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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Apologies in advance for the deluge of questions, butttt...I want to install some of the Planet Factory CE files but I also want Interstellar to work for those planets. I've searched through prior posts to check what 'corrections' are needed.

So I'll need to add the new planets to the atmospheric resources (i.e.



resourceName = Argon


Same idea for the oceanic resources and the planetrary resources. However, for the planetary one it requires a map. How can I generate one of these for a new planet, and how to make sure that the map 'size' matches the planet 'size'? And what does the scale multiplier in the planetary resource def control?

I also read that I need to make sure that the flight globals index is in order of least to greatest for them, same as their distance to Kerbol otherwise it will cause issues with the resource generation. Does this exclude any new planets from being added within Jool's obrital radius, or if I give it a number '17' (Jool's index is 16 I think), will it be ok? And, sorry, how do moons factor into the number assignment?

And to get the antimatter/magnetometer working, I need to make sure that the appropriate planetary data is in their respective .cfg file. I think that's the jist of it...at the moment, at least.

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I'm sure i have missed something, but i cant seem to be able to power two vessels with MJ as the same time?

I have the following setup: 3 pwr sources scattered, 13 relays in total.

1 reciever on vessel on mun (refinery).

1 reciever on vessel on mun (sci lab)

They are placed next to eachother, but not connected.

I can only get one of them to connect to the network at a time. If i close the active one, the antenna opens for the other one.

Any advice?


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  mrstoned said:
I'm sure i have missed something, but i cant seem to be able to power two vessels with MJ as the same time?

I have the following setup: 3 pwr sources scattered, 13 relays in total.

1 reciever on vessel on mun (refinery).

1 reciever on vessel on mun (sci lab)

They are placed next to eachother, but not connected.

I can only get one of them to connect to the network at a time. If i close the active one, the antenna opens for the other one.

Any advice?


Conservation of energy is implemented in the network, although it's not quite how it would work IRL. If you're providing, say 1 GW of microwave power, and one receiver is consuming that 1 GW, any other receivers won't get anything. Does adjusting the reception slider on the receivers do anything?

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  mrstoned said:
I'm sure i have missed something, but i cant seem to be able to power two vessels with MJ as the same time?

I have the following setup: 3 pwr sources scattered, 13 relays in total.

1 reciever on vessel on mun (refinery).

1 reciever on vessel on mun (sci lab)

They are placed next to eachother, but not connected.

I can only get one of them to connect to the network at a time. If i close the active one, the antenna opens for the other one.

Any advice?


You won't be getting full power to both vessels when they are within the 2.3 KM. If the vessel is by itself, the current state will be saved when you switch away from that vessel, and it can keep running. When you are within range of another vessel, it's state reloads and won't receive that power.

One thing you may try is to limit the reception of the active ship in order to let some of that MW power flow to the other craft. I don't know if this will actually work; the author may have designed it with the thought that transmitter/relays are not multi-channel and cannot beam to multiple craft at once. Who knows.

Another solution would be to download/use KAS and attach the craft with a pipeline. Bingo. Would be very easy to send a quick maintenance crew down (err.. up) to install it.

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  ABZB said:
I think I posted my solution a while ago.

The simplest solution is this modulemanager code (requires kethane modules):

adds switcher to any part that stores electric charge but not megajoules (so it won't modify generators)

name = Megajoules
amount = 50000
maxAmount = 50000
name = KethaneConverter
Label = Store MJ
ElectricCharge = 500
Megajoules = .5
name = KethaneConverter
Label = Release MJ
Megajoules = .5
ElectricCharge = 500


That's BRILLIANT! :)

Is there any way to create a ModuleManager wild-card system with that (like "MechJeb and RemoteTech for All" uses) so that it will automatically apply it to every type of solar panel and RTG, and players won't have to go through and manually add it to each individual part?

I'm running NearFuture and MutliPanels mods- both primarily for the extra types of (deployable and static, respectively) solar panels. Adding that to ALL my panels could be quite tedious- especially considering I'm planning on doing a re-install and starting fresh with 0.24... (KSP-Interstellar will DEFINITELY still be on the list of mods I use, though)



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  nli2work said:
Quantum Vacuum Plasma drive with a reactor would work for the trip. all you need is refining additional fuel for the reactor. Eeloo's gravity may be low enough to allow you to take off/land with a refinery. Also no atmosphere, so you should be able to use the drive the whole way. TWR is probably abyssmal.

This works for me. I don't intend on returning the refinery - it would be a large ship going there, small rocket coming home. If refining some reactor fuel is workable I'll look into it.

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  Atrius129 said:
You won't be getting full power to both vessels when they are within the 2.3 KM. If the vessel is by itself, the current state will be saved when you switch away from that vessel, and it can keep running. When you are within range of another vessel, it's state reloads and won't receive that power.

One thing you may try is to limit the reception of the active ship in order to let some of that MW power flow to the other craft. I don't know if this will actually work; the author may have designed it with the thought that transmitter/relays are not multi-channel and cannot beam to multiple craft at once. Who knows.

Another solution would be to download/use KAS and attach the craft with a pipeline. Bingo. Would be very easy to send a quick maintenance crew down (err.. up) to install it.

I have tested setting <50% on both ships, and it doesnt work. The last activated reciever maintains connection, even at low % reception.

My problem is i'm using the reciever on the sci lab, which is connected to my EL runway, workshops, drills and converters to power them with umphf.

Guess some regular generators would be required as well when building new ships that works of micro power network while inside the load range.


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  ArcFurnace said:
Conservation of energy is implemented in the network, although it's not quite how it would work IRL. If you're providing, say 1 GW of microwave power, and one receiver is consuming that 1 GW, any other receivers won't get anything. Does adjusting the reception slider on the receivers do anything?

Tested, changing the reception doesnt alter the distribution.


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  mrstoned said:
I also found a possible bug.

I get more output power then input thermal power when using a thermal receiver and generatorcombo.

Images below:

Reciever: http://i.imgur.com/FseIc8r.png

Generator: http://i.imgur.com/0EK2zAS.png

This might be a conversion-thing as well between thermal and regular power.


I think both of your problems there are due to the fact that the receiver-throttling tweakable doesn't really work like you might expect (I suggested trying that because I thought it might work, but thanks for confirming that it doesn't). I remember when I was trying to make a microwave-powered spaceplane, reducing the reception would reduce the amount of electricity the receiver said it was getting, but it wouldn't actually reduce the amount of waste heat generated. It looks like for thermal receivers it doesn't reduce the thermal power they produce either, even though the "input power" number displayed changes. Definitely seems like a bug ... at least, I don't think Fractal would have deliberately programmed it to work like that.

Doing the math shows that your generator seems to be producing exactly the power it should if your reception slider was still at 100%. So basically, the reception tweakable doesn't actually do anything, even though it looks like it does.

Edited by ArcFurnace
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  Northstar1989 said:
That's BRILLIANT! :)

Is there any way to create a ModuleManager wild-card system with that (like "MechJeb and RemoteTech for All" uses) so that it will automatically apply it to every type of solar panel and RTG, and players won't have to go through and manually add it to each individual part?

I'm running NearFuture and MutliPanels mods- both primarily for the extra types of (deployable and static, respectively) solar panels. Adding that to ALL my panels could be quite tedious- especially considering I'm planning on doing a re-install and starting fresh with 0.24... (KSP-Interstellar will DEFINITELY still be on the list of mods I use, though)



Thanks for the compliment!

The posted module manager code will add this to any battery (and also to any other part that has electricCharge as a resource. To use this code to add this to all solar panels, replace the first line [the @PART[*]....] with:


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IR Telescope no Science

So i searched and could find no fix for this. I have an IR telescope attached directly to Liquid He... receiving more than required power. With Deep Field Survey activated i get no science. I keep my focus on the telescope and warp a few days... schience does not change. I saw Scott Manley had to change some settings in the mod... any idea what they might be?

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  seb62085 said:
IR Telescope no Science

So i searched and could find no fix for this. I have an IR telescope attached directly to Liquid He... receiving more than required power. With Deep Field Survey activated i get no science. I keep my focus on the telescope and warp a few days... schience does not change. I saw Scott Manley had to change some settings in the mod... any idea what they might be?

If I had to guess he may have changed the LqdHelium resource from STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH to ALL_VESSEL. I havent tried it myself but that may make the telescope a bit less persnickety about how you attach the helium.

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Apologies if this has already been asked, but with close to 1,000 pages it'll take forever to search.

Is there a way to not make the parts auto upgrade? Or at least make individual parts not upgrade?

I'd like to use the 62.5cm nuclear reactor for very long term electrical power, but upgrading it drops it's lifetime from 31.5 years to 10.5 years.

Edited by Rayder
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  Rayder said:
Apologies if this has already been asked, but with close to 1,000 pages it'll take forever to search.

Is there a way to not make the parts auto upgrade? Or at least make individual parts not upgrade?

I'd like to use the 62.5cm nuclear reactor for very long term electrical power, but upgrading it drops it's lifetime from 31.5 years to 10.5 years.

The only way that I know of is to have launched the ships before you unlocked the upgrade, parts on vessels already in flight will not upgrade until you manually retrofit them. I suppose you could pre-launch a giant vessel that's nothing but a pile of tiny reactors equipped with docking ports for use later.

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  Rayder said:
Apologies if this has already been asked, but with close to 1,000 pages it'll take forever to search.

Is there a way to not make the parts auto upgrade? Or at least make individual parts not upgrade?

I'd like to use the 62.5cm nuclear reactor for very long term electrical power, but upgrading it drops it's lifetime from 31.5 years to 10.5 years.

AFAIK there's no way to do it from within KSP. However, if you are not afraid to edit your persistence file, then you can manually downgrade any KSPI part on any ship. Obviously you have to locate the part on the ship in question, then look in the modules for, "isupgraded = True" (no ") and change it to, "False" (again no ").

The following is a snippet from one of my probes that uses a 1.25m AM reactor for main propulsion with a secondary 1.25m fission reactor to maintain the AM tank during any mission phase that does not require power from the AM reactor (it's a SCANSat probe, so lots of time orbiting each body, plus coasting).



name = NuclearReactor125

uid = 3682765884

mid = 3661790067

parent = 8

position = 0,-5.40762901306152,0

rotation = 0,0,0,1

mirror = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sqor = -1

sidx = -1

attm = 0

srfN = None, -1

attN = top, 8

attN = bottom, 10

mass = 1.5

temp = -62.34311

expt = 0.5

state = 1

connected = True

attached = True

flag = Airogue/Flags/Culpeper

rTrf = NuclearReactor125









name = FNNuclearReactor

isEnabled = True

upgradedToV08 = True

uranium_fuel = True

upgradedToV10 = True

IsEnabled = True

isupgraded = True

breedtritium = False

last_active_time = 7.050737E+07

ongoing_consumption_rate = 1

reactorInit = False

startDisabled = False





active = False

guiActive = False

guiIcon = Manual Restart

guiName = Manual Restart

category = Manual Restart

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 3

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = True

guiActive = False

guiIcon = Manual Shutdown

guiName = Manual Shutdown

category = Manual Shutdown

guiActiveUnfocused = True

unfocusedRange = 3

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = False

guiActive = False

guiIcon = Refuel UF4

guiName = Refuel UF4

category = Refuel UF4

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 3

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = False

guiActive = False

guiIcon = Refuel ThF4

guiName = Refuel ThF4

category = Refuel ThF4

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 3

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = False

guiActive = False

guiIcon = Swap Fuel

guiName = Swap Fuel

category = Swap Fuel

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 3

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = True

guiActive = False

guiActiveEditor = True

guiIcon = Swap Fuel

guiName = Swap Fuel

category = Swap Fuel

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 2

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = False

guiActive = True

guiIcon = Activate Reactor

guiName = Activate Reactor

category = Activate Reactor

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 2

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = False

guiActive = True

guiIcon = Deactivate Reactor

guiName = Deactivate Reactor

category = Deactivate Reactor

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 2

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = True

guiActive = False

guiActiveEditor = True

guiIcon = Disable Reactor

guiName = Disable Reactor

category = Disable Reactor

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 2

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = True

guiActive = False

guiIcon = Enable Reactor

guiName = Enable Reactor

category = Enable Reactor

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 2

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = True

guiActive = True

guiIcon = Enable Tritium Breeding

guiName = Enable Tritium Breeding

category = Enable Tritium Breeding

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 2

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = False

guiActive = True

guiIcon = Disable Tritium Breeding

guiName = Disable Tritium Breeding

category = Disable Tritium Breeding

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 2

externalToEVAOnly = True




active = False

guiActive = True

guiIcon = Retrofit

guiName = Retrofit

category = Retrofit

guiActiveUnfocused = False

unfocusedRange = 2

externalToEVAOnly = True







actionGroup = None




actionGroup = None




actionGroup = None




I'm not entirely certain what the underlined bits mean, I'd leave them alone unless changing the isupgraded to false doesn't do what I expect.

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OK, I've been using KSPI for ages, but somewhat recently, due to computer issues, I had to switch to Linux as my OS. It's been working fine (with some graphical and speed issues), but because of other limitations I haven't been playing KSP much and thus haven't used the Resource system in KSPI till now. It doesn't seem to work at all. I can't detect or mine any resources. Admittedly I've only tried the Kerbin system so far, but the detector won't pick up anything and indeed shows a load of blank 'hide' and 'show' commands for nothing, with a zero reading for Uranium at the top of the list, and for mining, no matter how much power I have nothing is available.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling all three folders (though I seriously doubted Treeloader had anything to do with it) with no result. Has this problem cropped up before by any chance? I've searched back a few pages but didn't come across anything Linux related. I suppose it could be something other than Linux, I just seem to be having trouble with other stuff because of that so I just assumed it had something to do with it.

As reference I have recently tried (again) to load in my favorite mods. Hence this particular save has a lot of mods in.... really slowing things down. I lag on 150 part ships right now, even on the 64bit linux version.

I'm using a small piece of KW rocketry (mainly the fuel tanks) LLL, KSPRC (and it's dirivatives), KSPI, Editor extensions and AGM.

Edited by Patupi
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I just added this to my game, and it appears to be making it crash. I'm wondering if you all could help me get it up and running?

I installed the files correctly per the provided installation instructions. All locations check out. The game will finish the opening load sequence, with the progress bar at the bottom. When that completes, it goes to the black screen with the orbital loading animation thingy in the bottom right corner. This runs for a few seconds and when it seems to finish, the game crashes to desktop.

I have added Interstellar to an install of KSP which already had number of other mods installed. Perhaps there is a conflict with some of the other mods? Here is the contents of my GameData folder:


Is that too many mods? Have I gone over the RAM limit of the game (I've read about this I think).

Any help would be great, folks. Thanks in advance.

Edit: It seems that there was too many mods, and the game was exceeding the memory limits. I monitored via the task manager, and without Interstellar, I was running at 3.2gb of RAM. Adding it pushed me past 4, which I think is the limit because it's a 32-bit program or somesuch?

Anyway, I will now try making a seperate KSP install, and using only selected mods in concert with Interstellar.

Edited by klesh
Additional Troubleshooting
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  klesh said:

I just added this to my game, and it appears to be making it crash. I'm wondering if you all could help me get it up and running?

I installed the files correctly per the provided installation instructions. All locations check out. The game will finish the opening load sequence, with the progress bar at the bottom. When that completes, it goes to the black screen with the orbital loading animation thingy in the bottom right corner. This runs for a few seconds and when it seems to finish, the game crashes to desktop.

I have added Interstellar to an install of KSP which already had number of other mods installed. Perhaps there is a conflict with some of the other mods? Here is the contents of my GameData folder:


Is that too many mods? Have I gone over the RAM limit of the game (I've read about this I think).

Any help would be great, folks. Thanks in advance.

Edit: It seems that there was too many mods, and the game was exceeding the memory limits. I monitored via the task manager, and without Interstellar, I was running at 3.2gb of RAM. Adding it pushed me past 4, which I think is the limit because it's a 32-bit program or somesuch?

Anyway, I will now try making a seperate KSP install, and using only selected mods in concert with Interstellar.

Active Texture Management will help you out a lot. Run on aggressive for best results.

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  Entropius said:
Can anyone tell me how to get the Folding Alcubierre Drive working? As far as I can tell, it's no different from the regular one.

its functionally identical. The only difference is it has a snazy animation for folding away and deploying. If its leting you warp like the standard drive then its working as intended. If its not doing that then we'll need more information about what its actualy doing to try and advise you.

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  merendel said:
its functionally identical. The only difference is it has a snazy animation for folding away and deploying. If its leting you warp like the standard drive then its working as intended. If its not doing that then we'll need more information about what its actualy doing to try and advise you.

As far as I can tell, the 2.5 m and 3.75 m versions lack the snazy animation. Only the smallest (1.25 m) version works (I discovered that after my previous post). Regarding the larger non-working ones, when I assemble the vehicle in the VAB it appears folded, but as soon as it's on the launch pad or reverted to the VAB, it's unfolded again, and nowhere does the "change state" button appear.

I guess I could be satisfied with just the smallest one, since it's the most likely to require ground-clearance, but it would still be nice if the other 2 worked as expected.

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