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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Hey everyone

Lately I have been looking for ships to do my only little battles simulations. Mostly I have been using macey dean hanland ships. I have also been using ships from the spiritwolf/hanland submission page that were submitted to be used as ships for hanland. The problem is that not many people wish to ally themselves with hanland.

So im wondering who here has ships that I can download that also are allying themselves with hanland

(Zeke and Spartwo I know are with Spiritwolf, as am I)

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I don't think Zekes' ships can qualify for SW(or at least beyond Kerbin) so you should give them a go.Otherwise there are very few options, fewer yet which have been maintained.I'm sure if you asked on one of the videos someone could give some.I have the grendel available if needs be.

Edit: on that point you and daemon are being very withholding in regards to .craft

Edited by Spartwo
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I'm not being withholding. I'm being lazy. What crafts do you want?

I didn't realize you were for Hanland

I like your nautilus class and the one that looks like a hammerhead shark

BTW have any of y'all ever made a ship just to have a target to shoot at only to have to decide between your new ship and a current ship

I made a new corvette for Hanland (as there are hardly any hanland ships available) but now I can't decide between that ship and my faithful class corvette


We should have another battle soon

Edited by War Eagle 1
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Finally in reply to Spartwo's challenge:

Spartwo vs. daemonCaptrix

daeCorp fleet:

1x Nautilus-Class MkII (Frigate)

-DCSV Tethys

3x Tiamat-Class (Corvette)

-DCSV Tiamat

-DCSV Ryojin

-DCSV Jörmungandr

2x Abyss-Class β (Battle Cruiser)

-DCSV Abyss

-DCSV Charybdis

3x Osuzumebachi-Class (Fighter)

-Chartreuse Squadron



Persistent: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=98603777465230514472

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Oh ok

(the only hanland ships I have that were submitted were is the Lumpus-X2. Id really like the x-5 frigate by brightbritches but there is no download link)

The forum fairies must be on your side this morning lol, just happened to browse through this thread and guess what!

X-5 + Launcher

This was actually made on my old computer and I believe I did an update from this version after reaction wheels were added, so if you want me to attempt to update the craft again I could, otherwise its ready to go in all its (I think) 0.21 glory with a launcher and everything!

EDIT: Okay I got thinking, and I am now like 90% done with an update that turned into what I deemed to be the X-6 :P So once I finish that i'll post it somewhere and link it and you could use it if you want :)

Edited by BrightBritches
Itchy Design...Finger(s)?
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Op has pretty much all you need to know.

Simulations would be my guess.

I might be a while,because I'll have to put some K-drives on everything(shouldn't take more than a day)

@Darmon#2:I want to try everything which is why I keep battling you:P

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