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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Quite alright sorry if I sounded rude. Those vehicles that you made look really nice! I think your company may be successful in the future if you keep up the good work!

Hiya! So, funny story about orbit and rendezvous...

I got my burn ring into orbit, and I got a ship that i've been working on (info coming to th e JI thread soon) and I decided to dock them together.

Keep in mind this is my first rendezvous ever.

So I somehow manage to get them together in the same orbit and the two are almost snug with each other. So I line them up and I prepare to dock... which takes forever because I have no RCS ports (yet the docking ring has monopropellant :huh:). Anyways, I finally get the two to line up at the ports, and...

The armor of the new vessel prevented docking to the ring...

There's something to give you a sense about how new I am to the manuvering and "planning" concepts of KSP, hope you enjoyed!

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I don't want my designs stolen.

Well, if you post them then at least you have evidence that you did it first, if not then sooner or later someone else will post something similar and then you're the one who who looks like you stole your own idea...

Or, how about you use them against me and finally put those pesky Murderers in their place, you get to shoot first and with the power of 8 srbs each in the space of a command pod (which one, btw?) there's no way they could possibly survive more than 2 hits. Easy kills for you.

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The original command pod.

The fact is that I would, but I'm a terrible pilot, it doesn't matter that I can hit like a truck if I can't even keep that truck on the road towards the enemy. I snapped a Drek in one hit after I backed up far enough, but it also took me eight reloads to hit the damn thing, and I was so close that I had to target its orbit!

In regards to your other statement, so many ideas have already been stolen that it seems a bit silly. For example, Daemons flappy-powered engine, using engines to deflect incoming projectiles, and connecting armor to trusses instead of fuel tanks. I will admit that some ideas may have been complete flops (using engines as defensive mechanisms, for example) or simply unsuited to my style of combat (literally every advance I ever made in armor plating), but I was seriously annoyed when the flappy engine was stolen because it was actually working pretty well for me.

In summary, what I really need is a pilot.... Zekes?

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So, now you claim to have invented t4 armour?

'Uh, guys?

I may have found a completely Game-Breaking method of Armor.

It makes my 300IT Fighter look like paper in comparison.


This is the earliest post I can find of you mentioning armour systems, I'm assuming this post refers to t4 armour invention by you?


posted on 21st of August.

Am I right or do you have evidence of making this claim earlier?

Edited by Mr Tegu
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No, that was a reference to my second armor prototype, which was scrapped due to an inability to reinforce the plating and weight issues.

I think you misunderstood my post, I asked for evidence.... Please either provide proof of your claims or stop altogether.

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Is this still going on? If so I would love to join in. What mod's if any are we allowed. I've been working on a few combat ships all stock parts. So far I have a drone Light fighter and a battlecruiser/cruiser class ship. I really don't know what to call it. It is sitting at 107 tons and 199 parts "80 parts of that are struts" without torpedo's/missile's.

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Yes, you are, but i'm being lazy and not launching my vessels. I'll have one up soon, do you want to start?

Actually since I have done more battles than you you go first. If you want me to I could set a persist up today.

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Before we start, i need to make sure I know what i'm doing.

1.) The craft file will not only contain the vessel, but the current position in orbit as well.

2.) We can post videos too?

3.) We will be using heavier vessels because it is A 1v1

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Before we start, i need to make sure I know what i'm doing.

1.) The craft file will not only contain the vessel, but the current position in orbit as well.

2.) We can post videos too?

3.) We will be using heavier vessels because it is A 1v1

1 Um ya the orbit will be in the current position of the orbit. Make sure you use the persistent.sfs file located in your saved game file.

2 Videos are okay and probably better than screenshots.

3 just a 1v1? I'm okay with that but just to warn you it will probably be quick. Maybe once we hit the ship once our turn is over?

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