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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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High school... well, due to my obsession with getting at least a 4.0... the Infinity Class will remain in the hidden unsc nebula dry dock for some time more. Would you be interested in me making a medium sized carrier ship, comrade jenkins?

Edited by andrew123
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High school... well, due to my obsession with getting at least a 4.0... the Infinity Class will remain in the hidden unsc nebula dry dock for some time more. Would you be interested in me making a carrier ship?

who? me? :P

Derp, read that wrong lol

Edited by BrightBritches
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After taking a break from military work in ksp started on a new ship and developed really good missiles. (for me at least.)



I downloaded some of maceys ships and shot them up. During this I learned how good my ship would be as a battering ram.




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Hmm, I was trying to test out my new plating mechanism using MechJeb when the missile missed, this is the third Time, is there something wrong with the new version?

Try showing a pic of the missile and target. It might be a bug (or feature) we can identify.

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