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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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  WaveFunctionP said:


@TechRequired = whatevernodeyouwant


Doesn't work? The :Final should override any mod authors if they are playing nicely.

It does not. TreeEdit makes its changes after ModuleMangers :Final run. If the part is listed in tree.cfg then that overrides any TechRequired line in the part.cfg or modified by MM. The proper thing to do would be to never include any parts in their default locations in a tree.cfg and only list them if the new tech tree is moving them to a new non stock node. I even ended up with some odities during testing where on a fresh career save with nothing unlocked I would find the same part listed in multiple nodes.

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  Woodstar said:
How do you upgrade the parts with science? Does it do it automagicly or do I have to click something?

when you unlock new parts in the tech tree, it may contain part upgrades. New parts made in the VAB will be upgraded, but old parts on current flights will have to be upgraded by right clicking, at a cost of science.

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Installation instructions are included in the .zip.

Here they are:

"1. If you have an existing copy of Interstellar, go to your Kerbal Space Program/GameData folder and delete the contained WarpPlugin folder

2. Unzip the KSP Instellar mod file into the main Kerbal Space Program directory. That is the main directory, not the GameData folder. The directory structure should look like [KSPMain]/GameData/WarpPlugin, [KSPMain]/GameData/TreeLoader, [KSPMain]/GameData/OpenResourceSystem,[KSPMain]/GameData/ModuleManager_X_Y_Z.dll. Make sure to check this is correct or the Plugin will not load.

3. When the game starts, you will be given an option to select a technology tree from a list of options. Select "KSP Interstellar Tree".

4. Have fun!"

On another branch...

60 MW transmitted? From this close to Kerbol?


I've got twelve OX-STAT panels (at 1.6 MW each) and six Gigantor pairs (at 40MW for EACH panel).

This does not compute. This is approximately 90% loss of energy. Y U NO XMIT?!?!

Seriously, does anyone see anything obvious I'm doing wrong?

Edited by VaporTrail
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  VaporTrail said:
On another branch...

60 MW transmitted? From this close to Kerbol?


I've got twelve OX-STAT panels (at 1.6 MW each) and six Gigantor pairs (at 40MW for EACH panel).

This does not compute. This is approximately 90% loss of energy. Y U NO XMIT?!?!

Seriously, does anyone see anything obvious I'm doing wrong?

Stock resources aren't managed in the way that Interstellar resources are so when you're using solar panels, making sure that you have lots of storage capacity is key. If you add a bunch of batteries to your satellite, you'll see the amount of power you can transmit go up.

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did a search and nothing came up. I I'm unable to do the science experiment with the magnetometer. I looked in the part.cfg file, and the entries seem to be there. I've also tried deleting the interstellar mod folder and re-installing it, but no go. Any ideas what's up?

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  Ixonal said:
did a search and nothing came up. I I'm unable to do the science experiment with the magnetometer. I looked in the part.cfg file, and the entries seem to be there. I've also tried deleting the interstellar mod folder and re-installing it, but no go. Any ideas what's up?

Crowd Sourced Science Logs might be the culprit.

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  Woodstar said:
Is there a reason I can't take the data from the magnetometer?

Because its cfg doesn't say you can.

What I did was copy/paste the relevant bit from a stock sensor (like the thermometer) to the magnetometers and it worked. From memory, it's this bit you need to add in

dataIsCollectable = True
collectActionName = Collect Data
interactionRange = 1.2

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  Ixonal said:
really? how does that interfere?

I'm not sure of the details but it was a few pages back and had something to do with the instructions saying to make a backup of the original science logs but those are still loaded if you dont remove them from the KSP folder. The loading twice wipes out any mod added experiements.

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  Unteknikal said:
How do I find water with this mod?, which device (detector) should I use?, and is the water of this mod compatible with TAC life support?

Water can currently be extracted with the ISRU from land on duna, vall, minimus, and the mun, as well as any oceans. There is no mapping available in-game yet for these resources. You can look in the PlanetData folder for land based source maps if you'd wish. Lighter colored areas mean more concentration and faster extraction rates.

I believe that TaC and Interstellar define water differently. Someone else in this thread earlier was having trouble of some sort.

I've added a new wiki entry if anyone cares to review it and offer feedback.


Edited by WaveFunctionP
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  merendel said:
And yet you seem to have no problem spending the time trying to get the mod author to tweak the mod to your liking dispite the low probability of success. The logic is amazing.

The thing is there is very little difference between RT's implimentation and KSPI's from a gameplay perspective. Both require puting infrustructure out there to work. Both end up with the automagic ability to have the transmiters point in the right direction (once configured properly in RT's case) The only difference is KSPI simplifies the step of haveing to configure each network node exactly right in favor of requireing that you have your reciever pointing in a somewhat logical direction for what its doing. RT on the other hand requires more upfront busywork but ends up working automagicly on both ends even if you've got your ships orientation set in a way that it makes no logical sense that the reciever could pick up jack from ground control being physicaly pointed 180 away from its uplink with the ship in the way.

If you really want that extra lay of busy work to "Point" your network at a specific reciever each time you cange ships you can always load up a command pod on the launch pad and push a few random buttons in IVA to RP mission control directing the network. Additionaly you can shut off the active systems on any craft that is being powered by beamed power when your done with it to simulate it no longer recieving power. Its not required but it works out of the box with no tweeks needed. Personaly I think I'd just get anoyed with such a self imposed limitation and abandon it after 1 play session but to each their own. Just dont expect everybody else to conform to your ideal when the alternative you like better has as many logical holes as the status quo.

I don't need or want KSPI to change anything. I am fine with the way it's implemented now. I was responding to someone who expressed a desire to have the antennas track automatically like the solar panels do. I only made my suggestion as a possible workaround. Why are you so intent on picking a fight?

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  hfbs said:
Because its cfg doesn't say you can.

What I did was copy/paste the relevant bit from a stock sensor (like the thermometer) to the magnetometers and it worked. From memory, it's this bit you need to add in

dataIsCollectable = True
collectActionName = Collect Data
interactionRange = 1.2

Nice thanks

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  mdapol said:
I don't need or want KSPI to change anything. I am fine with the way it's implemented now. I was responding to someone who expressed a desire to have the antennas track automatically like the solar panels do. I only made my suggestion as a possible workaround. Why are you so intent on picking a fight?

If that's the case then I misinterpreted your comment and I apologize for taking such an antagonistic tone. The comment about cant being bothered to make minor tweaks and wanting it to work out of the box coupled with the previous suggestion seemed to me more like you were demanding changes. I appreciate the effort mod authors put in and it annoys me no end with the amount of "X in this mod is a stupid way to do it, you should do it Y way, Fix now!" that crops up in these threads. Sorry agian if I'm a bit too eager to take up the pitchfork when I think I'm seeing that. I just think that if people want a mod/program that is exactly how they want it they either need to make it themselves or actually pay someone to make it not just whine about it not being to their liking when the author is providing it free of charge.

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  merendel said:
If that's the case then I misinterpreted your comment and I apologize for taking such an antagonistic tone. The comment about cant being bothered to make minor tweaks and wanting it to work out of the box coupled with the previous suggestion seemed to me more like you were demanding changes. I appreciate the effort mod authors put in and it annoys me no end with the amount of "X in this mod is a stupid way to do it, you should do it Y way, Fix now!" that crops up in these threads. Sorry agian if I'm a bit too eager to take up the pitchfork when I think I'm seeing that. I just think that if people want a mod/program that is exactly how they want it they either need to make it themselves or actually pay someone to make it not just whine about it not being to their liking when the author is providing it free of charge.

I agree that if someone wants to customize a mod they can and should learn to do it themselves. That being said, my opinion is only that there is a growing tendency for the answer to any incompatibility or problem is "edit the config file yourself". I don't think that is a healthy path to take in the long term. Since there are several mods that are extremely popular, I only feel that it would be better for the community (which unlike this forum is largely comprised of people who are not comfortable editing config files) if there was some built-in compatibility. That's only if the mod developer cares about that mind you. And if the mod developer chooses they can always let the community do the work and include compatibility configs that users create. I only think that this would help; I don't feel it's a requirement.

As an example, I'm using Skyrim as a kind of optimum. You download a mod, install it, and go play. I understand and appreciate the hard work of mod developers and I think that the best way to get your mod being used by a lot of people is to make it easy to use. I also realize we're still in early development, not only of KSP but of mods and I'm sure there will be a lot of changes as time goes by.

Just my opinion.

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  mdapol said:
As an example, I'm using Skyrim as a kind of optimum. You download a mod, install it, and go play. I understand and appreciate the hard work of mod developers and I think that the best way to get your mod being used by a lot of people is to make it easy to use. I also realize we're still in early development, not only of KSP but of mods and I'm sure there will be a lot of changes as time goes by.

Just my opinion.

In Skyrim modding, you don't have one portion of the community constantly going on about rescaling half of the world to match reality.

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Bug Reports

Didn't see a specific place for these so here we are...

1) The first is kinda hard to pin down as an example. I have a large transmission station in LKO which can have up to 12 3.75m reactor/generator combos plugged into it via ports at any one time, all of which have arrived at different times. When I'm trying to reprocess the fuels from Fission plants using the inline refinery what I think it's doing is processing until one has been refueled at which point it seems to stop. This may only effect time warping as I was able to refill a couple of the less degraded ones in real time last night. Sorry, I know this is more than a bit vague but it's quite hard to understand what it's doing - will try and test further later.

2) I deployed a station is low Kerbol (sun) orbit yesterday. It is primarily just a large bank of gigantor solar arrays which that low to the surface actually provide a decent amount of energy each for any interplanetary missions blocked from Kerbin. It does have a generator and reactor but I designed them to be switched off most of the time and only come on when it needs to move itself. The problem is when they are off and I'm transmitting energy it doesn't give the DC Systems priority and actually drains all the Electric Charge, rendering the station uncontrollable. Same if the generator is left on.

Finally, a parts request: I'd love to see a small radial single solar-panel like microwave receiver (probably a bit larger but nice and low profile). I would guess the penalty for such a convenient part would be a very poor surface area and thus range, below even the Small Receiver.

Once again, many thanks for all the hard work on the mod - having played a year of vanilla KSP I was beginning to run out of ideas and Interstellar has really revitalized it for me!

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  mdapol said:
I agree that if someone wants to customize a mod they can and should learn to do it themselves. That being said, my opinion is only that there is a growing tendency for the answer to any incompatibility or problem is "edit the config file yourself". I don't think that is a healthy path to take in the long term. Since there are several mods that are extremely popular, I only feel that it would be better for the community (which unlike this forum is largely comprised of people who are not comfortable editing config files) if there was some built-in compatibility. That's only if the mod developer cares about that mind you. And if the mod developer chooses they can always let the community do the work and include compatibility configs that users create. I only think that this would help; I don't feel it's a requirement.

Interestingly you basically just described module manager. The comunity can make up MM configs that tweek parts and can fix some issues where a conflict between 2 mods can be fixed just by editing configs. This can also alow for "Hard mode" or "Easy mode" settings and the comunity at large is free to release these tweeks. I do see this as a better option than haveing the author do it himself as there is no way 1 person can cater to the collective whims of a large community and even the attempt would grind progress to a halt.

However not everything can be fixed just by config edits. I highly suspect the methods that KSPI uses for power transmission and the ones that RT uses for data transmission while similar in effect are quite different at a code level. Different programers will often find different solutions to the same problem. Variables used will be different method calls and returns will not line up, and this results in direct copy/paste not being a good option to swap from one version to the other. Even if the code was close enough chances are RT might not have the method that calculates power loss over distance and so there could still be major things breaking. Unless the authors specificly colaberated to have the ability to swap the systems out its just not something that can be done quick and easily short of another programer decompiling the DLL and rewriting it to do what you wanted. And then you'd have all sorts of issues with version controll and users haveing stuff break because they downloaded version 10.3 of the mod but have 10.2 of the comunity DLL. Some things just are impractical and fall back into the catagory of find someone to do it for you (pay or not) or do it yourself because the authors cant cover every combination. The only other option is to just accept things the way they are even if you prefer X over Y.

And most of the popular mods work OK togeather out of the box. Their authors know what they are doing and avoid issues that actively interfear with anythign but specific parts that they intend to modify (AKA kspi and solar pannles) You still get some weird and very bad conflicts such as that guy with the borked command pod over the last few days. I suspect the author of that mod did something weird that resulted in an edge case interaction. Possibly combining too many part modules into a single part and tweeking thingss very specificly to make it work that then get broken when module mannager tweeks solar pannles for KSPI. gota love the pitfalls of wild card searches. Unfortunatly a single author cant be expected to be able to account for every bizzar and off the wall way some other author will write his code and you get unavoidable conflicts.

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  localSol said:
I sent you a PM yesterday about the textures, FractalUK. I noticed today though that the science lab and interior of it look pretty nintendo-Wii-like when I reduced textures that low for them

LocalSol, you have the only post I could find about the science lab textures. Have you figured out which texture file is rensponsible for the interior? I'm trying to exclude it from texture compression, but it seems it's not in the WarpPlugin\Parts\Command\scienceModule folder along with the exterior. Thanks!

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  WaveFunctionP said:
Water can currently be extracted with the ISRU from land on duna, vall, minimus, and the mun, as well as any oceans. There is no mapping available in-game yet for these resources. You can look in the PlanetData folder for land based source maps if you'd wish. Lighter colored areas mean more concentration and faster extraction rates.

I believe that TaC and Interstellar define water differently. Someone else in this thread earlier was having trouble of some sort.

I've added a new wiki entry if anyone cares to review it and offer feedback.


Thanks for the answer I will try to check the resource descriptions and se what's going on.

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