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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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MediaFire says "Access Denied". Try uploading to TinyUpload

Edit: Seems to be working despite the big alarming message that claims it's not...

Edit Edit Edit: Or I could remember I installed a K-Drive. D'oh

Glad K-Drive doesn't need fuel. It keeps doing weird things to my orbit. It's taking forever.

Edited by daemonCaptrix
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Play this video while looking at these pics


5 months after the Battle of Pol against Probtech, Admiral Bob Kerman is finally getting the burial he deserves.

A massive fleet of Project Genesis ships have entered the Kerbin System to send off this great hero.

* 5 Squadrons of Cherub MkII's fighters and Seraph MkI Heavy Fighters along with many other classes of ships including

* Faithful Class Corvettes

* the newest ship in the line, Gideon Class Frigates

* Valiant Class (top) and Salvation MkII class destroyers

* Archangel MkII class Battlecruisers

*Glory Class Carriers

* and to commemorate the event, the last of the Salvation Class MkI's which have been renamed PGS Salvation, Redemption, and Voice of Truth, the same names of the ships that partook in the battle.

* The final ship of the fleet is the one that will be taking Admiral Bob to his final resting place, the PGS Requiem (latin for rest), a Requiem Class Dreadnaught. This ship is commanded by Bob's brothers, Jedediah and Bill.

* After receiving the craft containing Bob, PGS Requiem blast off for Pol

* Many days later, she arrives

* Then she makes it into low orbit around Pol

* After saying goodbye to their brother for the last time, Bobs final ship departs from the Requiem

* One orbit later, the ship ditches its protective fairings and prepares for decent

* The probe has chosen a good place to land

* it ditches its final stage and prepares to land

* The ship lands, and Admiral Bob can now finally rest in peace.

Out of all the souls I have had the honor of meeting in my travels….his was the most….Kerbal.

May you rest….in peaceful slumber.

Edited by War Eagle 1
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I might have to forfeit due to an inability to get in range of half the ships without >Not responding<:P


EDIT:Mind if I use an autopilot to go through the actions?.It won't rely on the FPS(2) to do anything.

Edited by Spartwo
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Spartwo, I think the arena is too big. We should rematch with a smaller area. lol

Also it was a bad idea for me to put two very large ships within physics rang of each other. Not to mention how they have a physics problem that causes them to go into a death spin when struck...

Edited by daemonCaptrix
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