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do you agree greater hype = greater disappointment ?


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Squad made it very clear whats in the update and what is not - like all the updates before. If youre hyped then its entirely your own matter I would say.

I dont see any trouble with being somewhat anxious over a new update anyways, really.

Why would you think they postpone the release out of pure marketing-reasons. What reasons did squad give you to think that? And what good would that really do, marketing wise? If squad aimed for a huge hype, why did they release a half-an-hour-video showing precisely whats new with .21 and what not? Why do they openly discuss features around the forum? It wouldnt make any sense.

i dont know...

i started in 0.12 when there was no maneuver nodes and there's only a Mun....

am i new?

I dont know. Are you new?

Like I said, this update is exactly like the others before. Maybe even a bit less than those. I started with 0.8. Imagine updates adding different engines and fueltanks where there had previously been only one. Imagine Updates containing Plane-parts and a brand new runway where there had previously only been C7 Wings. Kethane. Mechjeb. The Mun with 0.12 like you just said.

Why are you afraid of KSP being hyped when it had far bigger updates before? (Not that I see any signs of a hype)

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Nothing ever indicated that it would come out after the marathon any way. I think its more logical that the marathon was because of the Steam sale, not because of the update. What better way to sell your game than showing off some up coming do-dads.

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