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Returning Kerbals to Astronaut Complex

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I don't know if I missed something or if it just isn't possible, but how do you make Kerbals return to the astronaut complex? Or is it just not possible?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Deejay2000
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Does this not include splashdowns? I had to abort a KerbalX launch and the three kerfolk ended up splashing down in the ocean off the coast of the KSC. When I went to the Tracking station their capsule wasn't available. They were listed as Missing In Action (I think...) in the training center.

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Does this not include splashdowns? I had to abort a KerbalX launch and the three kerfolk ended up splashing down in the ocean off the coast of the KSC. When I went to the Tracking station their capsule wasn't available. They were listed as Missing In Action (I think...) in the training center.

If by 'splashdown' you mean the capsule disappeared after splashing in the water, then that means the capsule and all kerbals inside were killed.

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I haven't had the problem again. Had a couple of splashdowns and recovered with no problems. It might have been the 0.21.1 update. Or maybe that first one was some sort of error on my part. So, for now, seems like it was a false alarm.

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From my experience I can say that unfocused vessel which are about to splashdown disappear suddenly. Even if the capsule would have survived (parachutes rules) the passenger is listed as missing.

Landed capsules that disappear are strange, but it could be a problem with the maximum debris setting. Even if a splashed capsule isn't displayed as 'debris' it might be put by the game in the category 'debris'.

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From my experience I can say that unfocused vessel which are about to splashdown disappear suddenly. Even if the capsule would have survived (parachutes rules) the passenger is listed as missing.

Landed capsules that disappear are strange, but it could be a problem with the maximum debris setting. Even if a splashed capsule isn't displayed as 'debris' it might be put by the game in the category 'debris'.

You may be onto something there. I had increased my debris from 0 to 500 between those splashdowns.

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I have my debris setting to unlimited and just had a this issue.

I have dropped many solid fuel rockets that I use as a booster stage. They almost always have a parachute on them and they never show up as debris.

I was just doing a re-entry with Jeb, he was in a capsule with a chute that was connected via a decoupler to the orbital stage that also had a chute.

Just after re-entry I split the stages and deployed both chutes. I managed to swap between the 2 pieces as they fell and say both chutes open over water to the east of KSP. the orbital stage had more velocity and ended up furter east. Just before splashdown I was unable to swap back to jeb in the capsule as I got the message that there was no debris close enough and I should use the map to swap. I opened the map and jebs orbit was still there (just) but there was no capsule to swap back to. So I watched the orbital stage land.

This time I got the orbital stage as debris but not the capsule and Jeb was listed as MIA.

In short I agree, It seems that KSP only tracks the debris that you are watching as is lands / slpashdowns (splashes down? hmm...) It may possibly extend to other items that land / splashdown in a close proximity to the part you are viewing. Does anyone know to sure? or if there is a range? can it be increased?

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