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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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It won't break your missions, but the seismometer doesn't work as it used to unless you edit the files to have 2 of them (stock and KSPI).

You don't have to have two of them. You can have both functionalities in one.

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Bonus Question:

Is there a way to change it so I exit at the same speed I enter without momentum?

your misunderstanding the way the drive works. you exit at the exact same vector and velocity you had when you entered warp. However the relative velocity to your new location can be rather extreme if you do it wrong. Effectively the warp drive translates your position without touching your velocity and will always behave this way. That said there are tricks to minimize or eliminate the dV required to achieve a stable orbit at your destination, just not in a single warp jump unless your vectors are already lining up.

you can utilize multiple jumps near a sufficiently massive body to adjust your vector. If your going the wrong direction you can warp to near the sun or jool and use its gravity well to distort your orbit untill your vector is going the right direction and then warp to your destination. If you need to speed up or slow down you can warp to a point where your vector is pointing strait twards or away from said gravity well and let the gravity give you the dV. combining these two techniques you could in theory put yourself in a stable orbit around another body with no conventional drive systems. In reality your probably better off just geting close enough and useing conventional rockets to correct the errors.

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So - I"m thinking about upgrading, but it sounds like this is going to break all my missions in flight because the seismometer doesn't work the same way as when I launched the mission. Also, did I read somewhere that the fuel quantities have changed?

Remove the


from the science.cfg in the WarpPlugin folder to retain the stock functionality of the accelerometer (and you will also have the impact experiment on the same part).

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Why not just vent them? That is the question ;)

Well, you could drill some holes in the walls of the containment vessel, but then you'd spew hot and radioactive uranium-enriched plasma all over your nice leather interior.

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I'm not gonna say that I know much about radiation, but this doesn't seem right.


this is just after reaching the maximum and had just started going back down, around Mimmus. This is a very lethal dose.

Use a command pod with better shielding. :) It guesstimates the amount of shielding by looking at the ratio of mass to kerbal capacity. Also, the radiation isn't harmful yet.

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This might be a really stupid question, but how are you supposed to upgrade the computer core? I cannot find it anywhere, not on the wiki, not on the frontpage.

There's an upgrade button on each core you have in space. You don't upgrade within the VAB. I don't remember if there is anything in the tech tree that triggers the button. It costs 1500 science each core.

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Yes, it's an easy change to one of the config files in the Interstellar mod.

Oh? I don't see any setting for it but I found a rapier.cfg file looks like a MM config for modding sabre and turbofan engines to have heat, will rm and post if it works.

EDIT: Yeah that fixed the engine efficiency but something else was causing the engine to explode when switching fuels

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Use a command pod with better shielding. :) It guesstimates the amount of shielding by looking at the ratio of mass to kerbal capacity. Also, the radiation isn't harmful yet.

That is actually one of the better ones if i remember on the top of my head, and those radiation fields are stronger around Minmus than Kerbin, I think something is wrong there.

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Fractal_UK, just repeating my humble request to have the Thermal Helper window have a hide permanently option somehow. Either a config file or toolbar integration or just a setting somewhere. Really would appreciate it. Thanks.

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Oh? I don't see any setting for it but I found a rapier.cfg file looks like a MM config for modding sabre and turbofan engines to have heat, will rm and post if it works.

You might want to search the thread for the specifics. I'm sure this question has been asked before.

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Interestingly enough, I had this EXACT same issue last night when trying to run Interstellar with the KSO Mini Shuttle Oribiter mod, the loading sequence would complete and then it would crash right before the main menu. I tried removing some other mods in case it was a RAM issue, but that didn't work, the only fix was to remove the KSO mod...

I fixed it with the texture compressor that somebody linked. Now I'm adding even more mods without an issue. Use the aggressive version of this.


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So I found two bugs, first: active warp drive doesn't show a trail - merely a cosmetic problem.

Second: I can't get the Telescope to work, I have LqdHelium on board, fuel lines work (helium levels lower), but Telescopes show no G-lens, no efficiency, no science.

Note that I'm far enough, 1511 AU should be three times the minimal distance...

Edit: ignore the second part, I'm being stupid...

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Is there a workaround for IntakeAtm being completely non existent?

Edit: I got it working, some weird bug... ahh screw it no one cares anyway

I'm not gonna say that I know much about radiation, but this doesn't seem right.


this is just after reaching the maximum and had just started going back down, around Mimmus. This is a very lethal dose.

Lethal dose? If you stuck one of those Kerbals inside an empty reactor it would run just fine, till it melted the reactor wall.

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I added a slider to the transmitters when I was doing some work on the update the other day so you could control what percentage of maximum power you wanted to transmit.

Does this go for recievers as well? Seems like it would be easier to manage the excessive waste heat issue from the receiver/transceiver, especially if you have quite a few transmitters.

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What are the gas and liquid spectrometers reading? And I mean code-wise. I found the resource maps for some of the major Interstellar mod resources, but the results sheet for atmospheric gas includes a lot of different elements which aren't in those files. I guess I'm trying to figure out how this is working. I'm using Tac Life Support mod and I want to be able to harvest Co2 for the HOME mod's garden capsules from the atmospheres that can support it (Water + Co2 = Food + Oxygen + Waste), but I don't want to produce Co2 from nothing. I've already got water taken care of the way it needs to be thanks to Interstellar, but not Co2. Thoughts?

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I fixed it with the texture compressor that somebody linked. Now I'm adding even more mods without an issue. Use the aggressive version of this.


You don't even need the aggressive version, i'm running it with basic and KSO ad at least 30 other mods :D

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You don't even need the aggressive version, i'm running it with basic and KSO ad at least 30 other mods :D

I was planning on trying the non aggressive version anyways because I'm saddened by all the blurry textures. Hopefully the normal version is better that way, but good to know I don't need the aggressive one either way.

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Fractal, the power management button opens the window when clicked but it does not close it. Also, would you mind adding that window to the toolbar?

Also, I've seen that the impactor data size is proportional to the science got (it's 10 times). That is a little bit weird because normal experiments have a fixed data size, science points change depending ob biomes. Maybe you could stick with that, and set the impactor experiment data size to something between 100 and 200 megabits.

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Hey Fractal,

It's me again.. the guy you're tired of hearing from the with the Direct Conversion power stations. Anyways, both of my power stations are turned off (as I currently have no need of power) and for some reason there's 25 GW still floating around in my relay sats.

Uh.. what?


Any ideas? Anyone? Free power is cool and all... but it kinda feels like cheating ^.^


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Hey Fractal,

It's me again.. the guy you're tired of hearing from the with the Direct Conversion power stations. Anyways, both of my power stations are turned off (as I currently have no need of power) and for some reason there's 25 GW still floating around in my relay sats.

Uh.. what?


Any ideas? Anyone? Free power is cool and all... but it kinda feels like cheating ^.^


Have you gone to all your transmitter sats, sometimes you have to reload after making a change.

On another note.

Those of you crying that no one cares or your not getting help; should take a long walk to a short airlock. This thread moves very fast, some questions get asked over and over (read the FAQ on the Wiki). Fractal_UK has a life so don't expect to keep seeing patches as fast as the last few. And don't expect him to come on every single hour to answer questions.

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Have you gone to all your transmitter sats, sometimes you have to reload after making a change.

Yeah man. I only noticed it because I was fine tuning my relay sats... to get their orbits near to perfect. The 2 land based power stations were already powered off (confirmed 3 times) before I even loaded the game.

I just did another reload after going to all of the relay sats to fine tune the orbits. Still getting about 25 GW of ghost power in my relay network of 9 sats.


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