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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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  theattackcorgi said:
I dont. And i didnt realize how long these take xD. I dont have aspace navy....

The rules do allow 'borrowing' if you don't have any of your own,Although I should rephrase the rule to be more clear.

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Guess what I'm making>:)


I'm expecting it to swell to a whopping 350 parts.

Here's why armor for the most part is a load of bull.



1 hit from short range(sorry war eagle I couldn't get hold of a drek)

Adorable tank go!



Yes this actually is what I'm using

Edited by Spartwo
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  Deathsoul097 said:
Oh JEEZUS, YOU KILLED THEM BOTH! I need a new design. D:

Who did what now?

I still haven't added deathsoul & Mrtegu to the listings I need.



I also need ingame sized flags from Ware eagle,Daemon,Fleet master

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Semi victory.

Front of zekes ship blow up. you cant function with no solar panels

Zeke i await your turn of blowing my ship up and setting another up somewhere else

No photos as my steams being a ass but look at the persistance. I blew up 3 diffrent ships with incorrect hyperedit and blah


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I just made a really nice fighter jet, it uses Daemons missiles with slight modifications, it's very stable even after firing it's missiles, and quite fast during sea-level flight. It's so stable I can cut throttle, lock SAS 1 or 2 degrees above horizon, apply brakes, go 4x phys-warp, and it'll land itself with about a 3-5 m/s glideslope.

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