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Kerbal Space Program Launcher (Closed Alpha)


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Kerbal Space Program Launcher

Hello everyone. Im Magnet_man16 and am fairly new around here. I have only made one other KSP software, which was KSP Mod Installer.

Today, here. I would like to announce the development of the Kerbal Space Program Launcher. With this you can manage and launch your game. Features which will be in Beta (Maybe Alpha) are:

- Mod Manager (Manage your KSP mods. Enable/Disable them, uninstall or install new ones)

- SpacePort (Direct downloading and installation)

- Settings (Alter in game setting out of the game. Simpler and quicker)

- Saves (Manage your saves and create save backups... for like when my space station randomly de-orbited...)

- Flags (Add custom flags to mark your milestones)

- Any other suggestions are welcome!

So now i'll let you see what i've got so far :) (KSP Launcher is subject to heavy change :D)

1. This is what will show when you launch 'Kerbal Space Program Launcher'. On the right version info and news. On the left you can Launch or Abort (Which is exit). In the release the Mods button will be something different and take you to a sub menu. Unless someone has another idea.


2. Here you can see the mods section and the gray mod is currently disabled, meaning it wont load in KSP. To enable it you just click it and click enable. The other yellow mods are currently enabled. At the bottom, well the buttons are self explanatory.


3. Here you can see the option for re-ednabling the disabled mod.


If you want to be a Alpha tester you will need to create a Magnet account at -removed- one you've signed up you just need to comment on the home page saying "KSP Launcher - Alpha Tester". And you should be in. I will then email you when Alpha comes around!. Good luck 10 places.

Further information will be available soon at -removed- . :wink:

Edited by Aphox
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If i change one then i should make them all in game. What do you think? I have other better artworks i could have used for the main screen. But thanks for the feedback. Ill use a ingame one. If you can find a good one on google ill use it. They aren't mine as i struggle to keep in orbit for some reason.

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The backgrounds look out of place together, but I like both of them. Highly interested to see how this turns out. I'd offer to help with testing, but I am already trying to help test another WIP when I have time.

Also, that big open space you left with the mod name above it made me think that would be a really nice spot for a mod part list :sealed:

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Don't advertise your software on this thread. Some source code will not be provided due to security. And i have not downloaded your thing. And yea same features but a much better way of doing it. Be useless looking at yours as im confident i can use my brain and not copy other peoples source code which im sure you would just look in all my projects and copy them. And you're really pissing me off.

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Ok MacTee. Heres the rules:

- Because of the nature of these things, All plugin sourcecode must be made publically available, either by including it in your parts zip, or by posting it on a public code repository (like github). This will - help prevent malware.

- If you contact a website or other network or computer system with your plugin, you must tell users exactly what you\'re sending or receiving in a clear and obvious way. This means no fine text and no big words.

- Your plugin must not edit, delete, or create files outside of the KSP installation folder. This will, again, help protect user privacy and avoid destructive behavior.

- Do not pop up ads or install additional software.

- Do not decompile, modify or distribute any of the DLLs or other files KSP comes with beyond stuff in the Parts folder. Follow the EULA. For assemblies, you may only use exposed public or protected members of classes, and you may not examine the code within any member.

- You are not allowed to remove or modify Squad logos or copyright notices.

- Keep it clean. No cursing, pornography, or offensive material here, please.

- Get permission before using or editing someone else\'s work, unless their license explicitly gives you open permission. This includes external libraries.

Not providing source code for a piece of software is not listed here. Software aren't plugins. If you feel this matter should be taken further i will be in contact with N3X15 the developer as i feel you are being biased on your decision.

Yes i saw your program and saw your feature list and set it as a minimum for what im going to include. Of course i hope to add more than that. And yours in a MOD MANAGER and mine is a LAUNCHER. Google ModVoid. This isn't a complex project compared to that project.

Thanks, Magnet_man16.

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Don't advertise your software on this thread.

You'r right, the sig should be enough :P

Some source code will not be provided due to security.


And i have not downloaded your thing. And yea same features but a much better way of doing it. Be useless looking at yours as im confident i can use my brain and not copy other peoples source code which im sure you would just look in all my projects and copy them.

hmm, ok when i read my post again you might think i accuse you, but whether you believe me or not, that wasn't my intention!

And you're really pissing me off.

i am sorry about that!

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Ok MacTee. Heres the rules:

- Because of the nature of these things, All plugin sourcecode must be made publically available, either by including it in your parts zip, or by posting it on a public code repository (like github). This will - help prevent malware.

- ...

Not providing source code for a piece of software is not listed here. Software aren't plugins. If you feel this matter should be taken further i will be in contact with N3X15 the developer as i feel you are being biased on your decision.

Yes i saw your program and saw your feature list and set it as a minimum for what im going to include. Of course i hope to add more than that. And yours in a MOD MANAGER and mine is a LAUNCHER. Google ModVoid. This isn't a complex project compared to that project.

Thanks, Magnet_man16.

Thats exactly what i meen.

You can blame me for trying to give you a short cut to this rule and to miss lead you on my second try to show you the right thread (i eddited it in your other thread).

Maybe this will change your mind:

The same rules for plugins apply for applications. This means post sourcecode and a license.

And now the right link to the thread :)

Application rules

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As i disagree with open source in linear applications i cannot provide my source code as i feel its just giving away my hard work and my methods of installing mods which is similar in many games. In no other gaming communities is it so tight about. Well giving out your work. Fraps or DxTory don't give out their source code. Sorry guys, i'll still be making it but i'll find another forum to post it at, keep a look out in google search :/. And the fact they say provide it in case of viruses ect. Well that's not true. I could provide a totally different altered source and you wouldn't know better. A source code proves nothing in security.

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The same rules for plugins apply for applications. This means post sourcecode and a license.
Because of the nature of these things, All plugin sourcecode must be made publically available, either by including it in your parts zip, or by posting it on a public code repository (like github). This will help prevent malware.

Sorry. If you're going to distribute anything here, it abides by these rules. This is not a negotiation. Plugins and third-party applications alike. Until source-code is published, your links will be removed.

You wanted it from N3X15, so there it is.

Edited by Aphox
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