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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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In FNNuclearReactor.cs RefuelUranium()/RefuelThorium()

double spare_capacity_for_uf6 = uf4.maxAmount - actinides.amount;

should be

double spare_capacity_for_uf6 = Math.Max(uf4.maxAmount - uf4.amount - actinides.amount, 0);

similar for Thorium.

I can not for the life of me locate a FNNuclearReactor.cs file. How do I fix this, and can it be done with ModuleManager? Furthermore, is there a way to add or remove a resource from a part in VAH with ModuleManager, so I don't have to directly change the files.

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I can not for the life of me locate a FNNuclearReactor.cs file. How do I fix this, and can it be done with ModuleManager? Furthermore, is there a way to add or remove a resource from a part in VAH with ModuleManager, so I don't have to directly change the files.

FNNuclearReactor.cs is one of the source code files for the plugin itself. To fix it you'll have to get a copy of the source from github, make the change, and recompile the plugin.

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FNNuclearReactor.cs is one of the source code files for the plugin itself. To fix it you'll have to get a copy of the source from github, make the change, and recompile the plugin.

So on github, the folder called FNPlugin is the uncompiled WarpPlugin.dll? Is so I'm guess I have to find the file in there, make the change, then somehow make the FNPlugin compiled into a DLL. I haven't done this before, so if I'm completely off, will free to help care my ignorance :) (oh and how the hell do you "compile" it?)

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So on github, the folder called FNPlugin is the uncompiled WarpPlugin.dll? Is so I'm guess I have to find the file in there, make the change, then somehow make the FNPlugin compiled into a DLL. I haven't done this before, so if I'm completely off, will free to help care my ignorance :) (oh and how the hell do you "compile" it?)

You need a compiler installer on your system. Fractal's github account is a bit annoying to get setup to compile, since he doesn't include all the files required to setup a project in an proper development environment out of the box.

I'll see about fixing those problem on my experimental version if anyone wants to use the updates until fractal gets around to updating.

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When I time warp 10x or more, my ship wobbles about EXPLODES. regardless of size. Usually it will break apart or just explode when I come out of time warp. What is causing this? I know it's to do with Interstellar - it is the only thing I've installed since this started happening.

Edited by Iforgotthis
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Those numbers look correct.

Thermal Generators can use ThermalPower and ChargedParticles, and for determining their max power they assume they can get all of both.

Ok, that's where I went wrong then. I assumed that KTEC generators would completely ignore ChargedParticles the same way DC generators don't use ThermalPower. (Now that I know what to look for, it wasn't too hard to find the relevant place in the code :D)

Is this intended behaviour? My understanding was that the KTEC is a heat-exchanger, what would it do with ChargedParticles?

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I no longer have the craft files for the Prometheus. It ended up being 3 3.75 fusion reactors, with 3 thermal nozzles, 2 vista engines under side mounted tanks, ISRUs connecting them all together, small tanks underneath the vistas to keep them from overheating, and another above the center fusion reactor to balance fuel transfer, and ensure that the ISRU's output their fuel properly, topped off with a command module and mobile science lab, and science lab for kicks, parachutes for atmo landings, landing gear and enough reaction wheels to turn the beast.

Do you use Deadly Reentry? Did you end up sticking with those struts shown in the screenshot of the craft over Jool as the landing gear, and if so, what was their arrangement? Where'd you end up sticking the reaction wheels (I assume likely from NP as there are no stock 3m reaction wheels)? Why did you go with both the Vistas and Thermal Nozzles? I'm currently working based on your description here and that image. Unfortunately, that image does not provide enough detail (too zoomed out, not enough angles, etc).

Ok, that's where I went wrong then. I assumed that KTEC generators would completely ignore ChargedParticles the same way DC generators don't use ThermalPower. (Now that I know what to look for, it wasn't too hard to find the relevant place in the code :D)

Is this intended behaviour? My understanding was that the KTEC is a heat-exchanger, what would it do with ChargedParticles?

AFAIK, the KTEC cannot make use of CP, and therefore they go to waste unless you also have a Direct Conversion generator.

Edited by Einarr
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Has anyone else encountered some trouble with the "Log Science" option of the magnetometer? Half the time I don't even get the option for logging science when clicking the part, the other half it appears and I get the error "can not be done...". I have tried linking it to action groups without luck, in the first case clicking the hotkey for "Log science" does nothing, in the second case the same error appears.

I'm using version 0.11 with KSP ver .23.5.

I have tried removing and re-installing the mod.

The save was new for KSP .23.5 and had Interstellar installed from the very beginning.

I have not linked my game to Steam yet.

Other mods appear to be working fine (I've been playing for a few hours).

Apologies if this is a common error, been searching with Google for a while and skimmed through some pages of the forum thread but I couldn't find the issue.

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Ok, that's where I went wrong then. I assumed that KTEC generators would completely ignore ChargedParticles the same way DC generators don't use ThermalPower. (Now that I know what to look for, it wasn't too hard to find the relevant place in the code :D)

Is this intended behaviour? My understanding was that the KTEC is a heat-exchanger, what would it do with ChargedParticles?

It is my understanding that the thermal generators are only supposed to generator power based off of thermal power, so if it is generating power off of charged particles, I assume that it is a bug.

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Ok, that's where I went wrong then. I assumed that KTEC generators would completely ignore ChargedParticles the same way DC generators don't use ThermalPower. (Now that I know what to look for, it wasn't too hard to find the relevant place in the code :D)

Is this intended behaviour? My understanding was that the KTEC is a heat-exchanger, what would it do with ChargedParticles?

AFAIK, the KTEC cannot make use of CP, and therefore they go to waste unless you also have a Direct Conversion generator.



I'm no mind reader, but that looks pretty deliberate to me.

In versions < 0.10.2 the reactors themselves converted unused ChargedParticles to ThermalPower, but I think that caused issues with reactors not going to 100% in some situations.

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@WaveFunctionP: In my construction, I'm using only the 4 large flat radiators shown in your images, and am noting that with 3 upgraded 3.75m fusion reactors, those radiators only cover about half the thermal output. The VAB helper on the subject shows this as being in the yellow range. Just curious as to whether you actually operated the ship with that much of a deficit.

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It is my understanding that the thermal generators are only supposed to generator power based off of thermal power, so if it is generating power off of charged particles, I assume that it is a bug.

Well, the code is actually pretty specific (see FNGenerator.OnFixedUpdate()):

if (!chargedParticleMode) {
double thermal_power_currently_needed = electrical_power_currently_needed / totalEff;
double thermaldt = Math.Max(Math.Min(maxThermalPower, thermal_power_currently_needed) * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime, 0.0);
input_power = consumeFNResource(thermaldt, FNResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_THERMALPOWER);
if (input_power < thermaldt) {
input_power += consumeFNResource(thermaldt-input_power, FNResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_CHARGED_PARTICLES);
double wastedt = input_power * totalEff;

The question is: Is this intended behaviour or a remnant from before DC generators were around?

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It is my understanding that the thermal generators are only supposed to generator power based off of thermal power, so if it is generating power off of charged particles, I assume that it is a bug.

There are three whole lines of code in FNGenerator.cs to make thermal generators consume ChargedParticles if there's not enough ThermalPower to meet demand. That looks like intended behavior to me.

The physics is actually pretty simple. If you allow the charged particles to be absorbed in a suitable shield or target, you get heat.

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@WaveFunctionP: In my construction, I'm using only the 4 large flat radiators shown in your images, and am noting that with 3 upgraded 3.75m fusion reactors, those radiators only cover about half the thermal output. The VAB helper on the subject shows this as being in the yellow range. Just curious as to whether you actually operated the ship with that much of a deficit.

That might explain the thermal nozzles - if the ship was thermally stable while idling, the excess heat from running the reactors full-tilt could be simply launched out the back, as a sort of hacky open-cycle cooling that's only used when needed.

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When I time warp 10x or more, my ship wobbles about LOADS. regardless of size. Usually it will break apart or just explode when I come out of time warp. What is causing this? I know it's to do with Interstellar - it is the only thing I've installed since this started happening.

How big is the ship? Do you have Kerbal Joint Reinforcement?

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Well, the code is actually pretty specific (see FNGenerator.OnFixedUpdate()):

if (!chargedParticleMode) {
double thermal_power_currently_needed = electrical_power_currently_needed / totalEff;
double thermaldt = Math.Max(Math.Min(maxThermalPower, thermal_power_currently_needed) * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime, 0.0);
input_power = consumeFNResource(thermaldt, FNResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_THERMALPOWER);
if (input_power < thermaldt) {
input_power += consumeFNResource(thermaldt-input_power, FNResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_CHARGED_PARTICLES);
double wastedt = input_power * totalEff;

The question is: Is this intended behaviour or a remnant from before DC generators were around?

It's very much intended, before Direct Conversions generators were around there was no ChargedParticles resource because there was no need for it. But yes, if you don't take advantage of a reactor that would let you collect the charge particles directly they just create heat which you can use instead, it's less efficient but extra energy is worth having.

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@WaveFunctionP: In my construction, I'm using only the 4 large flat radiators shown in your images, and am noting that with 3 upgraded 3.75m fusion reactors, those radiators only cover about half the thermal output. The VAB helper on the subject shows this as being in the yellow range. Just curious as to whether you actually operated the ship with that much of a deficit.

Well, the thermal nozzles are the big power draw, and they get rid of waste heat as they run. The Vistas and other odds and ends don't really draw that much power comparatively, so not that much waste heat is generated under those conditions. I don't use deadly reentry, but you could do a powered descent with all the dv available. The nozzles are for lifting off in heavy gravity and atmosphere. The vistas are the primary engines when in space due to their due to their insane isp and decent thrust. I was using KW rocketry at the time, it has some radial reaction wheels, though one could make due with the stock ones. You can place them anywhere on the ship and they work, it doesn't need to be center mass or anything.

Yellow on the thermal helper isn't bad, depending on the circumstances. Just like red isn't bad if you are using a thermal receiver. It's all relative, and specific to your implementation.

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It's very much intended, before Direct Conversions generators were around there was no ChargedParticles resource because there was no need for it. But yes, if you don't take advantage of a reactor that would let you collect the charge particles directly they just create heat which you can use instead, it's less efficient but extra energy is worth having.

Which leaves us with the initial problem. Transmitters are outputting more energy than is being produced.

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New experimental version:

Version Experimental
- Fixed data collection on magnetometer.
- Added more details to generator, reactor and radiator modules.
- Added atmospheric intake functionality to atmospheric scoops.
- Charging is now disabled by default on the alcubierre drives.
- Added 1000 EC to computer core, and increased torque to 5/5/5.
- Added a more detailed tooltip description for the computer core.
- Added details about power transmission to array and reciever to tooltip descriptions.
- Added details about generator attachment and modes to tooltip descriptions.
- Added detail to the GC/MS tooltip to indicate that it is also a science experiment.
- Added details to the GRS description to indicate that it is useful for detecting concentrations of uranium and thorium.
- Added a more detailed description of the science labs capabilities.
- Added a clarification of the crygenic helium tank, and its use with the IR telescope.
- Added details about the magnetometer is also a science experiment to the tooltip desciption.
- Added details to the helium-3 container to clarify that it does not store helium, and is used as a reator fuel.
- Added tooltip to antimatter containers to indicate maximum capacity.
- The UN tank now uses the correct model.
- Charging is now disabled by default for antimatter containers.
- Microwave recievers will now attempt to throttle reception to equal demand. (experimental)
- Plasma engines now have the capability to automatically toggle between quantum vacuum plasma and normal fuel. (experimental)
- Added "radial" warp drive models.
- Fixed thermal receiver power reception throttling. (experimental)
- Fixed improper power calculation for AM reactors. (code: ArtForz)
- Fixed improper fuel/waste transfer on nuclear reactors. (code: ArtForz)
- Fixed tritium breed rate when using unloaded lithium. (code: ArtForz)
- Added detail to IR telescope description to indicate it's requirements.
- Corrected many node sizes in part configs. (feedback: arcfurnace)
- Limited visibility of toolbar icons to their appropriate mode. (code: blizzy78)
- Power reception will now increase to meet unfilled resource capacity.


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Completed initial design, pondering adding a set of foldout radiators somewhere to help keep things cooler...

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It's got some extra Lithium, D/T tanks, He^3 tanks, atmospheric Scoops facing in two directions (primarily intended for use during aerobrakes at Jool), several large TAC Life Support containers, as well as an Air Filter, and a ladder (I do love the B9 ladders, and the 8m one is awesome for this). Got plenty of reaction wheels mounted above the generators (6 of the NP 3m ones in total). Got the RealChute Cone Double Chutes on top of the ISRUs...hope I have enough of the B9 struts round to take the weight...and if I need chutes also on the center section... KAS Pipes so I can replenish supplies as there's no docking port. Got ScanSat SAR and Biome scanners. Plus all the other science gear. This thing is a one stop science ship. In place of the stock science lab that lets you clean your instruments, I have the KerbaLab form KSO that is essentially the same thing, but with IVA. There is no RCS primarily because I won't be using this as an active vessel in rendezvous or docking, and the reaction wheels should cover rotation well enough.

Anyone know of anywhere that I won't be able to refuel from (i.e. no Water)?

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Completed initial design, pondering adding a set of foldout radiators somewhere to help keep things cooler...


It's got some extra Lithium, D/T tanks, He^3 tanks, atmospheric Scoops facing in two directions (primarily intended for use during aerobrakes at Jool), several large TAC Life Support containers, as well as an Air Filter, and a ladder (I do love the B9 ladders, and the 8m one is awesome for this). Got plenty of reaction wheels mounted above the generators (6 of the NP 3m ones in total). Got the RealChute Cone Double Chutes on top of the ISRUs...hope I have enough of the B9 struts round to take the weight...and if I need chutes also on the center section... KAS Pipes so I can replenish supplies as there's no docking port. Got ScanSat SAR and Biome scanners. Plus all the other science gear. This thing is a one stop science ship. In place of the stock science lab that lets you clean your instruments, I have the KerbaLab form KSO that is essentially the same thing, but with IVA. There is no RCS primarily because I won't be using this as an active vessel in rendezvous or docking, and the reaction wheels should cover rotation well enough.

Anyone know of anywhere that I won't be able to refuel from (i.e. no Water)?

You won't need the scoops, or tanks for anything other than fuel. You can top up on fuel with water on many moons and any ocean, and you can get more deuterium in oceans, the stock supply of lithium on those reactors is enough to do a grand tour. I didn't even have a ladder on mine. I simply went down the ladder on the pod and stood on top of the science lab to get ground science. An appropriately placed goo canister will work too.

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YAY! More fixes :)

Would you consider pulling this change into your repo: https://github.com/willglynn/KSPInterstellar/commit/c2885426618a505f4a4d1f3ecd17cffd154bfbec?

It's a minor performance fix, but every bit helps.

It only runs on start, so I'm not sure that it will have much effect. It''s in the latest version now. I didn't merge. It was easier to copy and paste than to deal with git.

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