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Long wings + a Gravity bomb


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These wing really make it next to impossible to steer your craft. The vanilla wings do this to but not as much. Yes wings should make the craft more stable but it should also make it easier to control, not harder.

They look bitchin though.

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  best4bond said:

Saw this on Facepunch, Looks awesome, But i cannot get my one to launch.

Kerbal Aircraft Program would be awesome - the only thing that needs to be changed is that wings need to be able to provide lift.

A jet engine/jet fuel tank could be added that would have an extremely long burn time - it would be identical to the liquid fuel/ liquid engine otherwise - maybe less powerful.

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This is why I love the KSP community.

'I decided that there was a definitive lack of bitchin' lower-atmospheric vehicles capable of deploying gravity-influenced capsules, so I went and made one.'

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  greatorder said:

the ideas people come up with on these forums are worse (sanity-wise) than on the DF forums. next thing we know, people will make a 'digging machine'

Some of my more spectacular rocket failures would qualify as 'digging machines' based on how hard they hit the ground and how big the explosion was.

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  greatorder said:

the ideas people come up with on these forums are worse (sanity-wise) than on the DF forums. next thing we know, people will make a 'digging machine'

Have something against DF? Anyways, for the lower thrust, longer burn jet engine, I could whip up one for you if you would like.
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They look great, but we need a 'lift' component for these to work. How they work now seems to just stabilize.

If you put wings up at the front, the weight actually makes you pitch down, it seems to me.

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I love the bomb, but it should be anchorable by the back, so you can put it on top of your rocket for suicide missions!

Also, the wings should stabilize more to the sides so you wont have to roll as much and risk making it all crash.

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Made a pretty functional spaceplane from those wings and the Excelsior-800 engine. Stable and controllable enough to fly a circle, but doesn't have great range:

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I'm getting a problem with the wings, well I think it's the wings. Every time I exit KSP, then reenter it, when I select a craft with the wings, the craft comes up, but the wings aren't there. In the build a ship area, the name is changed, and everything is in one stage without a stage title. I can highlight stuff, but I can't move anything, add anything, or remove anything. In launch mode, it's stuck on the opening frame, and I can't do anything but highlight parts.

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