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Leetle Question (Bout reskinning)

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Aaaanyways, I have found LOTS of wonderful parts, which work together really well, but don\'t match up skin-wise (I know I know, Kerbal tech is kinda junkyard techie in a way :P) but i was wondering if I did a reskin and tweaked config files of various parts to make a smooth (ish) looking setup, would that be considered okay? I would attempt to contact any modeler or person in the config files first of course, and leave them with the original author title in the file (just a Modded by Jack after).

Basically I wanted to know if this was acceptable? I don\'t want to make anyone angry or anything or suddenly have a hive of angry bees descend upon me ._.

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That depends entirely on the author of the parts. Ask them directly. Some of them (if not most) should be okay, but there might be some people uncomfortable with that.

PS: if my material is part of what you wish to edit, go right ahead. I\'d love to see a better-done texture for them.

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Yeah same here, I\'m slowly getting the hang of 3D modeling simpler things and making them work in KSP but my artistic talent was given to someone else at birth. In fact, I\'m getting ready to put out a \'Space 1999 Eagle\' lookalike command pod that really needs better textures.

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Here\'s where I\'m at currently, the Command pod is more or less done except needs much better texture, the utility pods on the sides I turned into RCS fuel tanks - they\'re done except for tinkering with the cfg perhaps, texture could be much improved - just using blank all white lol. Need to do landing struts - C7\'s shockpads aren\'t a good fit for this. Of course, scaling is probably off a bit, and I\'m unsure how far I want to go with doing a full out Eagle like body. I\'m thinking I\'ll do the lift thrusters as unidirectional RCS modules with rocket flame effects - following up on C7\'s approach to VTOL.

I\'m not 100% happy with the proportions of the command pod, but I\'m going with the story that Jeb picked up some strange EMR (Space 1999 rerun) while crossing the dark side of the Mun and it\'s his conception of it that\'s being modeled. I extruded/bent/banged/beat a simple cylinder into the pod model so I\'m not too unhappy with the result. Learned quite a bit in the process :)

I\'ll probably put up a zip file tomorrow with the prototype parts and a texture-uvmap png for each part included.

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The not being separated from the main engines is what had me looking at a \'fake lift thruster RCS\' solution. I think you could make a rocket that pointed and thrust in the right direction for the lift thrusters but without separate control... I suppose you could make your belly thrusters highly gimbaled LFEs but then you\'d me messed up for normal spaceflight. In most of the film clips I remember seeing, the belly thrusters were used only during takeoff and landing - just as RCS is used by many players now for that, or at least partially that, on Mun landers.

I\'m wondering if its possible to make a front section and rear section similar to the transporter version with the backbone being either 1m tanks, allowing for jettisonable cargoes or with 2m tanks and no cargo - well, none with any landing clearance below. Would have two attachment points in the rear of the front section and the front of the back section - only one pair of which would be used at a time - top pair for 1m tank backbone, center pair for 2m tank backbone. Might need many many struts lol.

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Honestly, are you planning to release the skin back to the community? Then definitely seek permission from the authors. If it\'s for you and you alone.. I say this as an artist myself. If I made something for this game and someone wanted a different look.. well, honestly *I* would like to make it for them, because I\'m an ego-driven ahole (artists, huh? ::)), but if someone made something just for themselves, it was never distributed nor even screenshotted, what difference to me does it literally make?

I\'ve reskinned the vanilla LOX tanks several times because.. WTH are they even made from? But it was purely for my own game. I don\'t think I\'ve even flashed a screenshot. I\'ve found all the skins for 3rd-party parts to be of an acceptably high quality, however and wouldn\'t ever even want to change them.

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I\'ve found all the skins for 3rd-party parts to be of an acceptably high quality, however and wouldn\'t ever even want to change them.

If you\'ve seen my radially attached jet engine I call bullshit on that statement :P

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