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Fastest Atmospheric Plane

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The new rule you propose is interesting, but I noticed in your screenshots that you seem to have dropped rule #2...

I dunno whether these rules apply here, but FIA surely require them both :). Anyway all my attempts include two passes in a single flight -- and a safe landing afterwards. In training flights I, errr, have lost that Large Bertha a couple of times -- but in record flight I\'ve managed to land in one piece.

By the way, the task would be much more simple if \'single flight\' was not the rule.

Which screenshot do you mean?

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I present to you

The Black Mumba

Flights were not done in one single flight.

this can reach 800 but obviously i don\'t have a screeny of it so it doesn\'t matter

Landing is an issue. the big bertha\'s tend to fall of but if this aircraft had a crew they would have survived.

(there is no rule about breaking parts on landing)- but we can assume the crew must survive

if the Challenge poster isnt happy with these photos i will happily post others



Rough landing


also as a request to the challenge poster. could you please post the names of the aircraft next to the speed ;)

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We\'ve got a kind of engine race here, are we? Two Berthas; OK then, challenge accepted 8). I guess I know how to snatch 10 m/s more...

Here, let me introduce my brand new Sky Freak I. Why \'freak\'? \'Cause she\'s freakin\' unstable and tends to stall... at any speed. But, anyway, she\'s got 756.9/831.1, and a safe landing. Without losing an engine))





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once again tosh you have failed to follow the second rule :P sorry but even if your engine hasnt fallen of you still haven\'t qualified

Ah, you mean that \'over the launch site\' rule! I just didn\'t get of which \'second rule\' you\'re speakin\' about. Then note that the launch site is clearly visible in all my pictures. Anyway it\'s up to GroundHOG2010 whether to accept that.

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It isn\'t over the Launch Site. Sorry.

(Just the reason for rule 2. If I was going above the speed of sound, I would have to do it in a controled area. Sorry if I sound like I am being mean.)

And what\'s \'bout my question? Does both passes and landing need to be registered in one flight?

Well, rules are rules. Here\'s another record... still 763.7/831.0 above the launch site ;P. Still Sky Freak I.





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I present to you

The KX-15m

Designed by Omnivore

Piloted by Myself

(censored)! How many engines does that baby have? I\'m having difficulties even countin\' them))))

Err... I wanted to hold it for tomorrow\'s round -- but well, here we go. Meet my Sky Freak IS (\'s\' for \'short\') with her 888.7/887.4. Hope she\'ll keep you busy... for a while ;)

P.S. It\'s quite hard to even make a screenshot at such a speed :D





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888m/s? This is just getting silly.

If I didn\'t care so much about aesthetics I could probably get a good 600-700m/s... Infact I\'ll try that.

Yeah, quite silly... but interesting. I just wonder what goes next: SRBs? Staged designs? :D

Aesthetics currently does not affect maximum speed (range, ceiling, whatever). Only drag and mass count. Hope Harv will implement more accurate aerodynamic resistance calculations so that nosecones and streamline parts would be of any use.

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Ladies and gentlekerms, might I present Dinky II, small but mighty hitting 948.7 m/s while passing over KSC at an altitude of 962 meters. An earlier run netted a top speed of 940.0 m/s at 984m altitude, also over KSC. Landing the Dinky II continues to be a challenge for the crew, the crew survives, as does most of the rocket plane, but some parts are usually damaged quite beyond repair.





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