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[0.21] Biodome 2 Alpha 6 Final release 03/09/13


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I really like how you have got the ability of mining kethane - maybe you could look into other resources as well if you get bored :)

Noticed you ran out of Power in the video, methinks I may have to put a couple of solar panels on the dome somewhere LOL

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It's kinda off balance. I tried to fly it but it just tips over, do you all teleport this thing places or something? I'll add a tank somewhere to even out the weight distribution, maybe get it into a circular orbit :-/

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  NoMrBond said:
There was a dev-blog by bac9 about making the new KSC for 0.21 and how it was optimised with part instancing and texture subdivision etc

Might get some ideas from there

Working on an experimental balance between lower polygon than the 1st biodome, and fewer material count than the 2nd biodome, reskinning EVERYTHING again, tell me what you think of this 10 UV tile maps in one texture approach:

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  • 2 weeks later...

If this could work with the Ironcross mod I may download it and see if I can't get it to land on Minmus and make it a mining town. More likely blow up on the launchpad.

PS - But it looks too cheerful and I am a 'Outland' and 'Moon Zero Two' and 'Alien' kind of sci-fi guy. I want oil stained floors, rusty hulls, rows of lockers, and blinking equipment with only a few lights here and there. :D

Edited by Valley
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You can call repetitive things into the overall structure using MODEL{} calls to cut down on overhead without sacrificing overall fidelity

This would allow you to, for instance, create one detailed outer wall arc, and then call it in multiple time using the node system as many times as needed to complete the hull wall without tanking performance.

Same for repeated internal structures, like stairs. Make one stairway segment, then call it in multiple times with rotation/position etc to make full stairwells out of multiple copies of that one section.

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The only problem I see with it is the ramp. Ok so a ramp should be smooth to allow passage like this / (dont have any other ramp like things imagine it tilted some.) But your ramp is ___O see the problem? you cant get past the bump without legs or some form of adjusting wheel-base.

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I'm having trouble finding a flat enough spot to land this behemoth so that it doesn't slide around the surface at .5m/s. Can anyone who has this landed and stopped give me the coordinates, please? Thanks!

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NoMr.Bond: Please elaborate with the MODEL{} sounds intriguing. On the same note, any ideas how to put two animations into the same part and call each animation separately?

Hydran: Yes sorry, the old ramp worked perfect but then for a while we had no damned robotics, now magic smoke has reappeared but I couldn't get my own custom .mu's to behave the same way I could do all those things with .dae. (Boy I had so much fun with the red dwarf airlock, biodome 1's vtol bay doors, the first biodome2 elevator). I made a spur of the moment animation to look cool, I'm working on a z shaped 3 phase one so the door goes ______¬¬¬¬¬¬'''''''''O instead, and folds up a ºZ shape

Ascii art, fun eh?

Liath: Wait til alpha 6, the giant solar fins will slow you right down. also have a look at where you're landing and try not to land on ridges! peeks of hills and bottoms of craters are best.

Bigred: half throttle m8

Other guy with teh dragon emblem, can't remember your name, yeah there's plans to do do a disaster scenario where you have to fight your way to the launchbay when the bacteria labs mutate the kerbals into zombies and you have to find the keycard and solve a load of puzzles then right at the end this giant space krakken monster awakes and charges towards the ship and you've got a timer to get out of there before one of the tentacles smashes the domewall.

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Sumghai (Station Parts Expansion), Sirkut (MSI plugins) and/or Snjo (Firespitter) are probably the people to ask about animations, they're all really helpful in that regard.

Multiple animations happening at once needs a plugin, and if you chain animations one after the other, the game will only remember the state set by the last animation (if that helps), Sumghai gave an explanation about why here.

The MODEL call is

model = LocationURL (i.e.) Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model
position = X, Y, Z
scale = X, Y, Z
rotation = X, Y, Z
parent = anotherModelTransform
texture = oldTextureName , newTextureURL (i.e. model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/model000)

With a general caution that the scale function is currently a bit odd, still usable, requires care.

The center of your structure is (usually) 0, 0, 0 (X, Y, Z) position, so everything you call in can be positioned, rotated and scaled to anywhere in relation to the center.

So you could do something like, make a single triangle window, then call it 20 times with the different positions/rotations to make a complete dodecahedron structure, but the triangle only exists once and each face is called with geometry instancing. Or you could make 1/4 of the wall, then call it four times using MODEL{} at four different positions with appropriate rotations to make a complete exterior, you can have ~4x more detail on this 1/4 section than you could if you were modeling the entire exterior as one piece for almost the same game resource cost.

Things like tables, chairs, other props etc only have to exist once, and you can just add a MODEL{} call to your part.cfg for each one you want.

Here's an example;


Each common part only exists once, and is then repeated/instanced with MODEL calls, so they're all built from a collection of common parts, positioned and rotated from the center with nodes, the memory footprint is tiny and as many different sizes, lengths and/or combinations can be manufactured just using different part.cfg's

Edited by NoMrBond
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If anyone didnt pay attention to my last reply, the airlock-ramp is alright, exept for the GIANT ROUND PIPE ON THE BASE OF IT! Anyways, make a way OVER the pipe or remove it and replace it with more ramp.

Best regards


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NoMrBond, OK, I've made it run a lot better with the model nodes, but now I've split the dome up into tiles, windows, pipes, hydroponics, dancefoor etc.... how do I now reference that separate model in code?

I used to use the code: Transform Dancefloor = base.transform.FindChild("Dancefloor").FindChild("Dancefloor");

but that leads to a null reference, any ideas how to in code reference that model node within the .cfg file?

here's the proto code for the new dome which runs faster:

ublic void FixedUpdate()


if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; //if the scene isn't a flight... don't bother with the code. added to get rid of errors in sph.


if (Dancestart == true)


Dancestarttime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();

Dancestate = 1;

Dancestart = false;


Dancetime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - Dancestarttime;

Transform Dancefloor = base.transform.FindChild("Dancefloor").FindChild("Dancefloor");

if (Lightswitch == true)


if (Dancestate == 1)


Vector2 c = new Vector2(-0.016f, 0);

if (Dancetime > 0.5)


TVnextframe(Dancefloor, c);




if (Dancestate == 2)


Vector2 c = new Vector2(-0.032f, 0);

if (Dancetime > 1)


TVnextframe(Dancefloor, c);




if (Dancestate == 3)


Vector2 c = new Vector2(0, 0);

if (Dancetime > 1.5)


TVnextframe(Dancefloor, c);

Dancestart = true;






private void grow(Transform a, Vector2 B)


a.renderer.material.mainTextureOffset = b;


private void TVnextframe(Transform a, Vector2 B)


a.renderer.material.mainTextureOffset = b;

a.renderer.material.SetTextureOffset("_Emissive", B);



but now in my .cfg file I have //dancefloor



model = SolarNRG/Parts/Structural/Biodomezero/Dancefloor

position = -14.6, -19.4, -30.0

rotation = 0, 0.0, 0

scale = 1, 1, 1

parent = Biodomezero


//end of dancefloor

How do I link the two any ideas?

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