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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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"Houston We have had a problem!". I got the Exploration probe mission to orbit around the mun with the orbital research boxes but I can't get the orbital research boxes to start researching,its the only thing that hasn't been completed. The boxes say that they are "ready to scan",I enabled them and nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong?


I had to revert the mission(before this one) cause I forgot solar panels,but it was researching,then I relaunched to this cause I had no power.

Hmmm use the clear Mission Goals in settings. I think I had this same issue in a mission and it was because I had another Vessel saved under the same goal. I will have to look into this further but if you use the clear Mission Goals it will fix the problem. You can even go straight to the vessel again and be able to push the StartResearch and wait for countdown.

Edited by malkuth
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I was waiting until I redid how my simulations work, but decided to just implement it now. MCE compatibility should be working fine in pre-release 4d of KCT. There is an issue when creating a new game and the first launch being a simulation. When reverted the backup isn't loaded because it doesn't exist yet, so you still get charged. I think you already know about this bug, but I'm just letting you know. I think you can either go into the VAB, then go back to the Space Center, then back to the VAB once or you can just reset your MCE save after the revert.

More to malkuth: I had a bit of trouble using the API as even when including the MissionLibrary.dll I was getting null references when calling the LoadBackup function without MCE installed (I realize that won't do anything, which was the point. The code needed to exist whether it was installed or not) And I also didn't see a function in the library to tell if MCE was installed or not (to only call the function if MCE was there). I ended up working around it in a way that also made it not required to include the MissionLibrary.dll with my mod. I'll provide my solution here for anyone wanting to use the MCE API without including the MissionLibrary.dll in their release (you still need to reference it in your dev environment though)

In KCT_Utilities I had these two functions:

public static bool MCEAvailable() //Check if MCE is available and return true if it is
Type MCE = AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies
.Select(a => a.assembly.GetExportedTypes())
.SelectMany(t => t)
.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FullName == "MissionController.MissionController");

if (MCE == null)
Debug.Log("[KCT] MCE Not Found.");
return false;
Debug.Log("[KCT] MCE Found.");
return true;

public static void RevertMCE() //Call the Load Backup function in MCE. Must be in a different function or you will encounter errors!

And then in my actual revert function I used:

if (KCT_Utilities.MCEAvailable()) //If MCE is installed then load the backup file

If I called the backup code directly from my revert function then I would encounter errors when the revert function was called (because it couldn't find the MissionLibrary.dll file). This way that function is only called when MCE is installed, and it isn't called when MCE isn't. Plus, it uses the MissionLibrary.dll included with MCE, so if there are changes then there won't be conflicting versions.

Maybe this is how the API is supposed to be used anyway, but I wasn't planning on implementing this this morning so I hadn't looked it over entirely. But I figured I'd put this here for anyone interested.

Pretty good solution. :) I was thinking that this would be a problem though. I really didn't come up with an answer. Seems this would work better. And nobody has to use MissionLibrary.dll with there mods. Im going to add this to the API description.

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I have idea for addition for this plugin.

Actions that bring money, but dont require any contract or mission. Like taking pictures in space, for example 10000 for picture of each biome of mun from orbit and 20000 for picture of surface. Or tv transmisions from space. That woudl require multiple crew because single kerbal occupied by entertaining masses woudlnt be able to controll ship at the same time.

Hmm thanks for the suggestion. So this would require it to be like a Part that gives MCE money.. basically like science works? This is completely possible I might try to come up with something.

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This is a really old quote but I just noticed it when reading through some of the older pages. KCT does have support for RealChute based parachute recovery. I personally have noticed that a drag to mass ratio of about 8 or higher will result in a landing of below 10m/s, which is the primary requirement for me to recover spent stages. Feel free to check out my source (included with the download). It's in the Kerbal_Construction_Time.vesselDestroyEvent() function. I had to use some reflection to get the drag coefficient and the total area, then calculate the drag from that. It shouldn't require much change to implement, if you haven't yet.

I will check it out. I take it you have a check for realchutes.

Took a look adapted it to work with MCE. Just have to test to make sure my changes to the code work. :)

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Hmmm use the clear Mission Goals in settings. I think I had this same issue in a mission and it was because I had another Vessel saved under the same goal. I will have to look into this further but if you use the clear Mission Goals it will fix the problem. You can even go straight to the vessel again and be able to push the StartResearch and wait for countdown.

Thanks for answering,I just stopped the mission :/ If I run into it again I'll do that.

Also I middle clicked on the "Current Mission" tab and it disappeared and I can't get it back up. Don't know if its the Toolbar or MissionController.

Edit: I reinstalled Toolbar to no avail. :/

Edit: I went to the settings and "reset windows" and its back. I middle clicked again and it disappeared. Bug?

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Thanks for answering,I just stopped the mission :/ If I run into it again I'll do that.

Also I middle clicked on the "Current Mission" tab and it disappeared and I can't get it back up. Don't know if its the Toolbar or MissionController.

Edit: I reinstalled Toolbar to no avail. :/

Edit: I went to the settings and "reset windows" and its back. I middle clicked again and it disappeared. Bug?

I just checked. I would suggest not using middle mouse button on the windows. Seems to have something to do with EditorLock enabled windows.

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I'm a bit confused by the contract system. Is contract also a kind of mission but automatically generated randomly?

Plus I hope that we can adjust the frequency/possibility to have a contract... better with a debug button placed somewhere to force-generate them as well. :)

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I'm a bit confused by the contract system. Is contract also a kind of mission but automatically generated randomly?

Plus I hope that we can adjust the frequency/possibility to have a contract... better with a debug button placed somewhere to force-generate them as well. :)

Yes they are regular missions. Only everything is generated from the company offering them, to the payouts, to in some cases the planet you need to go to.

And other then Debug tools that are locked, the contracts are generated every 24 hours (KSP Earth Time) in game. And sometimes you might not get a mission at all, but most of the time that is not the case since there are 3 categories of missions and the chances of a No Contract happening to 3 contracts at once is pretty low now. You can now pretty much just time accelerate for the lotted time, and get contracts.

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Quick Question: What does the Longitude goal mean? I just launched the ComSat-V mission and eveything is perfect except that. How do I get it?

Longitude specifies the east-west position of a point on the target Bodies surface. I kept these pretty simple for you could easy find them without visual cues. If I would of used Longitude and Latitude.. Then you would have had to find a fixed spot.. Much harder without visual cues.

If your doing the Landing on the Impact site in Kerbin. Then heading for that should get you pretty close.

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That reminds me of something that always bothered me a bit in the back of my mind about the Kerbin Crater mission. It claims that the purpose of the mission is to explore Kerbin's impact crater (which I assume is that ring of land around a central island just offshore of the west coast of the big continent). BUT, the goals for the mission never mention longitude at all. It only has a latitude goal, so you never need to go anywhere near the crater. Just go 8 degrees straight north from the KSC launchpad and land and you've succeeded. But it has a better payout than the polar mission, which makes you have to go further and is slightly harder. Would it make more sense to add a longitude goal to that mission so you really do in fact have to get near that crater?

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That reminds me of something that always bothered me a bit in the back of my mind about the Kerbin Crater mission. It claims that the purpose of the mission is to explore Kerbin's impact crater (which I assume is that ring of land around a central island just offshore of the west coast of the big continent). BUT, the goals for the mission never mention longitude at all. It only has a latitude goal, so you never need to go anywhere near the crater. Just go 8 degrees straight north from the KSC launchpad and land and you've succeeded. But it has a better payout than the polar mission, which makes you have to go further and is slightly harder. Would it make more sense to add a longitude goal to that mission so you really do in fact have to get near that crater?

Indeed it should be I will fix it up. Landing on the center island might be a bit tricky. :)

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So what would people like to see added to MCE?

Some ideas I had.

1. Exchange system to change Research into Credits? (for those late games where you have everything researched and nothing to do with research anymore)

2. A ranking system for kerbals.. Or training system. Throw out idea like you have to have a commander to launch any ship with 2 or more. (have no idea How I would stop a ship from being launched though) Flight Officer for 1 person flight. etc... And it would cost credits to train the kerbals.. Maybe even have to have a few missions under belt to get titles like commander.

3. Any more mission Ideas? Or thoughts?

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Indeed it should be I will fix it up. Landing on the center island might be a bit tricky. :)

Perhaps it should be made with an optional goal for a bonus.

Define a square area with lattitude/longitude that covers the entire crater, and make that be the minimum goal, then add a more narrowly defined square inside it that covers just the island and make that be the bonus goal.

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So what would people like to see added to MCE?

Some ideas I had.

1. Exchange system to change Research into Credits? (for those late games where you have everything researched and nothing to do with research anymore)

2. A ranking system for kerbals.. Or training system. Throw out idea like you have to have a commander to launch any ship with 2 or more. (have no idea How I would stop a ship from being launched though) Flight Officer for 1 person flight. etc... And it would cost credits to train the kerbals.. Maybe even have to have a few missions under belt to get titles like commander.

3. Any more mission Ideas? Or thoughts?

Might there be a way to "earmark" science points that only work for one particular part of the tech tree? Then you could give them out for doing missions related to that thing - i.e. do a docking mission and get points dedicated to the tech tree path that leads to better docking rings and rcs thrusters and so on.

I imagine an implementation like this: You define a few "lines" through the tech tree and give them names like "docking path" and "efficiency path" and "instruments path" and so on. Each line is a fixed list defined in the mod: a list of nodes that forms one particular line path from the root of the tree out to one of the leaves of the tree, hitting some tech nodes that relate to a particular type of tech along the way, like the names suggest. Then you track separate totals of MCE science voucher points - one such number for each path defined above, as in "you have 120 points of 'docking path' points, and 50 points of 'instruments path' points right now". These points are given out as rewards for MCE mission completions in lieu of the current practice of sometimes giving out KSP's generic raw science points. How do you use them? Well, KSP itself doesn't know about them, but what you do is that when a player is going to buy a new tech tree node in the science center interface, you check to see if that node is on one of the paths described above, and if the player has any MCE science voucher points for that path. If so, then you discount their purchase of that tech tree node by the amount of voucher points (or add the voucher points back in to their science points after the purchase if you can't quite force what I'm talking about through the KSP API).

Thus you've invented a sort of dedicated science point system that melts in with KSP's own generic science points system. Players still get normal KSP science points from normal KSP science things, but then get MCE science voucher points as well that are more dedicated and specific.

By applying each dedicated type of voucher point to a PATH through the tree rather than to one specific node of the tree, you're ensuring that the points will be usable on whatever the next purchase along that path happens to be. The voucher points would only become useless when you hit the end of that path at the leaf node. At any stage prior to that they'd still be usable.

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Am I doing something wrong with this mod? I took a mission, completed it, got the reward, but it does not seem to be charging me for the ship that I used (or at least charging me far less than the stated value)? Also I can't get any of the buttons to show up in the VAB for things such as ship cost breakdown etc.

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Am I doing something wrong with this mod? I took a mission, completed it, got the reward, but it does not seem to be charging me for the ship that I used (or at least charging me far less than the stated value)? Also I can't get any of the buttons to show up in the VAB for things such as ship cost breakdown etc.

There's a button that hides all the windows, that might be causing that problem. Happened to me a couple of times.

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Am I doing something wrong with this mod? I took a mission, completed it, got the reward, but it does not seem to be charging me for the ship that I used (or at least charging me far less than the stated value)? Also I can't get any of the buttons to show up in the VAB for things such as ship cost breakdown etc.

You are charged on take off. So if your starting out with the default 50,000 credits.

You launch a vessel that cost 30,000 credits should have budget of 20,000 after launch.

If your doing a mission that pays 40,000. At end of mission you should get that credit that will bring your budget up to 60,000 credits (for a 10,000 profit).

Make sure you have ToolBar Installed and that the Icon that shows an Arrow pointing straight down is not set. (I thinking of having the icons change color for next version for you know if they are selected or not)

Also its very possible that your windows went off screen (there is a bug Im tying to figure out that if you use middle mouse button on windows they will vanish). If this is the case and if you can get into the settings icon window. Push the button that says Reset Windows.

If you can't get into the settings window either (this should not be case this window does not save position) then you will have to go to

C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MissionController\Plugins\PluginData\MissionController

and delete the file named config.xml (this saves window positions) and see if that helps.

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I'm having the same problem as Proply. Whenever I launch, I'm not charged nearly enough. I was charged under $1000 for an $18000 ship. Testing it on a Stayputnik drone attached to a cheap SRB charged me a little over $200 (should have been over $3000).

I thought at first it might be a problem with one of the other mods I have installed, Construction Time, but I uninstalled it and I'm still not getting charged nearly enough.

Okay, so I messed around with it a little, and it's only a problem with HardCore mode. In normal mode, it charges the correct amount, but when HardCore is turned on, it only charges between 10-15% of the stated value of the ship.

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Why not make the contracts have competition bidding? IE, The highest payment will be 100000, a competitor bids 99000 so I bid 90000 to get the contract. But only make this for high paying contracts so I don't go broke.

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So I started playing in normal mode so I didn't have to deal with screwed-up vessel costs... I can't get recycling costs though. When I test it in sandbox mode, it works fine, but when I play in career mode, after I hit recover vessel, the science screen pops up, but no recycling payout screen.

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Just tested on a fresh install w/ no mods but MCE. Started career, launched a ship, flew a few feet, landed, and recovered. Still no recycling payout.

Thats because in Career mode you have to research recycling. If you look at the MCE research tree you will see research for Recycling. You need to have enough research points to unlock it. ;)

The research tree is in the Icon that looks like Test Tubes and paperwork.

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