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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Fractal, now that the tech tree has been released, are you thinking of integrating all your parts into career mode? It'd be pretty awesome to maybe have it in its own branch, or as an end-game unlock to the very far right.

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So at the risk of sounding incredibly stupid, is it possible to convert stock electric charge into MW? Because I have the awesome looking solar wings and wanted to put them on my science vessels. but since the labs only use MW, wasn't sure if it was do-able.

Only via a slightly obscure method at presently: if you put a microwave power transmitter onto your solar satellites, you can then put a microwave receiver on the science lab to power it. You can then use multiple satellites to power the lab to.

The microwave receiver and all the generators in this pack generate both ElectricCharge and Megajoules according to your need. This does at least making generating enough energy to power a science lab some what practical, it'd be difficult to get enough solar power to run a science lab without either using some modded bigger solar panels or putting your solar powered science lab very close to the sun.

Fractal, now that the tech tree has been released, are you thinking of integrating all your parts into career mode? It'd be pretty awesome to maybe have it in its own branch, or as an end-game unlock to the very far right.

That is most certainly the plan, assuming I can get it to work when 0.22 is released.

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I'm getting this weird "glitch?" with plasma thrusters they do still work but they don't appear in staging and have this weird thrust effect even before they're activated. Any ideas on what could be happening?

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Found the problem: the collectorArea field has been removed from the microwave receiver, that means the big receiver won't function any more effectively than the small one. At least it's an easy fix!

Interesting, I don't see anything different between the 2 parts files, I still have 6.0 laying around. Or is it missing from something else?

Edited by Donziboy2
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Would it perhaps be possible, to add a small storadge unit for science?

I mean somethigng like a harddrive or so.

The reason is:

When you build a smaler project (like a satelite or probe...)

It looks terrible to attach the giant Compute rcore model, and is a bit like to shoot with an artillery on small birds.

So there would be a small simple "memory" unit be cool, what simple works as "tank" for a ammount of science to can do "smaler" updates on the "small" construction parts.

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Would it perhaps be possible, to add a small storadge unit for science?

I mean somethigng like a harddrive or so.

The reason is:

When you build a smaler project (like a satelite or probe...)

It looks terrible to attach the giant Compute rcore model, and is a bit like to shoot with an artillery on small birds.

So there would be a small simple "memory" unit be cool, what simple works as "tank" for a ammount of science to can do "smaler" updates on the "small" construction parts.

I used to create two types of resources, named: experiments & results... Huh... should be similar to your idea.

With 0.22 the R&D system may bring us something more interesting.

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Yep, once R&D comes out im sure he will incorporate into it. Meaning you probably wont be able to upgrade an already existing ship, but new ships will be able to start with the upgrades installed im sure.

Atleast this is what I think Fractal_UK has planned.

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Found the problem: the collectorArea field has been removed from the microwave receiver, that means the big receiver won't function any more effectively than the small one. At least it's an easy fix!

My mistake, that was a complex merge and I missed that line, I noticed it this morning when I was testing and already sent a pull request.

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Woke up at 1AM dismorning and just couldn't go back to sleep so here you guys go, 3 hours of my life, I still want to add more. What kinds of info do you guys think would be helpful?

Or if you see mistakes thats helpful also;)


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I'm new to this mod and still trying to get my mind around it... How do I generate a good amount of science?

I made an amphibian science station (one nuclear core and generator, 4 science labs with quite clever kerbals, the whole thing floating a little bit offshore from KSC), but it only makes around 4x0.140 science per day :(

And with that, It's quite... unsatisfying to wait to be able to upgrade anything :/

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Science rate at Kerbin is very low. You will get slightly better results on the moons. I have a Science Lander on the Mun generating 0.6 SP/day. Better yet - go to Moho :) You will get about 3 SP/day there. Eeloo is the same i think - i have yet to put a Lab there. Laythe and Vall are good locations too. Kerbol is not generating any science as of now. General rule: to get most SP stay landed or in low orbit.

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After some break I finally made something new but instead of something usefull it's something too complex and crazy shaped mostly for my own fun. It's warpdrive model with changeble shape for horisontal things, it still need some additional elevation but much less then with regular model.

Not supposed to be part of regular pack, more like "bonus content". Use on your own risk.

I copied modules from regular one but don't know can it actually warp or not.



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After some break I finally made something new but instead of something usefull it's something too complex and crazy shaped mostly for my own fun. It's warpdrive model with changeble shape for horisontal things, it still need some additional elevation but much less then with regular model.

Not supposed to be part of regular pack, more like "bonus content". Use on your own risk.

I copied modules from regular one but don't know can it actually warp or not.



Oh dear Lord, you're like a drug dealer! You've got me hooked on your designs, man, every time you release something new I just HAVE TO HAVE IT RIGHT NOW!!! Lol, :D

I'm assuming that the folding/unfolding animations are just as cool as all of your parts look... Awesome...

And I don't really even like this mod, as I've stated before, I find it too overly complex, but I've installed it and altered configs as necessary just so I can have all of your cool parts. :) As I will do with this part, lol!

Keep up the great work, zzz, I eagerly await whatever you come up with next.

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How much Labs does your Mun-ScienceLander have? One?

Just one Lab. I used Aluminium Hybrid engine to test ISRU refuelling option. Results were promising, but one hybrid engine is barely enough fuel wise to get such heavy ship to Mun from LKO. It will need some sort of transfer stage, or couple of LFO tanks with additional engines for better Isp. Once on the Mun electrolysis works like charm. I'm planning another Science Lander, this time with strictly LFO propulsion - it will be testing ISRU on Minmus. One thing became clear to me: while having a Science Lab attached to the lander gives nice bonus in the form of science points, it weights landers a bit too much in some cases. It's fine on low-grav bodies where even small engines and little fuel is enough - but Tylo, Moho and Laythe? We need some sort of dedicated ISRU module - just a drill and refinery allowing us to refuel our landers, without weighting them down with Lab and additional crew.

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I'm getting this weird "glitch?" with plasma thrusters they do still work but they don't appear in staging and have this weird thrust effect even before they're activated. Any ideas on what could be happening?

Are you, by any chance, running Linux? If so, have you updated to the 0.6.1 version of the mod? In version 0.6, the propellant loaders were misconfigured for case-sensitive paths.

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Had a bug just now where I had a lab in the water, I was making Deuterium and Tritium, I switched to another craft and then came back, it was still making tritium but the generator was no longer making any power and I could not get it to keep making Deuterium. Also, making vehicles for the water is a pain.....

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Why not adding to the general mod?

I was mostly disclaimer, but anyone, including Fractal, can to use or not to use it in any way, as usual.

It's more complex then needed and parts in pack already looks too "strange" but this is even more "strange".

Edited by zzz
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Not sure if you missed my question yesterday


What would I need to do to ensure that resources from another mod were compatible with yours? For example if I added a resource called Aluminum which could be (in theory) extracted from a resource deposit, could that be used in your aluminum/oxygen rocket so long as it had the same name as your Aluminum resource? Would any conflicts arise from this?

I've someting in the planning stage but would like to ensure its compatible and I've not much experience with messing around in resources.

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