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Going home - trans kerbin burn

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Kerbal engineer #1: 'The problem isn\'t getting to the Mun.'

Kerbal engineer #2: 'That\'s easy.'

KE1: 'It\'s not easy.'

KE2: 'Relatively easy.'

KE1: 'Pretty easy. The problem is getting back.'

- from the Kerbal Box Office documentary series 'From Kerbin to Mun'

OK I can get to the Mun and even get back and splash down. But my Mun-Kerbin return trajectory always result in a very high orbit around Kerbin (peri-ker around 7-9000 km and apo-ker just outside of Mun orbit) when I exit Mun SOI and reverts back to Kerbin as orbital reference. This means I have to do another big burn in order to lower my peri-ker. How should I change my trans-kerbin burn so that I will end up somewhere closer to Kerbin?

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when you take off from the mun, (assuming you\'re pretty close to the equator burn at 270 degrees until you\'ve got a stable munar orbit. Begin your TKI burn when you\'re about 45 degrees into the far side, as measured using the Mun\'s orbital path. You want an orbital velocity of somewhere around 800 m/s when you quit your burn.

What this will do is put you on a munar escape trajectory retrograde to the Mun\'s own orbit, whcih will give you a very, very low kerbin orbital velocity when you return to its SOI.

End result should be a drop straight into the atmosphere. I\'ll post photos in a bit of what I mean.

Sorry, phoos are in reverse order. Cut it a ltitle slow to be on the safe side here, but my peri\'s still really low.

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