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[AAR] Vengeance: A Journey To Space -- WARNING: IMAGE HEAVY


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I said I would update, and I did. I slept most of the weekend away due to illness, and I needed to do ALOT of homework when I woke up.

RL keeps getting in the way, but I will update with a real chapter as soon as I can- I have 2 exams this week, so after those are done I will update.

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Chapter 6: Whoever thought this was a good idea

B9k: Jeb?




Jeb: WHAT!? I'M UP! I'm UP! What's going on?

B9k: We are closing distance with the ship... It is broadcasting an identity code to us in base-3 language.

Jeb: Base 3?

B9k: Yes, I thought that was odd as well. It's name is the SunDiver.

Jeb: That sounds... Dramatic.

B9k: Indeed. Currently we are trading encryption codes... Apparently the on-board AI is a copy of me... From almost a year ago, if I am understanding the date system correctly.

Jbe: How could... I am just going to table that question for later... Until we can understand a bit more about this ship, we should assume nothing.

B9k: Wise Choice.


B9k: While exploring the devices on this ship, I have stumbled on something interesting...

Jeb: Yes? What is it?

B9k: I think I can set the resonance patterns of the fuel generators to-

Jeb: Fuel generators?

B9k: Yes. You know- they use the intrinsic fuzzieness of space-time to extract matter in specific shapes from the universe.


Jeb: Oh! The fuzzy fuel generators!

B9k: If you like. I might be able to modify them to allow for time distortion.

Jeb: To what end?

B9k: The trip back would be faster.

Jeb: Good plan then.

B9k: Distance to other ship- 200 meters.


B9k: Beginning docking maneuvers.


B9k: Aligning....


B9k: Docking in 3. 2.


B9k: 1...


B9k: Docked.Turning for home burn...

Jeb: Why are we not calling home?

B9k: Kerbol is emitting a gravioli signature that is interfering with communication.

Jeb: When we build a base close to the surface of Kerbol, we need to keep that in mind.

B9k: Connection established. Nuclear lightbulb engines warming up.....


Jeb: So... Now we just wait for half an hour for the burn to finish, then activate your... Time-dilation-thing?

B9k: Yes.

Jeb: Alright. I am going into the other ship. Give me a shout before we start the time-thing.

B9k: Yessir.



25 minutes later.


Jeb: B9k, this is incredible! It is a cryogenic suspension pod! WITH A KERBAL IN IT!

B9k: Do you recognize the kerbal, commander?

Jeb: I am not sure... The pod is different from ours- our pods use a clear gel as the suspension, right? This one seems to have frozen atmosphere inside it.

B9k: That cannot be good for the kerbalnaught.

Jeb: Probably not. So... When will we be doing the time-thingy?

B9k: It just happened. We are within visual range of kerbin.


Jeb: What.

B9k: It is really cool. Apparently it compress time by expanding space, since the two are connected, and the excess space is-

Jeb: I really don't understand any of this.


MC: Jeb? Jeb- Come in.

Jeb: Mission control! You have no idea how glad I am to hear your voice.

MC: Well, you have been gone for almost three months.

Jeb: It felt shorter to me.

MC: We have been trying to reach you since you swung close to Moho. Why have you not responded? We assumed you had died from Kolar radiation exposure.

Jeb: I will let B9k fill you guys in. Right now we are coming in REALLY HOT.

B9k: Trajectory is optimal- we will swing through the atmosphere and bleed off enough speed that we will not exit the system, but we will get close to minnimus.

Jeb: Lets do this.


3 hours later.


B9k: 60 kilometers.

Jeb: Looks clear. Keep us on this heading B9k.

B9k: Affirmative. 50 kilometers... 40 kilometers... 30 kilometers- it's starting to heat up.


Jeb: This looks awesome!

B9k: 25 Kilometers.


B9k: Intersected with odd weather pockets. We are tumbling.

Jeb: I can feel it.


Jeb: Can we get back under control?

B9k: Not yet.


B9k: Minimum altitude 22 kilometers. We are heading for the sky again.

Jeb: My seatbelt! It's failiAAAAAAA


B9k: Jeb?


B9k: MC, this is B9k. Jeb is unconscious. We are currently on an intercept trajectory with Minnimus. Permission to use medi-bots?

MC: Granted.


B9k: Jeb has normal brain-wave activity, multiple bruises, and probably a compound fracture. Please advise.

MC: Strap him down, and continue onto Minnimus. The medical facilities there will be able to get him patched up more, if he needs it.


B9k: Medical facilities?

MC: Yes. We have been busy since you all left.


5 hours later


Jeb: Urg..... What happened?

B9k: Your seatbelt gave way during the g-forces, and threw you into a bulkhead. How do you feel.

Jeb: Like I want to throw up...

B9k: Are you sure you want to vomit in microgravity?

Jeb: Point taken. Where are we?


B9k: We are on an intercept trajectory with Minnimus. You might want to get something to eat, if you can.

Jeb: Alright. I am going to get some water, and see if I can relax for a bit. Maybe watch a movie.

B9k: That should work. Intercept with Minnimus in 1 hour 45 minutes.


1 hour later.


Jeb: Minnimus is getting rather larger in the window...


B9k: Don't worry. We will soon be in orbit- I will be decelerating soon.

Jeb: Great. MC- What should I do with the kerbsical we brought back?

MC: Get it on your ship and prepare for landing.

Jeb: Working on it.


50 minutes later, In a stable orbit



Jeb: Is that medi-bot good for anything that can help me disconnect this cryopod?

B9k: Unfortunately, no.

Jeb: Figures.

B9k: I am aligning the ship for ideal disconnect.

Jeb: Good.


Jeb: Got it. So light!

B9k: It is heavier in gravity.

Jeb: Everything is.


B9k: Ready whenever you are- I am leaving a node copy of myself on the other ship. In case we want to come back later.

Jeb: Nice thinking.

B9k: Disconnecting in 3. 2. 1. Undocked.


B9k: My node copy is retracting the docking umbilicus.


Jeb: Alright- I have seen as much of the inside of this thing as I want to today. Let's turn around- I want to see what we just caught.

B9k: Executing turn....


Jeb: Wow. That looks... Weird.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter- sorry it took so long (again) for such a short chapter, but RL is always getting in the way of writing stories and playing games.

I have a nasty cough that I cannot seem to shake, and it is making any time I am spending awake unpleasent and makes it hard to do anything.

Anyway- feel free to comment- I would love to know what you think the Minnimus base will look like.

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Update will happen, hopefully, Thursday, after another exam. I am looking forward to 0.22 coming out, but I think I will wrap up this story first before switching over to the next version of the game. I hope no-one minds, but the new version looks amazing.

Watch the trailer if you have not.


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My God, it's the Eleventh Hour!

Someone's, certainly.

What the heck is the TARDIS doing at Kerbin?

That is going to be part of the chapter.

Does it help that I can't get the Eleventh Doctor's theme out of my head?

I have no idea.

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Chapter 7: The Reset Button

Bob: MC, this is Crawler- have the escape vessels gotten away?

MC: Several have, but that ship is still hunting our escape craft down...

Bob: I am on-route to the launchpad. Care to tell me what the mission is on the way? I know that attacking ship dwarfs ours...

MC: And we know none of our ships can reach it in time to do any good...


Bob: What is that on the pad?

MC: Bob, as of now we are connecting you, Jeb, and his cargo, and taking the experimental craft here-

Bob: Who designed this? It looks stupid.


MC: We fed the information to our AI design team. You, Jeb, and Bill will be-

Bob: Bill's ALIVE???

MC: Yes. Apparently. Now stop interrupting.

Jeb: Yeah- it know. I am surprised too. I am going to be thawing him when you are on your way up.

MC: Jeb, let me finish.

Jeb: Alright.

MC: You will be taking this ship, back in time, to-


MC: Really? Will no-one let me finish?

Bob: Apparently.

MC: Anyway... You will be going back in time to prevent the creation of the SWARM in the first place, and if that is impossible, you will be in place to provide increased technological capacity and speed up technological development.

Jeb: Please make this simple for me control.

MC: You are going back in time to change the future.

Jeb: Won't that create... A paradox?

Bob: I am more worried that this ship will actually reach orbit.


Bob: I mean, really. Where are the engines? Where are the fuel tanks?

MC: It's based off a technology that I really don't understand, and whatever it is, it drove several AI insane.

Jeb:... Cool!

MC: You will see in a few minutes. Orbital window in 5 minutes for interception-


MC: Oh, and we are under fire.

Jeb: From the sun?


Bob: Yes.

Jeb: What are you waiting for Bob? Get up here, and let's go!

Bob: I am trying to get this damn space-suit on... Alright- here we go.

MC: 4 minutes.

Bob: Can I get B9k to do the countdown?

B9k: 3 minutes 50 seconds.


Bob: Thanks B9k.... Can you drive the transport away?

B9k: Sure.

Bob: Thanks.


Bob: Damn... This ship is UGLY.

MC: We get it Bob.

Bob: I mean, really, really UGLY. CAPITAL LETTERS ALL THE WAY.

MC: You can stop Bob.

Bob: I'm in. Lights... On. Engines... On.


Bob: Why is there a button that says 'Ascension'?

MC: That forces all 8 engines to fire at full burn. Energy-cores will deplete that way rather quickly, but they can be regenerated if there is a cooldown period.

B9k: If you fire at that rate now, we should make intercept exactly.

Bob: Ok... Firing Ascension burn in 3. 2. 1. BurARGAFARGEL!!!!


B9k: Acceleration at 30 times seal-level gravity.


MC: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Jeb: Is it just me, or are most of our vehicles, and our missions, designed like that.

B9k: I don't think it's just you. Interception is coming up.


Bob: Start tracking Jeb's ship.

B9k: Slewing to face for docking.


Jeb: Give me a second... Docking computers slaved. We are connecting.



B9k: GRAVIOLI SURGE! This one is smaller...

Jeb: Why smaller?

B9k: No clue.



B9k: And... we are docked!

Bill: Whats goin on? I feel funny...


Jeb: Hey Bill. Come on- we need to get to the other ship.

Bill: Urg... I feel sick....

Bob: Here. Just... Push him towards me- I will buckle him in.

Jeb: Bill, please don't throw up.

Bill: Trying.

B9k: Is everyone inside the capsule?

Bill: Why does it look like a-

Jeb: I have no idea.

Bob: We are locked in. Sealing door. Atmos circulating- we are go for vacuum.

Bill: It's bigger on the inside.

B9k: Opening Cargo Bay.


Jeb: Decoupling capsule.

B9k: GRAVIOLI SURGE AGAIN! This one seems to be a focused lance....

Bob: Lets get out of here.



Jeb: Could we not have made this bay any larger?

B9k: Limited time and resources.

Jeb: You had several months!

B9k: We AI spent that time building a base on minnimus. For all you guys. And then ships to evacuate the place after it became clear that we were under threat from the SWARM.


B9k: MULTIPLE SURGES. Seriously- what is it shooting at?


B9k: Yeah well... Just get us out of here.


Jeb: Just a nudge on the throttle...


Jeb: Any idea what that surge was for-



B9k: That's what has been attacking us for the last month.

Jeb: We are getting out of here.




Jeb: At least it's stopped Firing.

B9k: No, I have just stopped telling you about it.

Jeb: That doesn't help.

B9k: Second Gravioli surge- this time, coming from Jool.


B9k: Press the blue button.

Bob: Which one?

B9k: The one with "GTFO" printed on it.

Bob: Ah.



Bill: What was that button supposed to do?

B9k: Get us out of there.

Bill: How?

Bob: I want to know too.

B9k: Is this the time?


Jeb: Guys- Minnimus has been obliterated.

Bob: What?

Jeb: B9k, please pull up an image of minnimus as it was hit by that last blast.


Bob: No.....

Jeb: Well, according to this screen, I have good news and bad news.

Bill: Bad news first.

Jeb: We only have enough power for one trip, and I have no idea how to do anything but press this one button.

Bob: What's the good news?

Jeb: We are entering Kerbin's atmosphere, and we are making an awesome light-show.


Bill: That is awesome.

Bob: Yes. Yes it is.

Jeb: Leaving atmosphere now.


Bob: So.... What is the button you need to press.

Jeb: This one.

Bill: The one with 'RESET' printed on it?

Jeb: I think.

Bill: What are you waiting for?

Jeb: Someone should say something. Historic.

Bob: Just press the damn BUTTON!

Jeb: Ok, Ok.


Bill: Is that supposed to be happening?

B9k: Hell if I know. As an AI, I was ordered by MC not to think about the temporal drive, or anything related to that.

Bob: If that is not ominous, I don't know what is.

B9k: The next beam is going to hit the planet.

Jeb: I hope we get out of here before it hits-




Hey everyone. Hope you like the chapter- I will be doing another update as soon as I can get the mods working on 0.22.

Any ideas on how to prevent a paradox?

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As long as you don't go 'back to the future' and have people slowly fading out because of time hiccoughs then you should do good. Seriously, there's two main theories on time travel in SCIENCE... Ahem. I mean in science now (been playing 0.22 too much). One, is the trousers of time... er, I mean multi-verse theory. IE you can change time and it doesn't matter. Your changes actually made a new universe with those changes in. The only oddities (not actually paradoxes, but can stretch your brain) come when someone else goes before a previous time travel.... or any multiple instances of time travel. Which ones get erased (ie, only happened in a different alternate universe) and which ones are there? Also weird with people popping back and forwards a lot... and you don't want to go into meeting yourself. Not a paradox in this instance, but very confusing!

The other theory is an interesting one. Time travel works, and what you do is what causes things to happen the way they did previously. If what you do doesn't cause this then the time machine malfunctions, breaks down, blows up etc so a paradox can't happen.

Since you've already had time changes you probably should go with the first one, but you could be tricky and go with the second one with some weirdness. IE, you can have someone go back, make changes... that aren't changes. They just go back to some physical place that no-one was busy watching. Then wait it out till the timeline catches up to when they left. Eg. Go back, build a fleet, wait till the time you went back, THEN emerge. Timeline always had that in there but no-one knew.

It would be tricky to fit your previous time travel venture into theory 2 however (though not totally impossible), since that one seemed to already have an alternate history. Most likely, go with 1.

(EDIT: if you want to go with the 'time travel can change the past and isn't alternate time line' just please make sure that all changes in the time line come at the instant of time travel. There are so many stories and movies etc that have someone go back, then after a while he does something... and the universe starts changing! That's so silly it hurts. I love back to the future, but that one made some serious boo-boos in that regard)

Edited by Patupi
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Better idea. Have them refer to themselves as the Jeb, Bill, and Bob of an alternate timeline, one where the SWARM won.

That way, they can go back in time and create a parallel universe, one where the changes they made occurred.

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Or there is a big fight to agree on who is Bob1 and who is Bob2... Jeb1 & Jeb2 etc. "Seniority!" "What? You're only a few days older! Plus you messed up your timeline. No I'M the real Jeb! I'm Jeb1. First come first served." etc etc etc

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