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Tweak the Recovery and Revert Options

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Something that bugs me a bit is how to recover a finished flight. I have to exit all the way to the Tracking Station, select my flight, and select "Recover". It just takes an unnecessary amount of work when that 'Recover' button could be added to the pause menu (if you're within range of KSC, of course). I'd be fine with keeping the 'Terminate' option in the Tracking Station only as a precaution.

Another thing: Reverting. Why am I only able to revert at that very moment when I mess up, and not at any other time (in terms of exiting to the Space Center or Tracking Station)? I've already accidentally gone to KSC without reverting anything (by leaning forward and my midsection clicking my trackpad) and ended up losing the kerbals involved. I think the whole idea of reverting is flawed in this way. Why should you be allowed to do this in Career mode, anyway? If we want to keep it, why allow it only immediately after crashing? Why should the whole death-of-kerbals thing matter in Sandbox mode? (I am unsure if the kerbals will eventually respawn or not. Don't know what happens if you run out of them, if you even can...)

Just some things to think about.

Edited by DannySwish
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re: Recovery: you got my vote. It'll be easier to press it when the flight is landed (and of course, if you can recover).

re: reverting: errr, can't you do it in flight? I remember reverting just after launch yesterday...or did I only get the pop-up when going back to the Space Center (yellow text)? anyway, I didn't see a way to lose my Kerbals in flight.

Also, Kerbals respawn, but it's a save file option if you want to. Forgot the name of the variable right now, though.

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  KerbMav said:
#2 Dont quite get it.

I havent played much, but I reverted a few times and not only after a mishap.

Sorry, I didn't word this well. (5AM)

What I meant to ask was why we aren't able to revert a flight anywhere but during that specific flight. What if I want to revert it later? Then this brings on the whole "why is there a Revert option anyway, End Flight makes more sense if you want to be able to have a redo" thing.

Edited by DannySwish
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Because 'End Flight' doesn't really revert anything. If you press 'End Flight' (or 'Terminate' at the Tracking station which has the same function) you destroy that craft and kill all kerbals in it. (ok 'End Flight' doesn't kill the kerbals but 'Terminate' does) The time get no revert and it's kinda cheating if you can rescue a kerbal who's stranded on the moon by simple clicking 'end flight'.

Also if you really want to go back in time just a little right befor you screwed something up: There are these handy buttons called F5 and F9!

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  mrnicholas said:
I defiantly agree that recover should be in the inflight pause menu, going to the tracking station to end all my flights when there back on kerbin is a pain.

Seconded (ok, thirded).

As for being able to revert a flight, the issue is that reverting a flight is basically doing a quickload. If you start a flight, then start another flight, then revert the first flight, the second flight never happened as well, and I'm sure we'd hear from users that lost a spacestation or other important flight because of this.

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If you start a flight, then start another flight, then revert the first flight, the second flight never happened as well, and I'm sure we'd hear from users that lost a spacestation or other important flight because of this.

You can just revert the last flight. If you start a second flight you can just revert that one. The only option to end the first one is either by "Recover", "Terminate" or crashing it into something.

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  Linard said:
You can just revert the last flight. If you start a second flight you can just revert that one. The only option to end the first one is either by "Recover", "Terminate" or crashing it into something.

Agreed, I was trying to explain why reverting has the limits that it does. Not having those limits would cause problems.

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