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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Ok, well i dont have any other things spawned as my KSP broke and i had to delete everything. Is it ok if i make ships in response to the fighter?

You don't have to make ships in response to anything. Just spawn as many ships as you like anywhere you like. The only thing that matters is the battle, not how you get there or why.

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yeah, but if I can do that, hitting an unarmored fuel ship would be like stealing candy from a blind baby.

...with no arms,actually the it's strange how I haven't battled daemon seeing how she was the first reply.

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grrr, daemon your ships is so... wat. It's like... <grumbling> it's buggy. let's say that. I might have to redo the whole thing....

EDIT Had to completely redo the body. Still a lot of work to do.


Edited by zekes
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It's not buggy on my end

well, it's a long story, and to be shot it was my fault :P but it needed redoing.

AAAnd it still breaks apart. My missiles are too effective. BUt it stays in more peices now.

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More pieces is not better.

well, i hit it twice, first shot was square on, killed it, second one actually bounced off the top armor (came in at 45 deg. angle) and only hurt the wing structure.

90% done; expect color and download tomorrow (or ill leave it white if you want to do the color).

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Sadly, my new missile tech has run into a dead end.

It's a weapon of mass destruction, capable of taking out an entire fleet in one shot. In fact it's hard to avoid taking out the whole fleet at once. xD

Just for laughs, I tried it out on Zeke's fleet. It blew up three ships in one shot. And by "blew up" I mean it blew them /up/, literally. O_o



Edited by daemonCaptrix
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I am thinking of Joining this, but only as a craft supplier.

Basically, I am the CEO of the Black Knights. We are a "mercenary" group, based on Vall (if that's okay), and we hire out support to other companies.

Simply, you can "buy" and use our services in a battle. Currently we offer two ships: The Icaruga (Heavy(ish) Escort), and the Burai (Medium Escort).

Flag: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs40/f/2009/019/b/6/code_geass_HD_wallpaper_by_Dark_Madoka.jpg

Icaruga : http://i.imgur.com/kaaTob7.png

Craft file: http://www./download/ofd952a7wdb2lxl/Icaruga_-_Heavy_Escort.craft

Burai : http://i.imgur.com/eyivaPM.png

Craft File: http://www./download/3ott9tukuv5m4h6/Burai_-_Med_Escort.craft

(Ignore the mods in the editor, these are all stock)

The Icaruga is pretty tough, but nowhere near indestructible. She carries 12 SMS missiles (Totally not ripped off of Macey Dean), and 8 of them can be reloaded en-masse, through the frontal docking port, and an additional 8 can be mounted on the underside through the same method. She features multiple control cores, and due to having 5 engines, she should be able to hold up to multiple hits. SHOULD.

The Burai is also pretty tough for his size, and has some damn powerful missiles. Carrying 8 LMG missiles (dumb-fire, Insanely powerful missiles made of a grand total of 3 parts each), and 6 SMS missiles (same as above), this one can put up a fight. The lander-can is useful for more accurate aiming, but the ship can be flown without a pilot, using the same dummy probe system as the Icaruga.

The LMG's are literally just a small decoupler and two seperatrons. They manage about 700ms-1 in about 2.5Km, so they should pack quite a punch.

Both clock in at around 4000ms-1 Delta V, around 50 Tonnes, around 160 parts, so they are actually insanely small by the accounts of everyone else here, lol. ^_^

Edit: thank you, DaemonCaptrix, for telling me how to post the files.

Edited by Deathsoul097
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You guys (and girls) are all beautiful you know that. Such cooperation and comradery. That's why i come to this thread more than any other.

No I'm not drunk or high. Unless you count the 4 Dr. Peppers I just had. I should not have done that i have not had that much soda in one sitting in years.

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You guys (and girls) are all beautiful you know that. Such cooperation and comradery. That's why i come to this thread more than any other.

No I'm not drunk or high. Unless you count the 4 Dr. Peppers I just had. I should not have done that i have not had that much soda in one sitting in years.

Ironically on a thread made for people to hate one another.

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No I'm not drunk or high. Unless you count the 4 Dr. Peppers I just had. I should not have done that i have not had that much soda in one sitting in years.

In the south we call all "soda" coke.

Capital C for Coka Cola

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