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A dev cheat option (idea)


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We all know the EEEEVVVIIILLLL dev cheats (alt-f12) and we abuse them regularly, however I found myself wondering why we do not have a cheat for infinite electricity (yet)? It seems rather logical to me to add that feature to the cheat menu, but im no dev.

What do you guys think?

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I found it only did with if you had things that used electricity as fuel on the vessel, like ion engines, and rover wheels. This may have changed since 0.19, when I last tried that.

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I actually never used the debug menue, I might do it sometime though, just to finally visite all planetes.

I didn't even know there was no invinite electricity, though I thought it would be done with infinite fuel, and if it does, I don't think we need an extra option for it to be honest.

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I don't get the necessity. A pair of the small solar panels is enough juice to keep all but the most terrible spacecraft designs useable.

exactly they might not have it because its kind of easy to have infinite electricity you can add as many solar panels and generators as you need.

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