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NASA shows off its MechJeb- *cough* -err.. computers


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Cheaters. Also, mistakes face.

E: Damn, that accountant slams the machine like I do under a deadline! It's nice to know anthropomorphising inanimate objects is nothing new.

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Why the background sound of an rocket taking off.

But yes main difference between mechjeb and an real computer in an space program is that mechjeb is more user friendly and that it always get correct data. Not so easy to get an spacecraft exact position in real world.

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I am of the opinion that somebody at NASA is looking at this game and going "Awwww... How cute! Here, let me show you how it's really done."

A few days later, a new user pops up with an epic mod/plugin that totally changes the way we see the game. Again.

Hey, it's either NASA, or we're back to MIB again. :D

Seriously, I'm going to consider my theory completely proven if somebody releases a solar ray simulator to fark with any computers onboard at random. I can just see it now... Altimeter and/or navball just stop working and go dark, MechJeb starts returning really screwy values and driving the ship completely off its tits, cats and dogs living together- MASS HYSTERIA!

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