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I want to do SCIENCE to it!

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Hello modders and mod-fans,

I just constructed my first "real" space station in KSP (not counting the barebones, non-functional test of concept that I de-orbited when I was ready to "go live"). So far, it's a nifty looking structure, symmetrical and functional as a fuel depot for extra-orbital missions. But what I'm really missing, something that's essential to all space stations built in our own, real world, is the capacity for SCIENCE!

The stock science equipment is not that exciting in KSP - one can see the use for an accelerometer or a gravimeter at 100km altitude - less so for a thermometer, and let's be honest, a barometer is useless there. What I'm looking for are suggestions for mods that would allow me to implement scientific capability to an orbital station. I've found lots of interesting planetary science stuff, but that won't help me here. I'm looking forward to an update of the Ordan telescope, and hoping I'll be able to mount the small one on my station as an observatory. Are there any other mods, plugins etc that would let me do more science?

Thank you for your time.

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Trying being a little more specific on what you want to do....

The reason why there is such a small limit to scientific sensors in game stock is because there is only about as much info to gather ingame.

What you are asking for would have to be completly added by the mod dev in most cases. DO SPACE SCIENCE is a little vauge to try and build a mod from =P

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Speaking of the tek Industries Sciences mod, one proposal tek and I are considering is the ability to determine a planet/moon's composition through sample collection and analysis.

At present, the mod's workflow ends in samples being analysed and simply disappearing into the void. What I suggested to tek was that for each sample probes/robots/Kerbals collect, they contain different compositions of various elements/compounds, and through faux statistical analysis players would be able to, for example, determine that 60% of Duna's crust is composed of a certain element. This information could potentially be displayed as a table or piechart, and the more samples collected, the more accurate the final tally would be.

I posted a tome regarding this some time ago, which piqued the interest of some players. Feel free to chip in.

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The reason why there is such a small limit to scientific sensors in game stock is because there is only about as much info to gather ingame.

What you are asking for would have to be completly added by the mod dev in most cases. DO SPACE SCIENCE is a little vauge to try and build a mod from =P

I understand and appreciate that - at the moment, I'm simply asking if there are any such mods/components already in existence. I did dig up an old "KSF" module that sounds like it's designed for what I had in mind... not sure if it'll work with 0.21 though. (I mean, it loads in the VAB but I've yet to see if it works in space).

Real-life space stations are generally designed with science as their main purpose - Skylab, the ISS, etc. - and an in-game module or plugin needn't necessarily have a tangible benefit in the game. I guess I'm just looking for avenues for orbital science much as planetary science has blossomed in the game. One could survey planets for Kethane, mine resources, collect atmospheric and soil samples... lots of possibilities on the ground, I'm hoping to find similar things for space.

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One could survey planets for Kethane, mine resources, collect atmospheric and soil samples... lots of possibilities on the ground, I'm hoping to find similar things for space.

I think that science will become a big part of the game when career mode is implemented. We'll have to test engines in space and improve life support capabilities and whatnot. I think that prior to an update that allows for a progression in parts/capabilities any "science" is going to be cosmetic at best. I do really want that to happen though.

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I agree that "science" in KSP is almost entirely cosmetic at the moment - that's fine with me for what I'm looking for. I just want a little more than a module that "looks" scientific - I've seen various stock craft that could fit that appearance.

So far, these are the things I've found:

Lionhead's Zeus Space Telescope - Works with 0.21.1, though when I try to actually use the scope I have a problem getting "back" out of it to the station itself.

Sensor Module - An aesthetically pleasing means of incorporating all four stock science instruments to a craft.

Kerbal Science Foundation - an older mod (in so far as February '13 is "old" in KSP's development cycle) but perfectly whimsical for Kerbal Science. You can set it to do research and the tooltips will tell you what it's researching. So far I've seen "Zero-G wigs", "trampolines", "multiplayer", "Disavowing prior research", and I'm told someone else saw it researching "Playing Human Space Program". I'd love it if this was updated with a crew capacity/IVA and some of the suggestions made on that page.

Perhaps that gives a better idea of the sort of things I'm looking for, in case anyone knows of anything similar?

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