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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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for kerbin 80km is 9 on the antimatter reader. also hope he fix the radiators soon they fall off half the time when opening them even in sapce

Havent had the problem with the rads.

Just completed a 13 receiver DT Vista :) I have to say the DT Vista puts the Plasma Thruster to shame.

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for kerbin 80km is 9 on the antimatter reader. also hope he fix the radiators soon they fall off half the time when opening them even in sapce

Yes it is, but 1e-9 is one ten-thousandth of 1e-5. Written another way, 10-9 < 10-5, or 1/1,000,000,000 < 1/100,000.

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Does "transmit scientific data" do anything yet? How do I increase my science output? I'm getting 0.263 a day around the mun but distance doesn't seem to matter, do I need to collect science on a ship by ship basis or transfer it between docked ships to update parts once? It's not some R&D like thing that lets you send the science back to kerbin and launch ships with upgraded parts?

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Does "transmit scientific data" do anything yet? How do I increase my science output? I'm getting 0.263 a day around the mun but distance doesn't seem to matter, do I need to collect science on a ship by ship basis or transfer it between docked ships to update parts once? It's not some R&D like thing that lets you send the science back to kerbin and launch ships with upgraded parts?

Transmit Scientific Data puts it into a Global Pool you can Access by Clicking Receive Scientific Data on any Science Lab/Computer Core(Might have to be upgraded, havent messed with them much).

You can get more Science by either using Less Stupid Kerbals, also being around different planets creates more/less science, ie Moho is really good for creating antimatter and science compared to kerbin, but its also really hard to get to/from

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Transmit Scientific Data puts it into a Global Pool you can Access by Clicking Receive Scientific Data on any Science Lab/Computer Core(Might have to be upgraded, havent messed with them much).

No such option on the lab, my core isn't updated but right click option like there either.

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No such option on the lab, my core isn't updated but right click option like there either.

You need some science in the lab when you click to transmit data, you also won't see the receive option appear on the lab when you transmit the data. You need to switch to a different lab, then you should have the option.

If this is un-intuitive, I can change it so the option appears right away. The main reason I didn't bother as I didn't imagine people would want to send data and then receive it immediately back at the same place but I can see how the lack of the option might be confusing.

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I'd actually like a way to establish an ongoing downlink where a lab can send all generated science to another lab or computer core automatically. Like have my moho research base automatically dump all science to an array of cpu cores at KSP near the pad so I don't have to swap among all of the labs manually sending science every few days.

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I'd actually like a way to establish an ongoing downlink where a lab can send all generated science to another lab or computer core automatically. Like have my moho research base automatically dump all science to an array of cpu cores at KSP near the pad so I don't have to swap among all of the labs manually sending science every few days.

Maybe have two modes on a Lab, one that acts like the Microwave Transmitter, and one acts like the Microwave Receiver. So if you put a Lab in Transmit mode, it will Transmit to any lab set to Receive mode until all Receive mode labs are filled?

Edit: Would probably want 3 modes, Transmit, Receive, Isolation

Also Some type of Thermal/Plasma RCS would be amazing... But I know you have a pretty full plate as it is :3

Edited by Ashtoruin
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I just stumbled on this mod today, thankyou Fractal_UK for making such an awesome mod! I can't wait to see how much more amazing it will be when (hopefully) it's integrated into Squad's official science / Tech Tree update coming in the future, it's going to be great!

I'd actually like a way to establish an ongoing downlink where a lab can send all generated science to another lab or computer core automatically. Like have my moho research base automatically dump all science to an array of cpu cores at KSP near the pad so I don't have to swap among all of the labs manually sending science every few days.

Perhaps something could be added to either work in conjunction with the RemoteTech mod or use a simple system like that, so if say a Data Retrieval Module passes within a certain distance of a Science Lab module it will automatically retrieve data from the lab and transmit it across a satellite network to a Main Data Core module. For example we could have a couple of labs on the Mun doing science and a satellite in orbit (or perhaps another science lab with an extra data module) that retrieves data from the surface labs as it passes by, then once it has a certain amount of data it transmits it all to a data core on / orbiting Kerbin (or anywhere).

Obviously it would probably involve a lot of work from Fractal_UK and that's assuming it's even possible of course, so it's really more just me thinking out loud than anything :).

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Hey Fractal_UK,

Is there a way to mine Deuterium yet? Im burning thru it pretty fast.

I also noticed (please tell me its on purpose) that the 1.25m AM reactor/Gen is far more AM efficient then the 2.5m pair, have not tried the largest yet..... But its far better (AM wise) to run 4 1.25AM reactor/gens to run 2 Vista's then to run 1 medium.

Also guys a small 25 Collector station at 900K Kerbin orbit will give you 100 AM per day. It takes under 150AM to run a DT vista for 1 hour with 2 small AM reactors. (unless Fractal_UK nerfs it)

Edited by Donziboy2
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Hey Fractal_UK,

Is there a way to mine Deuterium yet? Im burning thru it pretty fast.

I also noticed (please tell me its on purpose) that the 1.25m AM reactor/Gen is far more AM efficient then the 2.5m pair, have not tried the largest yet..... But its far better (AM wise) to run 4 1.25AM reactor/gens to run 2 Vista's then to run 1 medium.

Also guys a small 25 Collector station at 900K Kerbin orbit will give you 100 AM per day. It takes under 150AM to run a DT vista for 1 hour with 2 small AM reactors. (unless Fractal_UK nerfs it)

How do you find a DT Vista Engine compares to a Thermal Rocket? I haven't actually ever used one.

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for kerbin 80km is 9 on the antimatter reader. also hope he fix the radiators soon they fall off half the time when opening them even in space

You have to make sure your atmospheric readout is all the way in the black, as they will shear off even in the upper atmosphere.

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The DT Vista puts all the other engines to shame, its an energy/liquid fueled monster. It has insane ISP, its ISP is throttle controlled, so the more throttle the less ISP. It requires 1.5GW of energy to use, no matter the throttle setting.

At full throttle the isp is still over 15K, and it puts out 680KN of thrust.

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Hey Fractal_UK,

Is there a way to mine Deuterium yet? Im burning thru it pretty fast.

If you have a science lab that is splashed down in the ocean, there will be a centrifuge option that will allow you to generate Deuterium. At the moment, you'll need to do this with the ship you want to refuel because there are no actual deuterium tanks. I will add some of these in the near future, which will then open up more refueling options.

I want to have a look over the whole fusion resource system again. It isn't good enough at the moment and I'm not really happy with it.

I also noticed (please tell me its on purpose) that the 1.25m AM reactor/Gen is far more AM efficient then the 2.5m pair, have not tried the largest yet..... But its far better (AM wise) to run 4 1.25AM reactor/gens to run 2 Vista's then to run 1 medium.

The AM reactors are balanced up in factors of 8 for a doubling of radial size, a 2.5m antimatter reactor has exactly 8x the power output of the 1.25m one but it runs a a lot hotter so the electricity generation from it will be a little more efficient than 8 1.25m reactors.

How do you find a DT Vista Engine compares to a Thermal Rocket? I haven't actually ever used one.

It's totally different, the DT Vista is like this mod's stock Nerva. It is a space tug engine, it won't get you off the ground despite acceptable thrust but it will allow you to keep on burning those engines for extremely long periods.

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If you have a science lab that is splashed down in the ocean, there will be a centrifuge option that will allow you to generate Deuterium. At the moment, you'll need to do this with the ship you want to refuel because there are no actual deuterium tanks. I will add some of these in the near future, which will then open up more refueling options.

Awesome :3 this is actually the reason I haven't messed much with the DT Vista.

It's totally different, the DT Vista is like this mod's stock Nerva. It is a space tug engine, it won't get you off the ground despite acceptable thrust but it will allow you to keep on burning those engines for extremely long periods.

Fair enough, but at the moment with a lack of Tanks for Deuterium and Lithium, its not terribly useful to me :/ and an upgraded 2.5m Antimatter/Thermal seems to look about the same for ISP.

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Fair enough, but at the moment with a lack of Tanks for Deuterium and Lithium, its not terribly useful to me :/ and an upgraded 2.5m Antimatter/Thermal seems to look about the same for ISP.

DT Vista works differently to other engines in that the throttle controls the specific impulse - this is because the way you control the thrust in this kind of engine is by how much hydrogen you inject around your exploding pellets. So, if you throttle the engine down by to say 10%, Isp will go up by 10x. At 100% throttle, it's comparable to some of the top antimatter engines but throttled lower, it's in a class of its own.

The DT Vista is only hindered by its relatively large power requirements and radiation features that stop you using it around other things. So, with a bit of a planning, it can be on many counts the best engine in the pack hands down.

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If you have a science lab that is splashed down in the ocean, there will be a centrifuge option that will allow you to generate Deuterium. At the moment, you'll need to do this with the ship you want to refuel because there are no actual deuterium tanks. I will add some of these in the near future, which will then open up more refueling options.

I want to have a look over the whole fusion resource system again. It isn't good enough at the moment and I'm not really happy with it.

Sounds good :)

The AM reactors are balanced up in factors of 8 for a doubling of radial size, a 2.5m antimatter reactor has exactly 8x the power output of the 1.25m one but it runs a a lot hotter so the electricity generation from it will be a little more efficient than 8 1.25m reactors.

Ok, its just when I did the math it seemed like I was eating alot more AM with 1 Medium powering 2 DT's then when I was using 4 small AM reactors.

Ill take another crack at it in the morning.

It's totally different, the DT Vista is like this mod's stock Nerva. It is a space tug engine, it won't get you off the ground despite acceptable thrust but it will allow you to keep on burning those engines for extremely long periods.

Actually the tug I made can lift itself, provided I move my ground team a safe distance away and remove about half its Liquid fuel, still leaving me with over 50K Delta at full thrust.

DT's drink less then 0.9 Liquid Fuel/s at full thrust. My tug can hold over 30K fully fueled. The Reactors use about 0.08 AM/s

I actually gave up on this launcher and just use the upper KW Rockets to get it up to a safe altitude then kick on the DT's. And you cant trust MJ, it is usually way off with DT's.

For you guys that dont know, you can use Tac Fuel Balancer to add or remove resources on the launch pad. Then I just Hyperedit into space to do testing there. Then build a launcher when im happy. Im still working on a 95% solar DT vista :)


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DT Vista works differently to other engines in that the throttle controls the specific impulse - this is because the way you control the thrust in this kind of engine is by how much hydrogen you inject around your exploding pellets. So, if you throttle the engine down by to say 10%, Isp will go up by 10x. At 100% throttle, it's comparable to some of the top antimatter engines but throttled lower, it's in a class of its own.

The DT Vista is only hindered by its relatively large power requirements and radiation features that stop you using it around other things. So, with a bit of a planning, it can be on many counts the best engine in the pack hands down.

Arg, I guess I'll have to launch a Tug up into space with one and try it out now... I might have to see if I can't make my own Lithium/Deuterium Tanks till you release your own as if I'm taking one of these to Moho, I'm probably going to want some extra fuel.

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