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zoom window for orbital maneuver view

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I find myself often zooming in and out a lot, first zooming in to tweak a maneuver node, and then zoom way out to see the target and intersections, then zoom all the way in again to adjust the node again. Especially annoying for the interplanetary courses. It doesn't help that the slightest misclick de-selects the node and so I need to zoom in to select it again...

Would it be possible to add an extra, smallish window which shows the maneuver node close up (so i can easily re-select it and adjust the handles and it's position on the orbit), and have this window overlaid with the current view (which would show the big picture view of the whole maneuver and target)...

Feel free to discuss any other possible solutions, if you, like me, find the maneuvering node to be annoyingly fiddly to use.

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  • 8 months later...
  innovine said:
Would it be possible to add an extra, smallish window which shows the maneuver node close up (so i can easily re-select it and adjust the handles and it's position on the orbit), and have this window overlaid with the current view (which would show the big picture view of the whole maneuver and target)...

I just logged on to suggest this very thing. I would love such an option, even if it was just popped up a generic list of the maneuver icons on the side of the screen so you could click and drag the icons to adjust the node that way (i.e. instead of having to adjust the node only via the neat but cluttered spherical icon madness that we currently use, add the option to adjust it by sliding a set of the icons which could be individually listed along the edge of the screen). A new icon would have to be added for moving the node itself backwards and forwards along the flight path.

Innovine's idea of having a zoomed in view of the actual maneuver node could be more useful (and you wouldn't have to memorize what each symbol does), but it would require a mini-camera window which is fully rotatable, and you'd still have to deal with accidentally grabbing the wrong symbol or moving the node every time you slightly miss-click.

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I'd love this, it would be great if a set of buttons (+/-) popped up at the top of the screen for each axis, and being able to zoom in on an encounter. It's very fiddly having to adjust the node, then hover over the encounter, and compare and see if you improved you encounter.

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The way the interface works for orbits and maneuvers is horrifyingly difficult to use at times. Half the time you can't click one what you want because it overlaps something else, you can't read text because it displays overtop of other stuff, and depending on camera angle you can't always click some of the adjustment handles - and sometimes you click the wrong one and ruin the maneuver.

A huge overhaul is needed.

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I use PreciseNode, which brings up a node editor window. Not a view of the maneuver node - as you suggest - but with +/- buttons and such. Check it out, it comes in real handy for me and solves the problem of having to juggle node and target zooms.

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