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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Main problem with multiple targets is the ability to completley destroy the compitition in one move.

That's why theres the limit on how much ordinance you can fire! As a rough idea, it might be:

Ships under 50T can fire 15% of their mass (which is 2 SRBs for a 50T ship) in one turn at up to 2 targets.

Ships under 75T which have been classified as destroyers can fire 30% of their mass (which is 6 SRBs for a 75T ship) at up to 1 target.

Ships under 150T can fire 15% of their mass (which is 6 SRBs for a 150T ship) in one turn at up to 3 targets.

Ships over 150T can fire 10% of their mass (to discourage lag machines, maybe, I don't stick by this one...) at up to 5 targets.

Or something similar.

NAV-COM sounds pretty damn cool, I admit. Orbital combat maybe?

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Main problem with multiple targets is the ability to completley destroy the compitition in one move.The designating of ships is a tough one though I use brannans for reference

Each party must use their companies ships which adds a design challenge as well.I'm gonna stick with Naval as the other option would be NAV-COM.

Fantastic! This is what I was hoping for. Cruisers are a lot bigger than I thought. By this reckoning, both Custodian and Dastana are cruisers.

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my ship for the fight is 100 parts coming at 15 tons... even though it has 4 missiles capable of getting into orbit (almost) also im going to cheat it up there purely since I have multiple launch stages that can lift it that keep blowing up due to lag and me not seeing it (man I cant wait till my new graphics card gets here)

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sorry accidentally double posted.

EDIT: Now both my fighters are out of fuel. Can i attack with the Missile launcher next turn?

I can't believe I left the panels out:P.Persist is updated and you can attack if the constantine is out of fuel.

Video:split in two somehow


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well we are both too heavially armored to puncture. Most of my ships have two layers of armor.

but i like how this is a stalemate :D

Also where is the persist?

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Wow that was easy. In the first Fifteen seconds the most damage is done.

Also what happened to your other broadsword? oh i get it you rammed. You know it's still alive right? (see pic at bottom).

To keep the vid short i cut the section in two. both shots hit, id call that ship out of commission.

Well, i think with 10% throttle you could limp it away.... mabye. Definitely not in fighting shape.


In a strange twist of irony, one of your torpedoes survived.....


Never doubt the Inflexible.


And here is your fighter, still (amazingly) alive after that hilarious ramming attempt by you.


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Hahaha sorry. I jumped the gun. There's a second broadsword?

there are two but one is destroyed I'm talking about the one zekes showed.after my turn Zekes is left with the constantine which immobile..Unlike the skysweeper which can slowly limp it's way to the objective if needs be.Those missiles need somewhere to command from which there is not the box-sat duo are still operational.

VIDEO:will be up soon

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