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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Touche, sir. Your ships are very well armored, I can barely get through them with my old 15-II ASMs... Al Capone was flailing. First hit dot nothing... but the second one was lucky and bent some of the armor and tore the missiles off.

Drekevaks are going to be needed to kill these...




First hit:


Second hit:


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  zekes said:
Touche, sir. Your ships are very well armored, I can barely get through them with my old 15-II ASMs... Al Capone was flailing. First hit dot nothing... but the second one was lucky and bent some of the armor and tore the missiles off.

Drekevaks are going to be needed to kill these...



First hit:

Second hit:

Darn I thought i fixed the problem when the missiles fall off :(

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Alrighty got my turn done and I think I killed a drek. (If not Its dead in the water with only one engine left and probably horribly off balance.)

Target Located.


First shot was a miss.


But the second shot destroyed the original core of the ship.


I decided to make sure it was un-usable so I took a third shot from the main cannon.



The third shot obviously did some serious damage and left the ship severely unbalanced.


Persist--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> https://www./?43bixr0zrg8qf2q

I beleive that was a kill on the drek because in the rules it says that the ship must shoot from the original core so as you can see in the third picture that you can see the words no target when I hit witch I think means that the original core has been destroyed. You can inspect the ship further if you want though.

EDIT: and when I switched to the ship it would start to rotate rapidly so I think its useless.

Edited by panfish5
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...actually it still shows there is a probe core..... let me go see.

Edit You know the cockpit isn't the main peice? The ACTUAL core survived. and two out of the four Emergency engines are powered as well as one Port engine, and RCS. So she isn't too maneuverable but still able to fight.

Taking turn now.


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  panfish5 said:
I think that is from a missile probe core though...

No, it's the origional Marshal Mathers, no "Probe" or "Lander" name addition which whould show it's broken.

PERSIST: https://www./?qbhya82gpehu54q

Anyway, the Banana... peeled. Scratch-One for Al Pachino. Next turn, the Dreks will unleash their shredder missiles. Nothing can stand up to them.


1st shot:


2nd shot:


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Well i'm about to find out what the shredder missiles will do to my frigate mk 2's so I made sure that it will be as annoying as possible trying to control the dreks.

So I went after the um I dont remember what it was but it was the untouched drek. (why u use long names)

Any ways I took the P.M.S. Swag for a swing again.


First shot rips a butthole into the drek.



Second and third shot do minimal damage and the fourth shot does a little damage.


Heres the new butthole of the drek.


Persist. http://www./view/43bixr0zrg8qf2q/persistent.sfs

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  panfish5 said:
Well i'm about to find out what the shredder missiles will do to my frigate mk 2's so I made sure that it will be as annoying as possible trying to control the dreks.

So I went after the um I dont remember what it was but it was the untouched drek. (why u use long names)

Any ways I took the P.M.S. Swag for a swing again.


First shot rips a butthole into the drek.



Second and third shot do minimal damage and the fourth shot does a little damage.


Heres the new butthole of the drek.


Persist. http://www./view/43bixr0zrg8qf2q/persistent.sfs

good work, my favorite my type of drek; a dead one!

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  zekes said:
unfortunately that version is unavailable at this time :)

What you sayin zekes?

Actually I might be able to pull this one off but I'm out shooting so I will have to wait a couple of hours

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  panfish5 said:
What you sayin zekes?

Actually I might be able to pull this one off but I'm out shooting so I will have to wait a couple of hours

best you can do is kill another Drek. if you do, I'll still have one left, and two figthers which can pick up the dead Drek's missiles. You have one ship left. how are you going to win?

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  zekes said:
I don't think you can win. You have one armed and one unarmed

ship, neither can out-run my Drek Fifteen-IIs,

they have superior D/V.

That ship isn't unarmed and two questions can I land on a planet to evade an enemy and can I engage a target go reload then come back and engage the same target?

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  panfish5 said:
That ship isn't unarmed and two questions can I land on a planet to evade an enemy and can I engage a target go reload then come back and engage the same target?

Yeah, sure, but you can only attack one target at at time. Don't think i can't hit you on a planet.... Spartwo knows that :D

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okay dokey my plan did not go as planned but have fun shooting my ship.

The shots that I fired did no damage I believe.


I brace for a landing and pick a spot.


I think this will work.


Have Fun!


I could have gathered up all the missiles and fuel tanks and gone to eve or Ike but That would take forever without rcs.

Persist. http://www./view/43bixr0zrg8qf2q/persistent.sfs

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