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War of 1812

Polecat Industries

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The War of 1812 was a military conflict fought between the forces of the United States of America and those of the British Empire. The Americans declared war in 1812 for several reasons, including trade restrictions because of Britain\'s ongoing war with France, impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy, British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion, and over national honour after humiliations on the high seas. Tied down in Europe until 1814, the British at first used defensive strategy, repelling multiple American invasions of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. However, the Americans gained control over Lake Erie in 1813, seized parts of western Ontario, and destroyed the dream of an Indian confederacy and an independent Indian state in the Midwest under British sponsorship. In the Southwest General Andrew Jackson destroyed the military strength of the Creek nation at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. With the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, the British adopted a more aggressive strategy, sending in three large invasion armies. British victory at the Battle of Bladensburg in August 1814 allowed the British to capture and burn Washington, D.C. American victories in September 1814 and January 1815 repulsed all three British invasions in New York, Baltimore and New Orleans.

For more infomation, check wikipedia

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The War of 1812 was fought between 2 rival companies: United Rockets of Kerbal, and Rawkets R Us. They fought a bitter war. The first battle is being debated about the sanity or the legitimacy of the U.R.K\'s rocket sent to 'Bring Gifts' This rocket was a prototype made entirely out of SRBs. It crashed into a border store owned by R.R.U. The crash sparked the lust for revenge in the R.R.U\'s employes. So, on Kerbuary the 33rd in 1812, they sabotaged the U.R.K\'s rocket by putting LSD in one of the Kearthstronaut\'s lunch, and replacing the docile, wimpy fuel for the Liquid engines with the super volatile 'Super Bold' brand fuel designed for Giant cannons. After the successful launch of the new Kearthsrtronauts: Jeb, Bill, and Bob into a 400bil year mission into the sun, U.R.K thanked R.R.U by buying them. Thus ends the war of 1812, also known as 'The Reinvention of Fireworks'. We celebrate this occasion everyday by Re-living Jeb, Bill, and Bob\'s lives in this simulator.

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What\'s that?

Really? Have we stopped teaching any culture in schools these days?

I\'m sure you would recognize it the second you heard it. It\'s often played at celebrations and during fireworks displays.

The 1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The only piece of classical music written to use cannon fire.

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Really? Have we stopped teaching any culture in schools these days?

I\'m sure you would recognize it the second you heard it. It\'s often played at celebrations and during fireworks displays.

The 1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The only piece of classical music written to use cannon fire.

You\'d only know that because you\'re a pirate and \'yarr\' ship has cannons. :P

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Really? Have we stopped teaching any culture in schools these days?

I\'m sure you would recognize it the second you heard it. It\'s often played at celebrations and during fireworks displays.

The 1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The only piece of classical music written to use cannon fire.

Well, that wasn\'t my first thought.

This was.

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Really? Have we stopped teaching any culture in schools these days?

I\'m sure you would recognize it the second you heard it. It\'s often played at celebrations and during fireworks displays.

The 1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The only piece of classical music written to use cannon fire.

I never learned about the war of 1812 at shcool and I never heard that music(or I don\'t want to spend 15 minutes waiting to see if I reconise it).
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Tchaikovsky\'s 1812 Overture. One of the most iconic music of all time (that no one knows).

Written to commemorate the defense of Moscow against Napoleon\'s Army. Known for the cannon fire volley and chimes. Truly a masterpiece. But most kids these age don\'t understand a word I just said (except me).


audio version 14:30 is the most iconic piece.

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Really? Have we stopped teaching any culture in schools these days?

I\'m sure you would recognize it the second you heard it. It\'s often played at celebrations and during fireworks displays.

The 1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The only piece of classical music written to use cannon fire.


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Tchaikovsky\'s 1812 Overture. One of the most iconic music of all time (that no one knows).

Written to commemorate the defense of Moscow against Napoleon\'s Army. Known for the cannon fire volley and chimes. Truly a masterpiece. But most kids these age don\'t understand a word I just said (except me).


audio version 14:30 is the most iconic piece.

What they said.

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