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[0.21.1] Maneuver Node Improvement v1.2b


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Being able to change a maneuver node with the numpad is very handy

Not the best idea IMHO. Some people (like me) may use numpad digits as actiongroup keys - THAT is very handy. Of course your idea makes sense, but then it should be a configurable option...

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Not the best idea IMHO. Some people (like me) may use numpad digits as actiongroup keys - THAT is very handy. Of course your idea makes sense, but then it should be a configurable option...

The Better Maneuver Node mod does exactly that, you can reconfigure/remap the actions to adjusting your current node to different keys in a config file. So, you can change them to whatever. Personally, I find myself editing nodes more then I use actiongroups. So, having keys for node editing takes some of the tediousness out of it.

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Really happy this has been updated.

This mod has been a constant companion through many versions of KSP - even when I promise myself that I'm going stock-only, I can't help but install this.

Makes precision burns so much easier for those of us who do things manually, but don't want the frustration of fighting the node GUI. The ability to switch conics on-the-fly has always been a huge bonus and one that adds to the precision. I always imagined that something like this would make it as stock eventually.

Would also agree that snapping to common orbital points would be a natural development direction for this mod.

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This is very awesome for those of us that don't like using MechJeb, so I thank you for your efforts on this!

I have a request! There's a little known Mod I've seen on Reddit that I've been using for some time now call Bettermaneuvernodes.


Being able to change a maneuver node with the numpad is very handy, particularly when trying to adjust/move the node along the orbital path for a rendezvous. It would be awesome if you could combine the features of this mod with yours! Better to have one plugin for node editing then to have a whole mess of them.

Oh hell yes. That's one of the greatest plugins in the history of KSP. Once you try it you'll wonder why you ever tolerated the ridiculous click and drag method for nodes, or even typing the numbers in directly.

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What did you use for make the zip file? I'm having difficulties for uncompress it here on Linux too.

WinRAR. I think this has happened before. I'll use something else in the next release.


This is very awesome for those of us that don't like using MechJeb, so I thank you for your efforts on this!

I have a request! There's a little known Mod I've seen on Reddit that I've been using for some time now call Bettermaneuvernodes.


Being able to change a maneuver node with the numpad is very handy, particularly when trying to adjust/move the node along the orbital path for a rendezvous. It would be awesome if you could combine the features of this mod with yours! Better to have one plugin for node editing then to have a whole mess of them.

I send the author a private message concerning the matter. I wont copy other peoples ideas without their permission. Well, except for MechJeb, I don't mind copying the node snapping from them since they copied ( knowingly or not :D ) the patched conics switcher from here.

Currently most of my programming efforts go towards KSP Mission Control tool, so maneuver node improvement updates might come a bit slow. I'll make a thread on the KSP Mission Control in the near future for those curious to discuss about it.

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This is very awesome for those of us that don't like using MechJeb, so I thank you for your efforts on this!

I have a request! There's a little known Mod I've seen on Reddit that I've been using for some time now call Bettermaneuvernodes.


Being able to change a maneuver node with the numpad is very handy, particularly when trying to adjust/move the node along the orbital path for a rendezvous. It would be awesome if you could combine the features of this mod with yours! Better to have one plugin for node editing then to have a whole mess of them.

That looks great! do you know if it'll work as is for 0.21.1 or is it stuck in 0.20?

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I am the one who added the switcher in MJ, and when I added it ( 1 month ago ) your version only had a text field for that. So it was an inspiration yes, but not a straight copy :)

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I am the one who added the switcher in MJ, and when I added it ( 1 month ago ) your version only had a text field for that. So it was an inspiration yes, but not a straight copy :)

Neat! It's a small world full of funny coincidences. The conics mode switcher is definitely something Squad should implement in the vanilla game IMO sooner or later. In any case you're most welcome to contribute to this project too (source is on github) if interested!

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I was doing a slight orbital correction this morning and it occurred to me it would be super handy if this mod could display the maneuver node's apoapsis/periapsis information. I hate having to constantly mouse over them to see what my changes have done.

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i have tried this with 0.21.1, but i am encountering several issues - could someone confirm that this mod works with 0.21.1?

- manual number entry does not work (impossible to put cursor in fields)

- "keep open" does not work

- all buttons do not work

basically, the only thing that works is the labels updating when i drag the maneuver node handles, and the "reopen maneuver node" key.

Win7 x64, windowed frameless mode ("-popupwindow")

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i have tried this with 0.21.1, but i am encountering several issues - could someone confirm that this mod works with 0.21.1?

- manual number entry does not work (impossible to put cursor in fields)

- "keep open" does not work

- all buttons do not work

basically, the only thing that works is the labels updating when i drag the maneuver node handles, and the "reopen maneuver node" key.

Win7 x64, windowed frameless mode ("-popupwindow")

I tried this mod for the first time today, and I use 0.21.1. Entering numbers works for me. The buttons didn't seem to do anything or closed the window (can't exactly remember), but I didn't really read up on all the functions and I'm new to this, so it might have been my error. So I also can't say anything about the "keep open" function.

Win 7 32 bit in a window, if that makes a difference. See my signature for mods used.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm having trouble downloading this mod from Spaceport. The file I receive is only 7 KB large, and does not seem to be a valid archive (unzip freezes when it tries to open the file). I use OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard). I'd love to use this mod, please help!

I've been trying to get my hands on it for a while now, but the zip file just wasn't working on both my work laptop that runs OSX 10.8 (Lion) and my home laptop that runs OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

The problem: the unzip utility creates a GameData file instead of a directory.

The solution: from the terminal, run "unzip uploads-2013-07-maneuvernode_1.2b.zip -x GameData" to exclude GameData from extraction.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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