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OKAD releases rover wheel assembly


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I still haven\'t gotten around to texturing the gantry system and decided to wait until at least the experimental version of the next release is available before doing reverse tricouplers given their operational deficiencies.

However, in the meantime, I did get around to making a rover wheel of all things lol. This should fill in that gap until some real artist decides to do one.

Rover wheel available at bottom of first message: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4267.msg48104#msg48104

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I still haven\'t gotten around to texturing the gantry system and decided to wait until at least the experimental version of the next release is available before doing reverse tricouplers given their operational deficiencies.

However, in the meantime, I did get around to making a rover wheel of all things lol. This should fill in that gap until some real artist decides to do one.

Rover wheel available at bottom of first message: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4267.msg48104#msg48104

When I download it, I get a PHP file called index, what do I do?

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When I download it, I get a PHP file called index, what do I do?

This forum software has a bug that so far only Firefox detects - which causes the problem. Temporary solution is, use Internet Explorer or another browser, log in, and download.

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This forum software has a bug that so far only Firefox detects - which causes the problem. Temporary solution is, use Internet Explorer or another browser, log in, and download.

Alternately, save the file, then rename it to the correct name and extension after saving. Sure, it\'s annoying having the wrong name, but the data in the file isn\'t affected by the glitch.

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Rover wheels... Time for some awesome Curiosity Madness 8)

I already had a go making my own rover with these...didn\'t last very long unfortunately.

Unfortunately I landed on the dark side and it\'s a bit hard to see the rover wheels.


It was fun while it lasted...


...Until I accidentally accelerated off a cliff side and kept pressing the wrong buttons as I mashed the keyboard


But at least they survived!


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  • 6 months later...

Omni Korp Aerospace Division presents the RVW-5 Rover wheel assembly designed specifically for exploring extra-Kerbin surfaces.


Download is in GME friendly package, zip file attached at bottom of this message.


Omni Korp Aerospace Division is proud to release the alpha prototype version of its new Gantry Launch System. The GLS consists of two main parts and one optional part, a Gantry Tower, a Gantry Decoupler, and an optional Gantry Strut for those really big rockets.

Also released today is the MerkuryHLD variant package including the crew compartment as capsule with disabled SAS, the recovery compartment as an rcs fuel tank, and a small two vector rcs thruster which gives the capsule yaw pitch spin control.

Omni Korp Aerospace Division releases three high precision tricouplers today featuring greatly improved stability over previous (ie stock vanilla) models. The tricouplers are available to fit the standard 1m, 1.75m, and 2m diameter stacks.

Director Tsu Suun Boom announced today the first shipment of the Merkury capsule and an improvement to the company\'s secondary engine mount.

Note: secondary mount improvement is cosmetic only (smoothing) and the upgraded part is included in the OKAD-Merkury package.

Where is the zip file?

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Where is the zip file?

Rusty, you should know better. This post is from back in NOVEMBER. Chances are the attachment was lost in the server migration and even if you could download it, it\'s likely it wouldn\'t work with the lastest version.


Locking this thread until the OP requests it be reopened.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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