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Supertank. Working cannon and rotating turret. Promo reel included

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The Kerbhuran Military Labs supertank: Design schematics (craft file)

Promotional video: http://youtu.be/sln0onFDYzw

Parts: 562

Maximum speed on level terrain: 12 m/s

Turret rotation: 360 degrees

Armament: cannon; 2x guided missiles

Cannon elevation: 5 degrees

Cannon range: 1150m

Missile range: 4000+ m


  • Action group 8 decouples the turret, allowing rotation
  • Action group 2 toggles the LVT30 cannon. To fire the main cannon use throttle to set desired range, stage a round then hit action group 2 twice quickly.
  • Action groups 3 (right) and 5 (left) fire the missiles
  • Turret rotation is via RCS. Click the small octo pod that protrudes from the top of the turret to use yaw for turret control, or the other one to use roll.
  • Switch vessels to change from driving to turret control and back.




Edited by allmhuran
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