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Features you are not looking forward to/dreading.


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I love the idea of life support, but of it needs specific parts and the update that brings it does not break compatibility, all my kerbals are likely to be killed by lack of it. Were the module needed to keep them alive implemented before life support itself, I might be able to save some by docking it to stations, but my bases and independent missions would be lost.

Most of all, I'm not looking toward to aerodynamics and reentry heat. Most of my designs are heavy, and require massively unaerodynamic asparagi to get anywhere, so those wouldn't work anymore. Most of my operations make heavy use of aerobreaking where it's possible, so if the heavy g forces already have a tendency to year them apart, I can't imagine them also spontaneously exploding is going to make my day any better.

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Life support is what i'm not looking forward to :P Especially if its like the sims with hunger bars etc. :L That being said on most of my ships I add hitchhiker modules as a place for the kerbals to live/sleep

I'm personally looking forward to aerodynamics as I don't often use asparagus, rather keep to sleek, inline rockets despite them currently being less effective. :)

Not sure what re entry heat is going to be like though I assume that we'll get heat shields.

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Re-entry heat in reality means that you have to descend at a controlled rate and angle in the atmosphere, or else you get too hot and the G-forces are too much and your spacecraft disintegrates. Of course, it's easier to control your falling rate with proper aerodynamics, but it'll break everyone's Eve landers. Oh well.

Well, at least I can try to make my Joolileio mission 100% accurate when it happens.

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even with deadly reentry as demanding as it is now, controlled entry to an atmosphere like Kerbin`s is not a difficult thing to engineer for, and the ioncross mod is providing me an enjoyable life support element ingame already. These features when added to the stock game will be welcomed by me.

After playing with the mission controller mod however, I have reservations about how career mode will be implemented when it finally is. Not to say that I`m not looking forward to it, I`ve been thoroughly enjoying mission controller`s career mode as is, but an aspect of grinding for money to fund projects is a nagging concern. I hope such an aspect is carefully controlled when career mode becomes a reality in the stock game.

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Is life support even documented as a planned feature? If so, then yeah, I guess that's the one I'm worried about, unless I can assign automated recurring missions and set up the logistics, or something. Otherwise, it's probably deadly reentry. This is mainly due to my inability to make a functional aircraft that cannot turn itself into an aerodynamic fireball. I already have one ceiling to worry about as it is, and it gets higher the faster I go.

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Grapics overhauls.

My Laptop runs KSP at a decent quality setting with an FPS im happy with, however, with a Intel HD3000 chip, i cant ask it to do much more. So if things like clouds, cities and high res ground textures get added, im dreading the extra workload it will give my Laptop.

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Looking forward to seeing the next steps towards Career Mode personally. I think I read that the game already logs various details in a progress file, so I'd love it if that was accessible in game (assuming it isnt already and I'm just being dumb :) ). Little crew biographies for the Astronaut complex would be awesome, particularly if they had a space for player annotations.

Something like: "Jebediah Kerman. Current holder of the endurance record for longest spaceflight. First Kerbal in history to successfully orbit the Mun.", to which the player can add comments like. "Munar orbit mission salvaged due to adept use of duct tape to repair the life support systems."

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Grapics overhauls.

My Laptop runs KSP at a decent quality setting with an FPS im happy with, however, with a Intel HD3000 chip, i cant ask it to do much more. So if things like clouds, cities and high res ground textures get added, im dreading the extra workload it will give my Laptop.

That's my only real concern personally. I can't help but wonder how far away the technical wall is and considering it's out of Squad's control to refine the engine, what they would like to do and what they can do right now could be vastly different.

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While I consider many proposed/planned features un-fun (budgets especially), I don't dread them per se because I assume that 1) sandbox mode will still be there and 2) in sandbox mode you could disable whatever features you consider un-fun.

What I do dread is the inevitable change in the culture of the community that making KSP more "serious" will bring. I predict that the community will become split into career and sandbox camps. The sandbox folks will continue to launch magnificently ridiculous asparagus monsters, invent hilariously horrible ways to abuse Kerbals, and brag about their epic fails. IOW, continuing what we're doing now. The career folks OTOH will be all about perfectionism, cost consciousness, Kerbal longevity, etc.. The former will come to consider the latter as stuck-up prigs who don't know how to have fun, the latter will come to consider the former as ignorant hillbillies lowering the reputation of KSP in the entire internet gaming society.

And so no doubt eventually the forum will split into separate sections for sandbox and career, and the 2 camps will then not have much contact with each other. But the worst part is, the devs will then effectively have 2 separate customer bases wanting different things out of the game, and it will be very hard for the devs to keep both groups happy.

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Re-entry heat in reality means that you have to descend at a controlled rate and angle in the atmosphere, or else you get too hot and the G-forces are too much and your spacecraft disintegrates. Of course, it's easier to control your falling rate with proper aerodynamics, but it'll break everyone's Eve landers. Oh well.

Well, at least I can try to make my Joolileio mission 100% accurate when it happens.

No G-forces disintegrate craft IRL; kill squishy human crew certainly, break solid metal no. Even with airplanes windshearing would break the craft before G-forces ever could. Most electronics and solid parts even in civilian life are rated to several thousand G-s. The amount of force required to break a spaceship in G-s would require impacting something, and at that point the ground scored the kill first anyway. I like deadly reentry, but it's idea of G-Forces are powered by fairies.

Edited by Guest
Had an extra "and".
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While I consider many proposed/planned features un-fun (budgets especially), I don't dread them per se because I assume that 1) sandbox mode will still be there and 2) in sandbox mode you could disable whatever features you consider un-fun.

What I do dread is the inevitable change in the culture of the community that making KSP more "serious" will bring. I predict that the community will become split into career and sandbox camps. The sandbox folks will continue to launch magnificently ridiculous asparagus monsters, invent hilariously horrible ways to abuse Kerbals, and brag about their epic fails. IOW, continuing what we're doing now. The career folks OTOH will be all about perfectionism, cost consciousness, Kerbal longevity, etc.. The former will come to consider the latter as stuck-up prigs who don't know how to have fun, the latter will come to consider the former as ignorant hillbillies lowering the reputation of KSP in the entire internet gaming society.

And so no doubt eventually the forum will split into separate sections for sandbox and career, and the 2 camps will then not have much contact with each other. But the worst part is, the devs will then effectively have 2 separate customer bases wanting different things out of the game, and it will be very hard for the devs to keep both groups happy.

A reasonable point but I don't think its anything to worry about. People already play the game in many different ways anyway, so I don't see that 'Sandbox vs Career' will cause any greater community friction than for example 'stock vs mod' or 'MechJeb Yes/No.' Provided that the building and flying game mechanics are consistent between career and sandbox (which is easier and possibly the only sensible path for the devs anyway), then nobody should feel hard done by, particularly if sandbox mode *does* include the option of turning off un-fun parts as you suggest.

I think it's more likely that some players will like career mode a lot and play mainly career but with a sandbox game on the side to test new designs or just unwind with krazy kerbal killing kontraptions if they wish! Others will decide its not for them and just play sandbox. Even then I think some players will play essentially the same game in sandbox that they would in career but just do things on a larger scale unfettered by budgets and such.

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I like sandbox for just exploring possibilities, but even now with mission controller I'll occasionally switch to it to have a sense of direction and purpose

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What I do dread is the inevitable change in the culture of the community that making KSP more "serious" will bring. I predict that the community will become split into career and sandbox camps. The sandbox folks will continue to launch magnificently ridiculous asparagus monsters, invent hilariously horrible ways to abuse Kerbals, and brag about their epic fails. IOW, continuing what we're doing now. The career folks OTOH will be all about perfectionism, cost consciousness, Kerbal longevity, etc..

Isn't it a bit absurd to complain about potential devision in the community and then fuel it with such obvious bias? This community has always been divided along those lines. Nothing is going to change when career mode is added.

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My only worry is that they are going to make Resources too gamified and magical like Kethane and not like the in progress resource chart they now say has been changed. I completely understand simplified and gamified, but I need a certain level of realism for suspension of disbelief, The stock game gets that balance correct right now. I hope it stays in the resources.

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Sandbox will always be available so I'm not at all worried about career mode. Life support and reentry heat aren't big concerns either.

What I am really worried about are meaningless tedium features that aren't challenging additions to the game. For instance, having to use a resources feature on Kerbin to fuel my space program, that would really suck.

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Scheduled, announced, otherwise considered or not, I dread ...

... An exclusive transition to 64-bit. My system runs what I like quite fine, but it is a 32bit XP system and I cannot afford more while not wanting to ditch what I have.

... The Resources map. Yes, I know, it is outdated and shelved for now, but coming up with something as convoluted in the first place takes malevolent intent (just kidding ... mostly) of the sort I don't dare trifling with. I still hope it was a bad April Fools'.

... If Remotetech became stock.

... Stockification of even more parts created by the community without a polish to adapt existing designs. No disrespect to their creators, but some of the more recent parts don't feel stock, like the FLT-T100 (first tank with vertical spars) and the new TVR adapters (different texturing than the existing bi and tricouplers).

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