. Stay tuned for more infos..

Fast Beta Update :

We had a great response from the community about the Beta program, great thanks to all that applied for the program, unfortunately, Apple has shut down (working on it due to the hacker attack of last week) their developer portal, so we CAN'T add your devices to beta program until they put the site back up..... All application will be considered , just that we can't say for sure when you will receive your custom beta build....

Example KSP layout for CCP : (i use this to play on a iPad mini)


in this example layout KSP sends Speed, altitude fuel info, Time warp, sas status and more, to CCP running on a iPad. All buttons works exactly has expected in KSP !

We are currently implementing virtual joysticks, so that you can control stuff as vessel rotation with it .

Custom Control Pad will be a paid app, we are still finalizing pricing / lite version policy. It's a big project, and it will improve your workflow on many applications as well as gaming experience......... A free version is in the works but can't say much about it now....

Really hope you like the project and how it can help / improve KSP experience.

All feedback, suggestions, ideas, thoughts is more than welcomed .

Update :

I finally managed to make a useful spaceplane that can bring 8 Kerbals (+3 crew) to my LKO spacestation and land back at KSC safely. CCP helped a lot with a specific spaceplane layout made to keep track of important values (AIR INTAKE !!) while flying with Joystick, when in orbit i ditch the real joystick, change layout on CCP to "Docking" layout with touch joystick controls for rotate , translate , forward / back , etc...

Set up Joystick + CCP screen:


CCP spaceplane data layout:


All feedback about what to display is more than welcomed, we have some limitations due to universality of the layouts but a lot is doable.

Before posting this thread we contacted Squad, and we will provide an "official" default KSP layout together with the application (app will come with biggest applications layouts, photoshop, maya, final cut etc..)

so all suggestions about what to put and where .....

Edited by L.J. Silver
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This thread is gonna explode! I absolutely love the modding community; something like this can be expected on any day. :)

EDIT: You might get some complaining about the fact that the full version will cost, but for the work that seems to have been put into this, a lot of people would be happy to be able to pay a developer for their awesome work! Actually, a lot of these mod makers deserve to be paid for their mods. :wink:

Edited by Panichio
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  Panichio said:

EDIT: You might get some complaining about the fact that the full version will cost, but for the work that seems to have been put into this, a lot of people would be happy to be able to pay a developer for their awesome work! Actually, a lot of these mod makers deserve to be paid for their mods. :wink:

I couldn't agree more. You have to pay for controllers anyways, and I'm sure it wont be priced outrageously.

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  Panichio said:
EDIT: You might get some complaining about the fact that the full version will cost, but for the work that seems to have been put into this, a lot of people would be happy to be able to pay a developer for their awesome work! Actually, a lot of these mod makers deserve to be paid for their mods. :wink:

I'm more concerned about the iOS only part.

Incase no Android port is planned I'll go for developing a KSP specific Android app.

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I have a quick question because apple is so fast with there iOS can it be possible to play it on an older ipad with an older iOS because it won't let you update to iOS 5 or 6. (1 gen ipad) hope this gets on the app store. great work!:D

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  BlackNecro said:
I'm more concerned about the iOS only part.

Incase no Android port is planned I'll go for developing a KSP specific Android app.

Well I don't have a smartphone, so I'll just admire the work going on here from the outside. :wink:

Would you be able to develop the same thing for Android? If so, why haven't you already?? :P

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Wow, thanks a lot for the replies and feedback !

About the android version, we are working on it too. We plan to release Android version about 1 month after iOs version (windows phone 8 , PC and Mac a bit later). Cant yet make precise estimates about release dates, but very soon :)

I have a quick question because apple is so fast with there iOS can it be possible to play it on an older ipad with an older iOS because it won't let you update to iOS 5 or 6. (1 gen ipad) hope this gets on the app store. great work!

Sure ! We are supporting iOs up to version 4.3.

Together with the app we will release an SDK, .dll's and examples on how to send data to CCP from other applications and games as well.

I'm not sure I'd want to use my iPad as a controller for KSP, but would it be possible to output a Mechjeb/Kerbal Engineer style display to it? Basically using it as an external monitor for gauges, orbit stats, etc.

Absolutely, after work i've spent last nights working on a kerbal specific mod to allow kerbal data out to CCP, mod is made in such a way that all other mods can easily interface with it and send data to CCP on the mobile device.

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  L.J. Silver said:
Wow, thanks a lot for the replies and feedback !

About the android version, we are working on it too. We plan to release Android version about 1 month after iOs version (windows phone 8 , PC and Mac a bit later). Cant yet make precise estimates about release dates, but very soon :)

Sure ! We are supporting iOs up to version 4.3.

Together with the app we will release an SDK, .dll's and examples on how to send data to CCP from other applications and games as well.

Absolutely, after work i've spent last nights working on a kerbal specific mod to allow kerbal data out to CCP, mod is made in such a way that all other mods can easily interface with it and send data to CCP on the mobile device.

I think a bunch of us just had joy gasms......the wife will not be happy with me seeting up all my idevices around my computer though(and stealing hers).......oh well :sticktongue:

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I have to admit, this would make Kerbal even more interesting to me, and I've enjoyed it quite a bit so far. I'm glad you're looking to Android as well and, depending on the price, could see myself paying for this. Especially if there is no noticeable lag, as if it was all input via a standard USB keyboard. Best of luck.

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  Nicky89107 said:
Excuse me, but isn't it illegal to force payment on this? It's a mod for the game.

As far as I know, KSP doesn't reserve any rights like this with regard to mods, and KSP plugins are not considered derivative works. Even if they did, he could release a "spaceship simulator control pad" app that's paid, and a "spaceship simulator interface plugin" that's free.

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Excuse me, but isn't it illegal to force payment on this? It's a mod for the game.

I probably explained myself badly, the MOD for KSP will be free and open sourced, the mobile device application, CCP, will be paid. Kerbal is one of many of uses for CCP, we actually started working on it as a general shortcut manager for Photoshop, unity, final cut pro etc, and that is what we use it for during work time... Me being a KSP junky inserted a general "Cockpit" skin among the default ones that will ship with the app, setted up fastly a KSP control layout , and lastly made the MOD for KSP to send data back to the app, but main functionalities as configurable keys, joysticks etc would work without the mod.

Edited by L.J. Silver
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  Nicky89107 said:
Excuse me, but isn't it illegal to force payment on this? It's a mod for the game.

Well i can't speak to the legality of it but the usual rule applies, you don't want it then don't buy it. There are tons of apps out there for table top games like D&D and you pay for them, how is this any different.

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I've got a suggestion...

To create more "White space" on the app screen and make it more *small device* friendly, replace the "throttle up/down" buttons with a slider, similar to a throttle control in aircraft, or even like a volume control on old audio boxes.

The idea is neat, and could pave the way for a "touchscreen gamepad" that interfaces with PC over Bluetooth, USB, or even Wi-Fi. Good luck and Go Crazy!

Edit: Don't forget the "Abort!!!" button ^_^

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