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Rover wheel alignment

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This might sound weird, but when I was building a similar rover, I used cubic octagonal struts in 4x symmetry (for front and back 'mounting points'), then had another cubic+wheel assembly which I alt-click copied onto these lower symmetry ones so that the rotation/alignment of the wheels was identical

Can't really do a picture right now since I'm at work

Other thing you can check is to flip your whole rover horizontal and make sure your CoM is between the wheels as you might need a bit more mass at the back to balance out the weight of the Command Pod at the front

[edit] wait a minute you've probably got an [LV-909] engine back there doing that?

[edit2] you can use 3x symmetry instead of 4x to get a wider stance, the 'spare' cubic in the arrangement will end up as a 'spine' on the top

Edited by NoMrBond
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If you are in VAB then the symmetry wont work as you want, do what I always do if Your not that accurate, go to SPH , Make your rover there because the symmetry works as you want for rovers, then copy it's save ( .craft file - your KSP folder - Saves - your save name - ships - SPH - find the name of the rover, copy it and head to VAB which is found in ships, paste it there and voila your ready to go!

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As the above poster said, you need to flip the rover wheels-down and see where the center of mass is located. It should be as close to half-way between the wheels as possible. Too far forward and you will flip forward when braking, and too far back and you'll flip over backwards when accelerating. Also you want the center of mass to be as close to the ground as possible when driving.

Not sure if this matters either but you should have the wheels exactly vertical when driving. I think yours are slightly slanted in that screenshot.

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