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Co-op play

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I looked around on the forums and I did not see a thread on co-op... so here I go.

I know that multiplayer is not an option right now, I also know that it has been discussed to death. Co-op is not the same as multiplayer. In KSP, I mean co-op as having multiple people in one ship. I would love to have my buddy go with me to Duna and get out with his own kerbal and we can walk around on the surface together. In a sense, it is multiplayer but on a very small scale (2-however many kerbal are on your ship). This may seem pointless or it may be too difficult to implement.

I just want to talk about it. Perhaps a modder could implement it?

I apologize if the moderators consider this a "multiplayer" thread and I understand that this thread may be locked.

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Well, the definition means the same thing, Cooperative and multiplayer

So this thread is a no go, also, Physics, lag and that

I understand, I just wanted to throw it out there because I guess it would be more feasible than 100+ people multiplayer.

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It's just not really possible to have multiplayer when there's time and physics warps going on. Something is going to break.

What I've thought would be a good idea for KSP, though, is essentially what you're talkin' about. Some coop shenanigans. Instead of running flights or building rockets, you just load up a coop session on one of the bases or stations that you built and you IVA/EVA for the entire coop session. It'd be like Moonbase Alpha but kerbaltastic :D

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It's just not really possible to have multiplayer when there's time and physics warps going on. Something is going to break.

What I've thought would be a good idea for KSP, though, is essentially what you're talkin' about. Some coop shenanigans. Instead of running flights or building rockets, you just load up a coop session on one of the bases or stations that you built and you IVA/EVA for the entire coop session. It'd be like Moonbase Alpha but kerbaltastic :D

This! This is what I mean. If we could walk around a base or be in the same ship it would be so cool.

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It is already possible to perform co-op flights using Telemachus.

One person sits at the computer running KSC, acting as the 'pilot' of the vessel.

The other sits at a second machine only looking at the data from telemachus, acting as mission control while talking with the person actually playing KSP.

Stock support for co-op or multiplayer will not be implemented anytime soon.

Pretty sure a thread exactly like this was posted yesterday, and closed for the same reason as this one will be- co-op is included in multiplayer on the do not suggest list.

Although as explained a limited form of Co-op is already possible using mods, there is no plans at this time to implement anything of that nature into the stock game.

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