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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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"Microwave recievers will now attempt to throttle reception to equal demand. (experimental)"


If we have the latest version of KSPI installed though, do we *need* to add the other folders, or just stuff in WarpPlugin?

Edited by phoenix_ca
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"Microwave recievers will now attempt to throttle reception to equal demand. (experimental)"


If we have the latest version of KSPI installed though, do we *need* to add the other folders, or just stuff in WarpPlugin?

Just merge everything and if you run into problems, delete and copy over fresh.

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The Lithium may be an issue on long Grand Tours spent mapping most places (which can take ages...particularly if they're tidally locked...I'm look directly at you Mun...) As for oceans, is this thing really going to be able to land in the water without ripping itself apart? And then be able to take off again?

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The Lithium may be an issue on long Grand Tours spent mapping most places (which can take ages...particularly if they're tidally locked...I'm look directly at you Mun...) As for oceans, is this thing really going to be able to land in the water without ripping itself apart? And then be able to take off again?

Oh yeah, I've taken off nearly complete submerged.

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As long as you don't hit the water too fast, anything can survive.

Hit it just fast enough, and nothing does. Water is really weird right now in KSP. I deorbited a whole station recently, and what killed it? Not the heat from Deadly Reentry, but Kerbin's ocean.

Thar be krakens in them waters.

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As long as you don't hit the water too fast, anything can survive.

Hit it just fast enough, and nothing does. Water is really weird right now in KSP. I deorbited a whole station recently, and what killed it? Not the heat from Deadly Reentry, but Kerbin's ocean.

Thar be krakens in them waters.

^^ Even with parachutes, a little thrust to control decent until you have stable buoyancy is recommended.

note: I made a minor fix to power reception on the experimental version to increase power reception while there is unfilled resource capacity.

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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Can we convince you to actually make a super OP Wormhole drive, Fractal? I mean, yeah, you'd not be all like, "huh, durr, just plug ti in and it works, durrrrr.", thats obvious. You'd amke it a challenge. But I'm saying this because we need yet another new, super-high-tech looking part to add to our vessel that is much more of a pain to get into space than an alcubierre is, and much more of a pain to get working. And, if I remember physics working correctly with a wormhole drive, moving from one orbit to another, you would probably maintain your current velocity. Can this be a thing, if you make this? It'd be more fun than just *boop* orbiting Laythe. It'd be more like *zap* above Laythe, and accelerating in a very oblong arc downwards.

Please? Can you make this? We ened this part. Not jsut want, need, because we are definitely people that must demand stuff from you without a care that it's your choice on doing this.

Sarcasm aside, please?

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Hmm... you got extraneous OpenResourceSystem_1_1_0.dll in GameData/WarpPlugin/Plugins ?

Should be correct now. If you only knew the trouble I have had with random dlls popping up in places. I think it creeped in when the toolbar was added.

What I need is a better version control and publishing system. I got my hands full learning c#, unity/ksp and git.

It would be really nice to push a compiled version to git and use their publish system, but it is sorely lacking.

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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New experimental version:

Version Experimental
- Fixed data collection on magnetometer.
- Added more details to generator, reactor and radiator modules.
- Added atmospheric intake functionality to atmospheric scoops.
- Charging is now disabled by default on the alcubierre drives.
- Added 1000 EC to computer core, and increased torque to 5/5/5.
- Added a more detailed tooltip description for the computer core.
- Added details about power transmission to array and reciever to tooltip descriptions.
- Added details about generator attachment and modes to tooltip descriptions.
- Added detail to the GC/MS tooltip to indicate that it is also a science experiment.
- Added details to the GRS description to indicate that it is useful for detecting concentrations of uranium and thorium.
- Added a more detailed description of the science labs capabilities.
- Added a clarification of the crygenic helium tank, and its use with the IR telescope.
- Added details about the magnetometer is also a science experiment to the tooltip desciption.
- Added details to the helium-3 container to clarify that it does not store helium, and is used as a reator fuel.
- Added tooltip to antimatter containers to indicate maximum capacity.
- The UN tank now uses the correct model.
- Charging is now disabled by default for antimatter containers.
- Microwave recievers will now attempt to throttle reception to equal demand. (experimental)
- Plasma engines now have the capability to automatically toggle between quantum vacuum plasma and normal fuel. (experimental)
- Added "radial" warp drive models.
- Fixed thermal receiver power reception throttling. (experimental)
- Fixed improper power calculation for AM reactors. (code: ArtForz)
- Fixed improper fuel/waste transfer on nuclear reactors. (code: ArtForz)
- Fixed tritium breed rate when using unloaded lithium. (code: ArtForz)
- Added detail to IR telescope description to indicate it's requirements.
- Corrected many node sizes in part configs. (feedback: arcfurnace)
- Limited visibility of toolbar icons to their appropriate mode. (code: blizzy78)
- Power reception will now increase to meet unfilled resource capacity.



Sorry if this has been asked, but is there a github source for the experimental versions you're posting here? :)

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You need a compiler installer on your system. Fractal's github account is a bit annoying to get setup to compile, since he doesn't include all the files required to setup a project in an proper development environment out of the box.

I'll see about fixing those problem on my experimental version if anyone wants to use the updates until fractal gets around to updating.

That would be lovely

Also Wave. Does your experimental version represent fixes/upgrades that will be present in the upcoming version of Interstellar, or is it merely your own take on things you think should be changed? :)

Edited by Sokar408
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How big is the ship? Do you have Kerbal Joint Reinforcement?

It doesn't matter what size it is - it'll happen to small little ships and large ones too. It also appears that when I time warp my periapsis begin dropping rapidly as my apoapsis rises rapidly, regardless of whether there is any engine or not.

I do not have kerbal joint reinforcement.

Edited by Iforgotthis
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[bUG] - My 3.75m fusion powered MW power station has stopped working. I was on a long mission and it was breeding tritium. I had 2 tanks of lithium and enough D/T tanks to hold all the trit that could be produced by the Li. When I returned I noticed I had no MW power so I checked and the fusion reactor was shutdown. Waste Heat is green. But the reactor and all the D/T tanks show completely full but have values of NaN/100 for the D/T tanks and NaN/800 for the reactor. I suspect they filled to overflow and there is a floating point issue in the code that could not deal with >100% capacity.

My ship mass is also showing NaN t.

Is there anyway to fix this?

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That would be lovely

Also Wave. Does your experimental version represent fixes/upgrades that will be present in the upcoming version of Interstellar, or is it merely your own take on things you think should be changed? :)

It is more of a test bed for tweaks I'd like to see put into the game as well as community fixes to existing bugs in the release version.

I have considered moving to a version a bit more highly modified that I like to call stockalite that revamps kpsi to look more stock and simplifies many of the confusing and/or redundant elements of the addon and removes a good chunk of the power creep.

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It is more of a test bed for tweaks I'd like to see put into the game as well as community fixes to existing bugs in the release version.

I have considered moving to a version a bit more highly modified that I like to call stockalite that revamps kpsi to look more stock and simplifies many of the confusing and/or redundant elements of the addon and removes a good chunk of the power creep.

Yea it does seem to be a bit complicated, but that is only due to poor tooltips. I love complexity though so "lite'ing" things isn't my preference. It does bother me a bit though, that pretty much everything in Interstellar is available in the VAH. I understand the reasoning, as not having it would make conventional builds a lot more appealing, but at the same time, it seems a waste to add so much complexity for no real reason. All that said though, if I could only pick ONE mode to play with, it'd be Interstellar, and that says a lot!

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[bUG] - My 3.75m fusion powered MW power station has stopped working. I was on a long mission and it was breeding tritium. I had 2 tanks of lithium and enough D/T tanks to hold all the trit that could be produced by the Li. When I returned I noticed I had no MW power so I checked and the fusion reactor was shutdown. Waste Heat is green. But the reactor and all the D/T tanks show completely full but have values of NaN/100 for the D/T tanks and NaN/800 for the reactor. I suspect they filled to overflow and there is a floating point issue in the code that could not deal with >100% capacity.

My ship mass is also showing NaN t.

Is there anyway to fix this?

[work-a-round] I went into the .sfs file and greped for NaN and put a proper value in for the D/T tanks (100) and the Reactor (800). The mass of the ship was recomputed and the reacotr wa able to be restarted. Not sure if this is the best way to do this but it got things working again.

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is there any way to make the refinary work with electric charge?

I found my way to convert electricity into megajoules, but the refinary still not working, it says power: 0.000MW/10.000MW

any solution for this? thanks

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Where are you getting the electric charge from? 10 MW is 10 Megajoules/second, so you'll need 10,000 ElectricCharge/second to power that.

Offhand, I know you can convert ElectricCharge to Megajoules by transmitting it with the microwave power transmission (generally used with low-Kerbol-orbit solar power satellites, where the solar panels are capable of producing thousands of ElectricCharge per second), but I don't think there's any way to convert ElectricCharge to Megajoules on the same vehicle in default KSPI. You said you found a way- how are you doing it?

Anything that produces Megajoules will also produce as much ElectricCharge as neccessary (the opposite of what you want).

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Hey guys, I'm new to this mod and so far its been rather interesting figuring it out, but I just have one question, radiation, how exactly does radiation work with kerbals?

for instance, right now I have bill running a permanent assignment to a refuel station about 800Km up, his Mk2 lander can states dangerous radiation, could he actually die up there because of radiation? any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Hey guys, I'm new to this mod and so far its been rather interesting figuring it out, but I just have one question, radiation, how exactly does radiation work with kerbals?

It does no harm, as of yet. No need to worry.

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Where are you getting the electric charge from? 10 MW is 10 Megajoules/second, so you'll need 10,000 ElectricCharge/second to power that.

Offhand, I know you can convert ElectricCharge to Megajoules by transmitting it with the microwave power transmission (generally used with low-Kerbol-orbit solar power satellites, where the solar panels are capable of producing thousands of ElectricCharge per second), but I don't think there's any way to convert ElectricCharge to Megajoules on the same vehicle in default KSPI. You said you found a way- how are you doing it?

Anything that produces Megajoules will also produce as much ElectricCharge as neccessary (the opposite of what you want).

Fractal came up with the tweak to allow EC-generating parts to produce MJ if the EC bar is full. It's not in the official release yet, but I seem to recall WaveFunctionP merging it in his branch.

Since they're both resources, you could also make a part with your favorite resource conversion module (stock ModuleGenerator or KethaneConverter) configured to convert EC to MJ. However, if you produce an Interstellar-managed resource without going through Interstellar's resource manager, the Interstellar manager may be confused. I vaguely remember one of the symptoms being that Interstellar modules wouldn't notice the resource you were producing. That could be why the refinery isn't seeing any MJ.

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Fractal came up with the tweak to allow EC-generating parts to produce MJ if the EC bar is full. It's not in the official release yet, but I seem to recall WaveFunctionP merging it in his branch.

Since they're both resources, you could also make a part with your favorite resource conversion module (stock ModuleGenerator or KethaneConverter) configured to convert EC to MJ. However, if you produce an Interstellar-managed resource without going through Interstellar's resource manager, the Interstellar manager may be confused. I vaguely remember one of the symptoms being that Interstellar modules wouldn't notice the resource you were producing. That could be why the refinery isn't seeing any MJ.

Fractal's tweak isn't public, so the experimental version doesn't have that functionality.

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