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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Unassisted means using dedicated movement engines not weapons,backups hidden somewhere safe are fine.
I can make it with the Newcastle... i just need the download please :P and ya know i just siphon fuel from the tanks to the engine... i can make it.

And i tested it before... there is enough RCS to do it, i just tested it it works.

also i don't need fuel to rendezvouses, just enough to get on trajectory and careen past your ship, while maneuvering the missile to hit it.

Just to clarify you are going to use the missiles as engines? On a ship that has no engines just like my ship that i still have that has missiles left.

Didn't we establish that we couldn't do that lol.

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Just to clarify you are going to use the missiles as engines? On a ship that has no engines just like my ship that i still have that has missiles left.

Didn't we establish that we couldn't do that lol.

yeah, but yours is a pod with missiles, while mine is a full ship.

EDIT let's call this one a draw, i have two severly damaged ships, one disabled, you have one ship and one missile-stick.

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If you swap out those nukes for 909s it will be less top heavy and I think the missiles will be more effective

Didn't wareagle do the same thing not long ago?

Actually, the nuke is for range. I need it to get close. Those things launch the platform up to orbit, then shoot the twin spinny missiles at the target, leaving the nuke and empty fuel tank as flotsam.

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Having lost its lightest member in the first move, daeCorp's cruisers can move right away.

Calypso sets her sights on Berlin, maneuvering into range at ~200m. She fires a handful of missiles at Berlin, but its target jammer keeps making most of them miss.


Switching to iron-sight, Calypso takes a final shot, destroying Berlin's main computer, leaving her dead in the water.



Calypso, knocked back significantly by the exhaust of her own missiles, stays in a comfourtably irregular orbit.



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zeeks you cant get to jool with your ship and I can. There is no set rule saying I have to stay around duna. I can attack from jool if i wish and i have that extra large torpedo. I hate stretching rules. You took the advantage of the outer rim and that was tactically sound, your ships are built better than mine as far as the compartmentalization and armor goes. My only advantages were that your main command pod lined me up with your engines so well otherwise I would not have been able to one shot your ships, and I went first. If you had gone first I would have lost miserably by one entire ship. Your ships are better.

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zeeks you cant get to jool with your ship and I can. There is no set rule saying I have to stay around duna. I can attack from jool if i wish and i have that extra large torpedo. I hate stretching rules. You took the advantage of the outer rim and that was tactically sound, your ships are built better than mine as far as the compartmentalization and armor goes. My only advantages were that your main command pod lined me up with your engines so well otherwise I would not have been able to one shot your ships, and I went first. If you had gone first I would have lost miserably by one entire ship. Your ships are better.

...I think the fact that you went to jool could be seen as a retreat... and yes, there is no way i can get there :P

so it's a draw? because i'm s still in the battle area and you aren't.

EDIT and you probably don't have the d/v to get back to me.

EDIT I just got an idea! What we bring new ships on a new persist and battle again? I'd do that! Same tonnage and number, you get high orbit and i take low, but i go first?

It seems the most prevailing outcome for battles is a draw in this club, mostly because the turn based system. But that's good with me :D That was an excellent battle Camulus.

Battle Report:

Child of Darkness: lost the rear of the ship up to the command node. She will be towed back to the Dockyards over Ike and be rebuilt.

Rylie: Due to the frame damage and significant loss of rear paneling, the Rylie will have to be completely scrapped and used in the next Drekevak. The meltdown will occur in orbit, assuring the metal does not develop impurities.

Newcastle: She only suffered minor engine damage. She will push herself into Dock and get a refit to XIV-IIc standards.

New Drek XIV-IIc, as you know, incorperates a backup engine system, far away from the normal engines.

But the inherent problem with the Dreks in the lack of range. while they are able to take many hits they can't go as far. As for the Drekevak Fifteens, they performed beautifully. Amazing range for a ZS ship, good maneuverability, RCS is well balanced, And while both were lost, it took heavy grade missiles to kill them. And at only 50 tons each, they can be completely replaced quickly.

And we defended Duna Space from the enemy. The 144th has done their job again.

Edited by zekes
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zeeks you cant get to jool with your ship and I can. There is no set rule saying I have to stay around duna. I can attack from jool if i wish and i have that extra large torpedo. I hate stretching rules. You took the advantage of the outer rim and that was tactically sound, your ships are built better than mine as far as the compartmentalization and armor goes. My only advantages were that your main command pod lined me up with your engines so well otherwise I would not have been able to one shot your ships, and I went first. If you had gone first I would have lost miserably by one entire ship. Your ships are better.
Don't try to run from me,you can't.I was kinda impressed when daemon remembered to keep it in Minmus. Edited by Spartwo
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That changes nothing:huh:

Yeah I'm not sure what Tegu is talking about. My ships use a pod as the seed part, but I clip the spine through the middle of them so everything is still attached to the spine, not the pod. Pretty sure your (Spartwo) ships are the same way, and Zekes' ships.

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