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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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The Battle of Narita (Setup Persist) : http://www./download/yq82eyq0qcae7gi/

Hopefully this goes better than the last one. 5 ships in low Laythe orbit, under 320 tonnes.

you did well the last battle just remember that you can only fire one missile at a time :) and to take plenty of pics.

@wareagle1 ill set up in the morning, I got home very late after having to drive 200 miles around LA and Huntington Beach area and then back home in time to take the kids out for candy. I am pooped. I get to go shop for a new mic in the morning though and i might try for a joystick too if i can convince the wife its for a good cause. lol

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you did well the last battle just remember that you can only fire one missile at a time :)

No fire as many as you like but from one ship.

Take plenty of pics.

Yes we want to know what's happening.

Edited by Spartwo
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You aren't waiting for me to post images, are you? Because I have been waiting this entire time to see what you have done to my ships. Knowing what some people are capable of, you've probably managed to destroy all 5 in less than ten seconds with a single shot.

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You aren't waiting for me to post images, are you? Because I have been waiting this entire time to see what you have done to my ships. Knowing what some people are capable of, you've probably managed to destroy all 5 in less than ten seconds with a single shot.

No it's just taking a long time for me to set up.

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wait i can fir as many smart missiles as I want guide them to target as long as they are from one ship and targeting the same ship? O_O I have up to twenty missiles on some of my ships and they are armor piercing. One or two tends to do the trick against most stuff.

I was under the impression that smart missiles were a one shot per kinda deal. otherwise I would be emptying clips at ships.

Edited by camulus777
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I don't get it. MediaFire will allow me to access my files, and download them, but not the Persist file you set up.

EDIT: Can you access the first persist file I posted? If you can then Its a problem with me, but if its not then... -_^ (raised eyebrow in confusion)

EDIT EDIT: Don't mind the silly posts I have made, that's just me being... silly, I guess.

Edited by Deathsoul097
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wait i can fir as many smart missiles as I want guide them to target as long as they are from one ship and targeting the same ship? O_O I have up to twenty missiles on some of my ships and they are armor piercing. One or two tends to do the trick against most stuff.

I was under the impression that smart missiles were a one shot per kinda deal. otherwise I would be emptying clips at ships.

I don't know who told you that. Fire away!

Also 20+ missiles? That's a lotta parts!

Edited by daemonCaptrix
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My missiles are only 7 parts a piece for the small ones and 8 for the big ones. I could make the bigger ones 7 too but there is no point as they are larger and require larger ships to fire them. I have a destroyer sized ship with 16 medium ranged 1t missiles. It is one of my new asymmetrical designs. Its the Titan sized one that has 20 missiles but they are large missiles and very long range, able to hit targets in mun orbit from Kerbin. Now that destroyer is freakishly deadly against just about any craft.

Let the Battle of Cannae begin. Turn 0


Edited by camulus777
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My missiles are only 7 parts a piece for the small ones and 8 for the big ones. I could make the bigger ones 7 too but there is no point as they are larger and require larger ships to fire them. I have a destroyer sized ship with 16 medium ranged 1t missiles. It is one of my new asymmetrical designs. Its the Titan sized one that has 20 missiles but they are large missiles and very long range, able to hit targets in mun orbit from Kerbin. Now that destroyer is freakishly deadly against just about any craft.

Well as long as you have enough missiles.

Having extra ammo left after making a kill is a significant strategic advantage.

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