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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Yes, sorry. Kethane 0.8.4 and Interstellar 10.3. I do have other mods but they are just parts. And if I remove the Kethane mod, everything work fine. Or, if I leave Kethane and remove the Interstellar mod, everything works in that case as well. I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

Also i should add what happens. The game crashes after loading everything when the game is starting. It doesn't crash during, it crashes right at the end/after it is done before the main menu comes up.

win7 64 here also. Never had a problem.

Then again, I also JUST dropped Kethane... I would suggest you do the same. KSPI is now able to provide everything you need for mining.


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win7 64 here also. Never had a problem.

Then again, I also JUST dropped Kethane... I would suggest you do the same. KSPI is now able to provide everything you need for mining.


I played around with it some more. I got further than the main menu with Kethane installed, but then it crashed again once I loaded a profile. So I removed Kethane and started building a new rocket before it crashed again. So it appears that it Isn't Kethane after all. I might have just reached my limit for extra mod parts considering Interstellar is a relatively large one.

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I played around with it some more. I got further than the main menu with Kethane installed, but then it crashed again once I loaded a profile. So I removed Kethane and started building a new rocket before it crashed again. So it appears that it Isn't Kethane after all. I might have just reached my limit for extra mod parts considering Interstellar is a relatively large one.

I have Kethane and KSP Interstellar running on my machine, with 34(!!!) other mods as well, including several that are parts heavy such as KW Rocketry and NovaPunch. Plus a handful of my own modded parts and a folder full of welded ones. With them all in place, KSP is using just over 2GB of RAM at startup, so I'm pretty sure I could put B9 Aerospace in on top of that and still leave KSP over 1 GB of ram to fritter away in the inevitable memory leaks. And that still means hours of game play before running up to 3.4GB of RAM usage and then crashing. My secret? I use the aggressive version of the Active Memory Reduction mod...


And yes, I have a problem.

Hello everyone, my name is EatVacuum and I am a modaholic.:D

Edited by EatVacuum
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Okay, so, the wiki doesn't have anything about this...

I'm feeling pretty annoyed. KSP Interstellar decided to change the behavior of a stock science part, the Double-C Accelerometer, from being a standard "use it while landed, get science" part, to an impact detector.

First off, it bugs me that the mod changes the behavior of a stock part rather than, say, adding their own.

But it doesn't even bloody work!

So, I set a satellite over Minmus - and not a lightweight, either, that thing had to be two tons at least - into a collision course with Minmus very, very near to where I had Jebediah waiting in a lander with the Double-C on. It was a quite quick collision, dropped right out of a stable 7km orbit onto Minmus.

It definitely hit within 2.5km of him, because after it started coming down I switched back to Jebediah and made extra sure to start recording on the accelerometer. I targeted the incoming probe to watch it on the way down. It loaded into physics at 2.5km away, plowed into the Minmun terrain at less than 500m away. It hit so hard and so close I saw the thing blow into scrap.

And the recorder didn't do anything. It didn't tell me I had recorded anything, when I hit collect data, the "log seismic data" button appeared for an instant and vanished.

So, nothing. Nada. I deorbited a good, working probe, for nothing, and I can't collect science with the double-C the normal way, either.

What the heck was the point?

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It definitely hit within 2.5km of him, because after it started coming down I switched back to Jebediah and made extra sure to start recording on the accelerometer. I targeted the incoming probe to watch it on the way down. It loaded into physics at 2.5km away, plowed into the Minmun terrain at less than 500m away. It hit so hard and so close I saw the thing blow into scrap.

the bold part is your problem. you need to be controlling the the impacting vessel at the time of impact not one of the sensors. To use the impactor experiment you need to

1 have at least one vessle on the surface with the sensor.

2 Set said sensor to record data.

3 Controll your impactor and crash it.

4 switch to sensor craft and select collect data

note crash proximity to the sensor is unimportant as long as its on the same planet/moon as the crash. you will get a higher science multiplier if you have several sensors on the planet spread out as far apart as possible. supposedly you can get all the science with just 1 sensor, it will however take many more impact probes to reach the cap.

Edited by merendel
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the bold part is your problem. you need to be controlling the the impacting vessel at the time of impact not one of the sensors. To use the impactor experiment you need to

1 have at least one vessel on the surface with the sensor.

2 Set said sensor to record data.

3 Control your impactor and crash it.

4 switch to sensor craft and select collect data

note crash proximity to the sensor is unimportant as long as its on the same planet/moon as the crash. you will get a higher science multiplier if you have several sensors on the planet spread out as far apart as possible. supposedly you can get all the science with just 1 sensor, it will however take many more impact probes to reach the cap.

Okay, see, that?

That would be nice information to have had documented somewhere! Preferably somewhere in-game, since they've decided to alter the function of a stock part in a very unintuitive way. >_<

Very, very annoyed.

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Speaking of harvesting He-3 (or anything else) from jool atmosphere... it seems useles idea just because you have no timewarp there, you need to control the craft (can not go AFK), so you will get tiny amount of resources spending a lot of time there.

Also it seems that the only way to use something requiring He-3 (while tritium decay only work on focused vessel) is just to take a lot of tritium. Sure you will need crazy (and unpractical) amounts to power AMI reactor at 100% power constantly, but if you keep this vessel focused during transfer you will get relatively large amounts of he-3. Sadly it limits the ability to control multiple missions at the same time, but it seems to be the only working way.

OK so with a few bugfix releases out it's time for me to think about upgrading from 0.9 - what do I need to do to make sure I don't have problems with parts, fuel levels and other gotchas?

The only problem this update can cause are nuclear fuel storage containers. If you have them somewhere you will need to launch new ones after update because old ones will have 1000 times smaller storage than it should. You also will have problems loading saved crafts with this containers (and also with all other HexCan containers from interstellar like lithium, D/T, He-3 etc...) in VAB/SPH (already launched crafts will load fine).

Also about IR Telescope. Is it totally useless to send it to those 550AU unmanned? I just do not want to send kerbals there, because they obviously will have no chance to return, and it seems that during few years needed to reach this distance telescope without EVA maintenance will become useless.

Edited by Lightwarrior
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Okay, see, that?

That would be nice information to have had documented somewhere! Preferably somewhere in-game, since they've decided to alter the function of a stock part in a very unintuitive way. >_<

Very, very annoyed.

If you want there's a way to put the stock science back by editing the config file in the Iinterstellar folder.

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I have Kethane and KSP Interstellar running on my machine, with 34(!!!) other mods as well, including several that are parts heavy such as KW Rocketry and NovaPunch. Plus a handful of my own modded parts and a folder full of welded ones. With them all in place, KSP is using just over 2GB of RAM at startup, so I'm pretty sure I could put B9 Aerospace in on top of that and still leave KSP over 1 GB of ram to fritter away in the inevitable memory leaks. And that still means hours of game play before running up to 3.4GB of RAM usage and then crashing. My secret? I use the aggressive version of the Active Memory Reduction mod...


And yes, I have a problem.

Hello everyone, my name is EatVacuum and I am a modaholic.:D

Only 34 other mods? That's not a mod-a-holic. Let me know when you get into the 70s. I maxed on 0.21 with 85 mods before the game would crash on me. My current 0.23 has 60 mods installed and only runs around 1.6 to 2.1 gigs of ram used, unless I'm coming up on a large station, then it eats alot more ram.

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Speaking of harvesting He-3 (or anything else) from jool atmosphere... it seems useles idea just because you have no timewarp there, you need to control the craft (can not go AFK), so you will get tiny amount of resources spending a lot of time there.


You can "physical timewarp" up to 4x unless your craft shakes itself apart. Also if you have MechJeb (or simillar) installed, you can set the ship's heading and pitch (with a thousandth or more accuracy, I mean 0.001 etc), or actually tell it to hold a certain altitude, and it will keep your craft flying = allowing you to get afk for a while.

Other than that, I have to confess to not really using He-3 at all. Antimatter is uncomparably easier to get and until then, D-T fusion is usually good enough.

Nevertheless, it is a nice variegation(?) to try to actually acquire the Helium, instead of just orbiting several hundred times around Kerbin and automatically get all the AM.

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You can "physical timewarp" up to 4x unless your craft shakes itself apart. Also if you have MechJeb (or simillar) installed, you can set the ship's heading and pitch (with a thousandth or more accuracy, I mean 0.001 etc), or actually tell it to hold a certain altitude, and it will keep your craft flying = allowing you to get afk for a while


Other than that, I have to confess to not really using He-3 at all. Antimatter is uncomparably easier to get and until then, D-T fusion is usually good enough.

Nevertheless, it is a nice variegation(?) to try to actually acquire the Helium, instead of just orbiting several hundred times around Kerbin and automatically get all the AM.

And you will still get tiny amounts. Or i am wrong?


I think tritium decay not working on off-focus vessels is just a bug, and if/when it will be fixed there will be relatively easy way to get he-3.

Also AMI reactor is so much better then all you can get before upgraded antimatter reactors, that it makes it worth of effort.

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And you will still get tiny amounts. Or i am wrong?

Well if you compared a "storage" craft with supply of let's say ~2k Tritium vs. a harvestor with only a couple of Scoops, then yes, you are better off with the first thing.

Also the former (landed) would allow you 100k timewarp... Instead of 4x... While not having to worry about autopilot malfunction and losing hours-long progress...

Yes, the decay process definitely looks more useful now to me.

But the harvestor looks way cooler, you can't deny that!

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The idea to colect something from jool atmosphere is cool, yes. But now it just does not work. I tried to get some fuel from it some time ago (before he-3 was added) and... yes, it can be done. But it is totally unpractical. And problem here is not the difficulty, but the amount of real time you need to spend there to get reasonable amounts of resources.

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But the harvestor looks way cooler, you can't deny that!

well you could build the harvester strap a crap ton of tritium to it and fly it around jool and just say your colecting from its atmosphere :P at least that way you get the useable funtionality and you can go for cool looks.

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What about that mod that added inflatable airships balloons? oh, what the %&^% was it called? Is that mod still alive? you could use it and build a atmo miner that just floated in the air, no fuel required, build it with a rocket and when its full, push it into space. I think it was made by hooligan labs or some such? It was in one of Scott Manley's vids, used it to go to Eve and fly around...

Edited by vardicd
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I would like to voice my opinion against removing stock functionality.

I think Fractal_UK is to be commended for the novelties he is pushing with his mod, but I think said novelties should be added along the stock parts. Nothing from the stock game should be removed/replaced.

As a way to sidestep the problem - someone mentioned it earlier in the thread - if one really wants the stock functionality back, or even better - along the one KSPI offers - B9 could be used, because the stock functionality is there in one of those combined sensors thingies.

Even then - I think new functionality is really pushing the envelope, but along it, please, Fractal, just invent a new part, and leave it there (this is what this mod mostly does - introduces new things without changing the stock ones).

Anyway, thanks for the great mod and keep up the good work!

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This is really bumming me out. I built my entire power grid around Direct Conversion Generators. You already know (and have a fix) for the bug between Direct Conversion Gens and Microwave Transmitters... and are not yet ready to release the next update to KSPI. Any chance I could persuade you to consider hastening your next update for those of us in my situation? It's really putting a hamper on what I'd like to do with my space program.

Quite the sad panda


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I found another very odd bug with my dusty plasma + direct conversion power bases. For some reason the waste heat isn't calculating correctly at all. Whenever the base isn't transmitting and all reactors are idle at 40%.... the base actually generates waste heat. However, whenever the base IS transmitting... the waste heat goes down.

This doesn't make sense to me. I designed this base to sit at 50% waste heat when all reactors are at at full output, but it goes there when idle... and down to what should be resting waste heat levels when transmitting.

Open Images in new tab for full screen+ size.

Not Transmitting:




I'm so confused



Just ask if you want the quicksave. Mods: KSPI, KAS

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On the topic of He-3 from Jool's atmosphere, I really think that, for balancing purposes, the concentrations of He-3 and Deuterium in Jool's atmosphere should be drastically increased, simply because sitting there and time warping while the resource builds up over days and days isn't an option, you'd have to actually wait real life days, and while that's realistic, in the context of KSP it's completely impractical due to the way the game works. Unless of course he can find a way to get around time warp restrictions in the atmosphere.

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I found another very odd bug with my dusty plasma + direct conversion power bases. For some reason the waste heat isn't calculating correctly at all. Whenever the base isn't transmitting and all reactors are idle at 40%.... the base actually generates waste heat. However, whenever the base IS transmitting... the waste heat goes down.

This doesn't make sense to me. I designed this base to sit at 50% waste heat when all reactors are at at full output, but it goes there when idle... and down to what should be resting waste heat levels when transmitting.


There is probably nothing wrong here. When your transmitters are off all those 40% goes to heat. When you turn transmitters on you start using those power with very high efficiency (85% for direct conversion generators) and obviously get less heat because now this power is used instead of just heating radiators.

This is by the way one of big disadvantages of this reactors - very high idle power output.

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There is probably nothing wrong here. When your transmitters are off all those 40% goes to heat. When you turn transmitters on you start using those power with very high efficiency (85% for direct conversion generators) and obviously get less heat because now this power is used instead of just heating radiators.

This is by the way one of big disadvantages of this reactors - very high idle power output.

You seem to have missed the point. Those are Direct Conversion Gens. They don't make juice from heat. Solid State Gens make power from heat. Direct Conversion Gens use the charged particles.


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You seem to have missed the point. Those are Direct Conversion Gens. They don't make juice from heat. Solid State Gens make power from heat. Direct Conversion Gens use the charged particles.


Yes. But those "charged particles" produced still go to waste heat if not used.

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Yes, sorry. Kethane 0.8.4 and Interstellar 10.3. I do have other mods but they are just parts. And if I remove the Kethane mod, everything work fine. Or, if I leave Kethane and remove the Interstellar mod, everything works in that case as well. I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

Also i should add what happens. The game crashes after loading everything when the game is starting. It doesn't crash during, it crashes right at the end/after it is done before the main menu comes up.

Interestingly enough, I had this EXACT same issue last night when trying to run Interstellar with the KSO Mini Shuttle Oribiter mod, the loading sequence would complete and then it would crash right before the main menu. I tried removing some other mods in case it was a RAM issue, but that didn't work, the only fix was to remove the KSO mod...

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Yes. But those "charged particles" produced still go to waste heat if not used.

Exactly, technically an MSR/Gas Core reactor still produces 80%+ power as charged particles but in the former case the charged particles are contained within the molten salt, in the second case they are contained in a quartz chamber so they can't escape the reactor core to be collected by a direct conversion generator, they just become heat. If you have no direct conversion generator or the direct conversion generator is at 0% power, all the power produced becomes heat.

This is really bumming me out. I built my entire power grid around Direct Conversion Generators. You already know (and have a fix) for the bug between Direct Conversion Gens and Microwave Transmitters... and are not yet ready to release the next update to KSPI. Any chance I could persuade you to consider hastening your next update for those of us in my situation? It's really putting a hamper on what I'd like to do with my space program.

The update will be released when its ready but unfortunately I'm extremely busy at the moment.

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