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Weka Lifeboat Spaceplane released - Kergin Galactic Spaceplane update soon!

Lunniy Korabl

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sneak Preview: Weka lifeboat spaceplane!


The Weka lifeboat spaceplane was intended as a cheap re-entry vessel for use in emergencies. Due to budget cuts and project cancellations, this manual flight only (no ASAS) budget spaceplane will soon be available for general use.

Now that I\'ve got my head around spaceplanes with wings that actually produce lift, the Kergin Galactic v0.1 with proper wings is also just around the corner.

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OP updated! Weka is released. You can now find out what the heat shield looks like.

After the Kergin Galactic (love that name) update, I\'m doing a custom decoupler and service module for Weka. The module will contain extra fuel, RCS, ASAS and habitation for longer duration missions. Also a docking ring for space stations. I think I may draw inspiration from the shuttle mir docking module, which is also orange!


Maybe won\'t make it orange though.

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At the moment, the answer is basically 'you can\'t' -there\'s no actual lift, so it \'flies\' like a normal command pod.

Indeed, that mod was made a while ago when I had no idea what I was doing. The Weka flies though. More so than its avian namesake.

Now that there\'s more spaceplane mods out, it\'s a lot easier to figure out how to get things working. I am currently in the process of getting all the control surfaces animating (looks like each wing will be coming in two parts). Estimate release sometime this weekend.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Indeed, that mod was made a while ago when I had no idea what I was doing. The Weka flies though. More so than its avian namesake.

Now that there\'s more spaceplane mods out, it\'s a lot easier to figure out how to get things working. I am currently in the process of getting all the control surfaces animating (looks like each wing will be coming in two parts). Estimate release sometime this weekend.

A little off topic, have you touched a weka before?

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I subscribe to the opinion that whoever said 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' has obviously never tried two in the bush.

However, let\'s not mix metaphors. I\'ve seen many weka in bushes but never touched one. Are they fwuffy?

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  • 2 months later...

A magnificent design, the Weka. I found one small problem though. If you detach the linear aerospike from the tank/body, it will not attach itself anymore, nor can anything be attached to the bottom of the tank.

Is there any progress on the custom decoupler and service module for Weka?

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okay I\'ll use it as an emergency escape

I use it for my Munar space stations.... mostly because If I didn\'t, my guys\'ll end up floating off surrounded by a halo of debris from my crappily designed station... And its fun to try to land on the Mun... especially since its hard to judge distances well there; you never know if that mountain is 100 KM away, or 10!

BTW, any progress on the Kergin Galactic?

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Your lifeboat really is a lifeboat! My Kerganouts just took a plunge from an apo-ker of 102,000 m, nose first, into the sea. (I forgot to pause the game). All three Kerganouts survived and the WEKA lifeboat stayed intact, it only lost the left tail wing.

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Your lifeboat really is a lifeboat! My Kerganouts just took a plunge from an apo-ker of 102,000 m, nose first, into the sea. (I forgot to pause the game). All three Kerganouts survived and the WEKA lifeboat stayed intact, it only lost the left tail wing.

its a amazing design, no? I have a hard enough time landing a space shuttle, but with this as long as I don\'t clip a mountain or drag a wing, I can usually do a belly first landing and not explode and die as I skid to a stop. Its clearly designed for Kerbin usage, when I try it on the Mun, even with Mechjeb\'s help and burning all the way, I still manage to catch a wing or the engines when landing about half the time; without a helpful atmosphere to slow the rapid spinning that occurs when said engine/wing explodes, it usually means my \'nauts have anywhere from a minute to 5 minutes (memorable experience that one... I managed to bounce a 100Km from where I crashed!) left to live....

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