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ack! invited to do a presentation on KSP!


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I think Apollo has a good suggestion. Have a short, simple demonstration of rocket building (somewhat interactive) that preferably results in failure. Then show how to fix it and show a successful launch. You probably don't want to show the entire launch though, that can be a little boring and it has quite a bit of dead time.

A quick Mun landing from a craft already in orbit that you know works would be a good way to finish.

I think a complete mission is probably not a good idea. There is just too much dead time. One or two minute burns for orbital insertion or ejection to the Mun aren't very exciting. Showing the basics of construction and a few highlights of flight and failure is probably a good way to do it.

why thank you :)

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Exactly what I was thinking!

Interactive is generally a good thing. But with only 30 minutes it could actually be detrimental because your audience might lead you down some blind alleys and lead to less comprehensive and cohesive coverage of what you would like to cover in the game.

Also, with only 30 minutes, I think that a Mun landing might be a bit too ambitious and skip over many salient little details that newcomers to the game (even those with technical mindsets) will find confusing.

I would suggest modeling your presentation on this

video by Scott Manley. It might seem a bit elementary to KSP veterans. But trust me; I'm fairly scientific and even quantitative and I found this video to be quite useful when I first started playing. If you feel that it is too simple you could add 'next step' elements like carrying larger payloads, or executing different types of orbits (high orbit; geosynchronous; Mun encounter, etc.). I think getting to the moon and back is a bit much for 30 minute presentation where you should reasonably assume that you audience might know very little about astronautics, although have a sufficient technical background to get off to a good start.
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I think docking in orbit is pretty amazing. When you see yourself getting closer to the other ship is just so crazy how it's even possible, still blows my mind.

So i'd say build the ship, dock with another ship, refuel, undock and land on the mun.

edit: no one wants to watch the rocket travel back and forth between the mun and kerbin in map view twice.

Edited by Anizer
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Honestly, forget about presenting it. Demonstrate it. 30 minutes, as others mentioned, will allow you to show them initial build, to mun landing, and back. Just have a save ready with a orbital station, to stop off and show them docking :P This is a great idea, must work for a good outfit. Make sure you end by landing, neglecting to put down the landing struts ;)

Edited by foxgguy2001
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If I were to have a demo I would not do anything from start to finish because someone already mentioned the downtime involved.

Instead I'd show the construction and launch of a small rocket. Then I'd cut to a satellite in orbit around the Mun and show how manuever nodes work. then I'd cut to a lander orbiting one of the planets and land that sucker. if there was time left I'd cut back to the spaceplane hanger and show off a plane. Maybe have a prepped save with a docking scenario ready to go?

In the boring moments when waiting for something or doing a burn, talk about the game. mostly it will talk for itself.

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